2.1.4 Balance of Payments Flashcards
what is the balance of payments?
- record of payments between one country and the world
- record of all money flowing in and out of the country
what are the two accounts within the balnce of payment?
- current account
- capital and finanial account
what does the current account consist of?
- trade in goods
- trade in sevices
- invetsment income
- current transfers
what is the trade in goods and services?
- imports: coming in from foreign
- exports: going from country (hand made)
what does the current account measure?
inflows and outflows of money paid and recieved
* all imports: withdrawal/ leakages (negative entry)
* out exports : injection (positive entry)
what is investment income?
- rent/profit made on an investment abroad
the income that you get from an investment, it will appear as a positive transaction, increasing the current account
investment in properties, companies
what happens if investment income is paid/ recived from foreign countries?
- paid: negative (decreases current account)
- recieved: postitve (increases current account)
what are current transfers?
when money is sent abroad without anything (goods/ services) in return
eg: remittance, foreign aid
what is remittance?
relatives working abroad transfering money back home to families
what is a current account deficit, surplus and equalibrium?
- deficit: negative current account, more money leaving than entering
- surplus: positive
- equalibrium: zero
Describe the finaical and capital account
- balances the current account to equal 0
- money invested by banks back into UK as investment
what are the long term consequences to the economy of a capital and finacial account surplus?
- foreign investors buying UK assets/ shares
- future profits of firms will not go to UK but to foreign investors
- hurting economy in the long run
- aim to have current account equailibrium (capital and finanical account to be zero)
future earnings leaking out of the economy
what are the two methods to work out the GDP of an economy?
- expenditure method
- incnome method
define balance of payments
a record of all financial transactions between an economy and the rest of the world
define current account
a record of payment for the purchase and sale of goods/services as well as income and transfers
define current account deficits
when net external trade and income is negative leading to a net outflow of demand from the circular flow
define current account surplus
when the net external trade and income is positive leading to net injection into the circular flow
why might there be a trade deficit?
- increase in incomes, high MPM / imports are normal goods so demand increases
- low producitivty: higher cost per unit, exports are more expensive, less demand for domestic goods
- increase in value of the pound
- worsening of UK exports quality