2.10 Criminal Litigation - Youth Court Procedure Flashcards
When may Juvenile be sent to Youth Court? What will happen?
Charged alone/with another
Jury (NOT CC) hears
Detention + training order (Max. 24 months)
- Young person < 15yo
- UNLESS persistent offender
- Subject to CC’s maximum term
When may Juvenile be sent to Crown Court?
Firearms offence
Specified offence
- Dangerous offender
- CC concludes significant risk to public serious harm occasioned by Comunity further specified offences
- Otherwise may be sent to Youth Court
- Youth Court may send to CC (YC concludes imposing discretionary life sentence/extended custodial sentence may be met)
‘Grave crime’ + YC considers CC should pass lengthy custodial sentence
- Punishable at least 14 years’ imprisonment (adult offender, Sexual Offences Act 2003 specified crimes)
- YC Considers real prospect Juvenile will receive custodial sentence of 2 or more years => CC
- CC declines jurisdiction => YC (other indictable offences charged (can be properly joined in same indictment))
Jointly charged with adult (interests of justice)
- Allocation hearing
- Allocation Guidelines > Separate trial instead? (undue inconvenience, injustice, immaturity)
- YC => CC > Sets Plea and Case Management Hearing (PCMH) date
- YC => CC > Adjourns trial date set in YC
Plea before venue (grave crime/jointly charged with adult)
- Plead guilty => YC/CC sentences
- NOT plead guilty => Allocation hearing > Court + parties consider circumstances, D’s previous convictions, Allocation Guidelines, YC’s sentencing powers
When may Juvenile be sent to Adult Magistrates Court? What will happen?
Juvenile jointly charged with Adult in connection with matter to be tried summarily
Juvenile pleads/is found guilty
- MC sentencing powers => Restricted
- Remit => YC > Sentencing
Juvenile pleads NOT guilty + Adult pleads guilty
- Remit => YC > Trial
What are the general principles of the Sentencing Children and Young People Guidelines 2017?
Followed by all courts
More tailored approach > Juveniles
- Risk and needs assessments
- Offender’s age
- Severity of offence
- Likelihood of further offences + extent of harm
- Youth justice system > Principal aim
- Offender’s welfare
- Purpose of sentencing (punishment, reform + rehab, protect public, reparation towards affected persons)
What is the sentencing procedure under the Sentencing Children and Young People Guidelines 2017?
CPS > Court
- Full circumstances
- D’s previous convictions + existing sentences
- Appropriating ancillary orders sought
D > Court
- Plea in mitigation
- Juvenile/Parent can make statement to court
Bench chairman
- May engage Juvenile > Any insight into reasons for + effect of offending behaviour
- Background factors (general behaviour, school record) => Adjourn to obtain this info
- Sentencing (may be deferred due to Juvenile’s imminent significant lifestyle change/Juvenile to save up to pay compensation to Victim)
What sentences can be made?
Referral Order
- Juvenile referred to Youth Offender Panel (mandatory/discretionary)
- Court agrees contract with Offender (programme of interventions) => If complete, conviction is spent
Youth Rehabilitation Order
- Generic community sentence (D < 18)
- Statutory sentencing purposes (1 or more reqs to be included)
- Max. 3 years (UNLESS already completed/extend up to 6 months > Meet reqs (activity, supervision, unpaid work, attendance centre, prohibited activity, curfew)
- Fail to comply => NO action/Fine/Amend order/Revoke order/Re-sentence D
Detention & Training Order (last resort)
- Must meet custody threshold test
- Court must give reasons why youth rehab order cannot be justified
- 4-24 months
- NOT D < 12, D < 15 (UNLESS persistent offender)
- Supervision halfway through sentence (when full term expires => ceases)
- If breached => Court may order detention
- Offender (10-13) => Max. £250
- Offender (14-17) => Max. £1000
Conditional discharge
- Less serious offences
- NOT commit further offences during operation period (Max. 3 years)
Absolute discharge
- Trivial offences
- NO punishment required
- NO further risk of re-offending
Reparation order
- Imprisonable offences
- Juvenile > Repayment (work) > Specified person/community
- Fail to comply > Fine less than £1,000/Re-sentencing
Driving record/licence disqualification
Compensation order
- Max. £5,000
Parenting order
- Attend parenting guidance sessions (max. 12 months)
Parental bind over
- Parent to prevent Juvenile (< 16) from committing further offences (interests of justice)
Criminal behaviour order
Victim surcharge