2.1 The Canadian Constitution Flashcards
Sources of Constitutional Law
-The Written Constitution: 1867 BNA Act, Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, Amending Formula
-Customs and Conventions: An unwritten set of rules that help us operate Unwritten Constitutional Principles
-Precedents: A decision that guides the decisions we will make in similar cases in the future.
Role of the Courts:
Courts often have to rule on which level of government has jurisdiction over an issue because:
1) The issue didn’t exist at the time of the BNA Act
2) The government plays a different role than originally intended
Structure of the Courts!??! 🤔
Supreme Court on top, and Provincial courts at the bottom.
Edwards v. A.G of Canada
-Women are considered to be “persons only in terms of pains and penalties, and not rights and privileges.”
-Women could go to jail, but not vote.
The Supreme Court
-Created in 1875
-Highest level of court in Canada
-Judiciary may serve until 75
-Supreme Court decisions cannot be appealed.
Evolution of Constitution: Westminster 1931
-Canada was no longer subject to British law and could pass laws that contradicted those of Britain
-Canada could still not amend the BNA Act because federal and provincial governments could not agree on amending formula.
Evolution of Constitution: Constitution Act of 1982
-Constitution was patriated (brought home by Prime Minister Trudeau)
-Included an amending formula reached by all provinces except Quebec (wanted veto power to be quirky and different) B-aaaaaka.
-Incorporated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, entrenching the rights of Canadians
-9 of 10 provinces agreed to the patriation of the constitution with an entrenched Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Quebec disagreed Baaaaaka.)
Evolution of Constitution: Meech Lake Accord
-Prime Minister Mulroney tried to get Quebec to sign the constitution by recognizing the province as a distinct society, and giving the provinces more power.
-Its failure led to another independence referendum in Quebec in 1995 where the Anglo forces won by a very slim margin (50.56%)
-Quebec has still not signed the constitution.