2.1 Development of the UK Parliament Flashcards
Briefly summarise the historical background of the UK Parliament
- historically medieval -> King Henry III did not want to share his power
- the greed of Henry prompted a reaction from nobility member Simon de Montfort who made sure Henry was captured & then proceeded to summon representatives of nobility, as well as newly including knights & churchmen to meet at Westminster Hall in 1265
- by permitting membership beyond the nobility the ‘Montfort’ Parliament is often considered the first English Parliament in history
- unusually, during the Civil War from 1642-1649 King Charles entered Parliament & tried to arrest 5 MPs which was outrageous for Parliament
- in 1689 following the ‘Glorious Revolution’ William II accepted the Bill of Rights which established the principle of parliamentary supremacy; as the the UK has no codified constitution, the British parliament is the nation’s supreme law & has supremacy over the HoL (although the HoL can delay HoC laws for a maximum of 2 years); even the judiciary can not strike down an Act of Parliament because of the principle of parliamentary sovereignty
Explain chronologically the key events in the development of the UK Parliament
- The de Montfort Parliament 1265: the decision of the nobleman Simon de Montfort to summon commoners as well as nobles & churchmen to Westminster Hall in 1265 to discuss reforms is generally seen as the first recognisable parliament
- The Bill of Rights 1689: the agreement of King William III (1689-1702) to Parliament’s Bill of Rights established the principle of parliamentary sovereignty
- Extension of the franchise - 1832, 1867, 1884, 1918, 1928 & 1969: these parliamentary reform acts gradually extended the franchise until in 1928 the principle of universal franchise was established when the vote was given to everyone over the age of 21; in 1969 the voting age was reduced to 18
- Parliament Act