2.1 CQ Flashcards
Which protocol uses port 22?
Image A. FTP
Image B. Telnet
Image C. SSH
Image D. HTTPS
SSH (Secure Shell) uses port 22. FTP uses port 21, Telnet uses port 23, and HTTPS uses port 443.
Which of these would be used for streaming media?
Image A. TCP
Image B. RDP
Image C. UDP
Image D. DHCP
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used for streaming media. It is connectionless, whereas TCP is connection-oriented and not a good choice for streaming media. RDP is the Remote Desktop Protocol used to make connections to other computers. DHCP is the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol used to assign IP addresses to clients automatically.
Which ports are used by the IMAP protocol?
Image A. 53 and 68
Image B. 80 and 443
Image C. 110 and 995
Image D. 143 and 993
The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) uses port 143 by default and port 993 as a secure default. DNS uses port 53. DHCP uses port 68. HTTP uses port 80. HTTPS uses port 443. POP3 uses port 110 and 995 as a secure default. Know those ports!
A user can receive e-mail but cannot send any. Which protocol is not configured properly?
Image A. POP3
Image B. FTP
Image C. SMTP
Image D. SNMP
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is probably not configured properly. It deals with sending mail. POP3 receives mail. FTP sends files to remote computers. SNMP is used to manage networks.