2.1 - Common Network Ports Flashcards
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
tcp/20 (active mode data), tcp/21 (control)
• Transfers files between systems
• Authenticates with a username and password
• Some systems use a generic/anonymous login
• Full-featured functionality
• List, add, delete, etc.
SSH - Secure Shell
- Encrypted communication link - tcp/22
* Looks and acts the same as Telnet
- Telnet – Telecommunication Network - tcp/23
- Login to devices remotely
- Console access
- In-the-clear communication
- Not the best choice for production systems
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
• Server to server email transfer - tcp/25
• Also used to send mail from a device to a mail server
• Commonly configured on mobile devices
and email clients
• Other protocols are used for clients to receive email
DNS - Domain Name System
Converts names to IP addresses - udp/53
• www.professormesser.com =
• These are very critical resources
• Usually multiple DNS servers are in production
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol - tcp/80
- Communication in the browser
- And by other applications
- In the clear or encrypted - HTTPS - tcp/443
- Supported by nearly all web servers and clients
Receive emails from an email server • Authenticate and transfer • POP3 - Post office Protocol version 3 - tcp/110 • Basic mail transfer functionality • IMAP4 • Internet Message Access Protocol v4 - tcp/143 • Includes management of email inbox from multiple clients
RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol
• Share a desktop from a remote location over tcp/3389
• Remote Desktop Services on many Windows versions
• Can connect to an entire desktop
or just an application
• Clients for Windows, macOS, Linux, Unix,
iPhone, Android, and others
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
- Gather statistics from network devices
- Queries: udp/161
- Traps: udp/162
- v1 – The original
- Structured tables, in-the-clear
- v2 – A good step ahead
- Data type enhancements
- Bulk transfers, still in-the-clear
- v3 – A secure standard
- Message integrity
- Authentication, encryption
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
• Store and retrieve information in a network directory
• Commonly used in Microsoft Active Directory
DHCP reservation
Addresses are assigned by MAC address
in the DHCP server
• Quickly manage addresses from one location
• Dynamic / pooled
• IP addresses are assigned in real-time from a pool
• Each system is given a lease and must renew
at set intervals
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
• Automated configuration of IP address, subnet mask
and other options
• udp/67, udp/68
• Requires a DHCP server
• Server, appliance, integrated into a SOHO router, etc
AFP (Apple Filing Protocol)
- File services in macOS
- tcp/548
- Works with SLP (Service Location Protocol)
- tcp/427 and udp/427
- Populates the list of available devices
- File management
- Copy, move, delete files
SMB - Server Message Block
• Protocol used by Microsoft Windows
• File sharing, printer sharing
• Also called CIFS (Common Internet File System)
• Using NetBIOS over TCP/IP
• udp/137 - NetBIOS name services (nbname)
• udp/138 - NetBIOS datagram service (nbdatagram)
• tcp/139 - NetBIOS session service (nbsession)
• Direct over tcp/445 (NetBIOS-less)
• Direct SMB communication over TCP
without the NetBIOS transport