2.1 - Classification and biodiversity Flashcards
What is biodiversity?
is the total number and variety of species in a given area
What are the five Kingdoms?
Animal Plant Fungi Single-celled organisms (Protoctists) Bacteria
What can the Animal Kingdom be further split into?
Vertebrates - animals with backbone
Invertebrates - animals without backbone
What can the Plant Kingdom be further split into?
flowering plants - produce flowers for reproduction (sunflower)
Non-flowering plants - reproduce using spores (moss)
What is the order of the classification of species?
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
What 2 classification’s does the binominal system use to name a species? Why?
Genus, species (Panthera “tigris”) (Capital P) (tigris in italics lower case t)
To avoid confusion of names of species between languages
What are morphological adaptions?
A structural change which gives an organism a greater chance of survival in its habitat.
What are Behavioral adaptations?
Is the way an organism reacts to its environment which aids its survival
Why is it impractical to count all the organism in a population?
Animals may move into or out of area during counting.
Some may die during time counting.
May be difficult to find all animals during counting.
What is equation for estimating population size of organism (grass)
total grass plants found in sample X total area (m^2) / total area sampled (m^2)
Why is biodiversity important for humans?
Source of food
Source of industrial materials
Potential for new medicines
Population numbers of organisms are constantly fluctuating? Why?
Competition for resources
What are alien species?
Species that are not native to a particular region or country
What are invasive species?
Species whose numbers grow faster than the native species and upset the ecological balance
What is a capture/recapture technique?
1) capture sample of animals in the area
2) count, mark harmlessly then release animal
3) traps used few days later to recapture a sample of animals
4) numbers of marked and unmarked animals caught are recorded