20th Century Rejections to Liberalism: Russia (Unit 2 Lesson 7) UNFINISHED Flashcards
Traits of Totalitarian Regimes (3)
- responds to ‘dangerous and destabilizing’ changes
- Believe society is in need of complete transformation
- Excessive propaganda and communication control to keep gov. in power
Radical Transformation Example
The USSR –> change desired is a shift far left with complete rejection of political and economic traditions of the past
Reactionary Transformation example
Nazi Germany –> change desired is a move towards an idealized past and an acceptance of economic inequality (some people are better than others)
Methods of Totalitarian Regime control (6)
- local, regional, national organization
- forced participation in youth, professional, social and athletic groups
- secret police
- indoctrination
- censorship
- using scapegoats
Form of gov. with one leader or group with little to no toleration for political pluralism
Karl Marx’s Beliefs (4)
- Bourgeois exploited workers
- Capitalism will destroy in self in a series of violent revolutions globally
- Communism will be establish a cooperative and voluntary society
- production and distribution is based off of everyone’s own need and ability
Ideal Marxist Society
- Individual differences but no huge wealth gap
- Equal opportunity in a classless society
- Abolish private property
- People are motivated by common good and equality
Rise of Totalitarianism in Russia series of events
- Russia in poverty with majority of populating living as peasants
- Czar Alexander II reforms: Emancipates serfs, Zemstvos, outer reforms
- Bloody Sunday (January 1905) as part of the first Russian revolution
Czar Alexander II declares local governments have rights and representatives
Bloody Sunday
- January 1905, Russians March for basic human rights
- misscommunication made the royal family believe it was a violent revolt
- Hundreds gunned down sparking outrage
First Russian Revolution timeline (2 dates)
January 1905
- March on winter palace
- bloody sunday
- mass strikes
October 1905
- pressure from people
- Czar Alexander II allows assembly of reps
- Czar signs October Manifesto that allows formation of political parties
Second Russian revolution
- Years of oppression till 1917
- ## Russian in WWII experienced heavy loss