20th century perspectives scholars Flashcards
a.j. ayer
karl popper
a.j. ayer
hick on verification
eschatological verification- talk of god might be verifiable in principle- convincing evidence is not apparent now but could be in the future
swinburne on verification
there are propositions which no-one knows how to verify, but are still meaningful, e.g. all ravens are at all times black
Karl popper
falsification, statements are meaningful if they can be falsified
anthony flew on falsification
language is only meaningful if we can conceive of some evidence which might count against it. the problem with god-talk is that it often implies it could never be falsified
r.m. hare
bliks- non rational beliefs which can never be falsified, but are still meaningful because they clearly have an affect on the life of an individual.
religious language is not an attempt to describe reality but is a non-cognitive expression of a person’s blik, their feelings and attitude, therefore cannot be true or false, but affect our behaviour and beliefs and therefore are meaningful
hick on bliks
religious belief is based on reason- not groundless- because they come from experiences and scripture. there is no way to distinguish between sane or insane bliks
flew on verification
verification is unhelpful, as anything can be qualified under new directions until so many new requirements have been made that the original assertion has been lost completely. religious believers change the terms of their descriptions of god so that they can justify their belief/ make their statements meaningful
basil mitchell
religious believers can make meaningful statements about god, because such statements can be ‘falsified’ or have suggestions made to challenge them, while maintaining belief in God despite acknowledging evidence against his existence- partisan/stranegr
D.Z. Phillips on language games
religion cannot be either grounded or criticised in reason, it is a system all of its own. the reality of god or religion does not lie in the abstract issue of whether god exists, but instead is located in the words and practise of religion. what god is is defined by the language of the game of faith
lacewing on religious language
religious believers use language to state truths, in both a factual and expressive way