206 aims and objectives Flashcards
what is a vision statement
is a decription of what a business sets out to achieve in the medium to long term (1) it should provide a clear guide of the future direction if a business to seniour management (1)
benifits of haviing a vision statement
- helps setting objevtives and supports business startergy
- communicates to employees how they can contriute and can imporve employee motivation
- allocates resouces more efficiently
- engages customers to puchase from the business ad become brand loyal.
benefits of clear vision statement to shareholders
-customers-> they know what to expect from the business-know brand idenity
-shareholders->engages shareholders as they have confidence of their long term visions. (security of investments) as they are supported with more detailed information
-managers-> better decision making- purchase only what fits into the vision, claitry on which tasks to assign
-employee-> more motivation- all working towards common goal- feel like they have purpose
what does a useful vision statements depend on
- depends on if the vision statement is realistic and acsesible- leads to demotivation
- depends on the clairity- can be hard and vauge o understand especially to employees
- depends on how accesible the vision statement is- many external stakeholders don’t see it
- depends on how actively the business makes decsions to a chieve the vision , if not stakeholders loose trust and brand reputation is harmed
what is a mission statement
- a broad statement of it’s aims and values (1). it will guide the everyday operations and decsion making of the business (1)
reasons for having a mission statement
- ensures all employees ae clear on the purpose of the business- focused on the same goals
- helps with stategic planning
- gives transparancy for investors/shareholders- understand hw thier capital will be used
- helps customers understand ethics and objectives of a comany
advantages of a mission statement (+)
- employys useful- guidance with their day-to-day tasks
- managers useful- guides eevrday decsion making and actions
- gives business clear goal for everyone to work towards
disaddvantges of a mission statement (-)
- may only be useful for internal stakeholders eg.managers as they are the ones that impliment it within the everday work of the busines s
- might not carry huge importance- oftern vauge and expess aspiration rather than reality- oftern never achieved
what does (+)/(-) of vision statement depend on
whether the mission and values are truely lived out in all decisions within the originisation and not just a wish that is forgotten about
what are SMART objectives
Specifc->. should specify what the business wants to achieve- clear so stakeholders undertand what the objective is
Measurable-> mesured to make sure the objective has been achived, numericial
Achievable-> if unrealitic- demotivating
Realstic-> is the business likley to achieve its objetives with the resources available?
Time-> timescale needs to be set for achieving objectives
why are SMART objectives useful
- more percise than normal objectives, more quantifiable,- more easy to monitor performace
- enable feedback and learning within the. orginisation- management can monitor achievement and make changes where necassary