2023 Flashcards
which of the following is true about Bacillus anthracis
produces an adenylate cyclase called edema factor
clostridium botulinism produces an A-B exotoxin that blocks the release of which neurotransmitter from axon ending at neuromuscular junctions
which clostridial species is part of the normal human bacterial flora
clostridium difficile
which of the following best describes tetanospasmin, a virulence factor for clostridium tetani
A-B exotoxin that blocks release of the neurotransmitter glycine
what virulence factor property does haemophilus influenzae capsule b confer on these bacteria
allows bacteria to cause systemic infections
what bacterium lives inside amoeba in the environment and is typically transmitted by an aerosol route to humans through ventiliation systems in buildings?
legionella pneumophila
what bacterium grows at temperatures from 1 C to 45 C is resistant to salt and acid conditions, and is a food-borne pathogen that causes systemic disease in immune-compromised individuals
listeria monocytogenes
this gram-negative coccobacillus is transmitted zoonotically via fleas and eventually infects lymph nodes, producing a characteristic swellings called “bubos”
yersinia pestis
a positive result with an acid-fast staining test of bacteria in a sputum smear is indicative of
mycobacterium tuberculosis
which of the following is true for cord factor of mycobacterium tuberculosis
is a glycolipid that adheres to cell surface mycolic acids
which of the following is true from leprosy
a strong TH1-response by infected individuals results in a good prognosis for recovery
which organism often produces a characteristic erythema migrans rash in the early stage of infection
borrelia burgdoferi
what bacterium lacks peptidoglycan and is the agent of the most sexually transmitted infections, characterized by mucopurulent discharges?
chlamydia trachomatis
what symptoms are uniquely associated with tertiary syphilis
what is the treatment for a child born with congenital syphilis to clear the infection
hemolytic uremic syndrome is a complication of infection by which organism
escherichia coli O157:H7
which enteric bacterium can invade M cells in the gut, survive in macrophages and eventually infect many different organs in the body?
salmonella enterica serovar typhi
which bacterium produces the vast majority (70-90%) of urinary tract infections (bladder infections for example)
escherichia coli
which of the following is true about cholera
supportive rehydration therapy is the main method used for treatment
what is a property associated with helicobacter pylori
metabolizes urea to make the local environment more basic (increases pH)
what is a property of the dissaccharide-tetrapeptide component of bacterial peptidoglycan that is the tracheal cytotoxin of Bordetella pertussis
it is shed from bacterial cells instead of being absorbed and recycled
in addition to multiple drug resistance mechs, what is another reason that lung infections with pseudomonas aeruginosa are so resistant to antibiotic therapy?
the bacterium’s ability to form a biofilm
what is true of dental plaque
sugar consumption causes increased levels of streptocuccus mutans in plaque
what can lead to increased incidence of dental caries
gingival recession that occurs with age
dental caries correlates with
high numbers of mutans streptocci
what is a property characteristic of cariogenic bacteria
presence of acid stress response proteins
aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is associated with which oral disease
aggressive periodontitis
which genus of bacteria are typically associated with salivary gland infections
what enzymes create an extraceullar network of branched sugar polymers within dental plaque
how does lysozyme act as an antibacterial agent
lysozyme cleaves the bond between N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid
which of the following is a characteristic of Ludwig’s angina
infection is polymicrobial (multiple species)
which streptococcal virulence factor is correlated with the progression of infective endocarditis
platelet associated aggregation factor
what is an enveloped virus composed of
nucleocapsid plus membrane plus glycoproteins
which class of virus always brings its own RNA polymerase into a cell during infection
negative-sense, single stranded RNA viruses
what is an example of a host cell trait supplied by a viral genome integrated into the host cell genome?
botulinum toxin for clostridium botunlinum
what is a possible role for the gut bacteriophage community, as presented in lecture
bacteriophage may limit bacteria in the gut, killing off cells when they reach a high concentration
members of what enveloped, plus stranded RNA virus family can cause an acute respiratory syndrome that is an atypical pneumonia, but more often cause milder disease, generically referred to as the common cold?
what virus is responsible for about 50% of cases of the common cold, has an RNA genome that can be directly translated into protein and transcribes more mRNAs that are the size of the full viral genome from a negative sense copy of the viral RNA genome
what is the receptor for SARs-CoV-2, the agent of COVID-19
what flavivirus is transmitted by mosquitos from person to person and from monkeys to humans and causes jaundice in severe cases
yellow fever virus
what virus is transmitted by mosquitos from person to person and causes more serve disease in individuals that have partial immunity from a prior exposure to the virus
dengue fever virus
what is true about zika virus
it causes congenital infections
what naked capsid viruses can cause an aseptic meningitis or vesicles/ulcers on the tonsils and palate or pleurodynia, depending on the subtype
which influenza virus protein mediates adsorption of the virus onto a host epithelial cell surface
which paramyxovirus has an incubation period of over 2 weeks and results in complication that includes meningitis and orchitis
mumps virus
reassortment of genetic information among influenza viruses is possible because of
random packaging of SINGLE stranded RNA genome sequences during a coinfection with two types of influenza viruses
what paramyxovirus initially infects cells of the respiratory tract but characteristically replicates in the parotid gland after viremia
mumps virus
what virus is characterized by “negri bodies” in brain tissue
rabies virus
what paramyxovirus is limited to replication in the region of initial contact and does not demonstrate significant spread to other sites by viremia
respiratory syncytial virus
what is not a property associate with the following 3 species of bacteria in the oral cavity: porphyromonas gingivalis, trponema denticola, and tannerella forsythia
they are associated with healthy sites in the mouth