202.14 Training Fires Flashcards
The purpose of the Training Fire procedure is to establish guidelines for conducting structural training fires while complying with what NFPA standard?
The Training Academy holds a burn permit issued by who?
Maricopa County Environmental Services
Who is responsible for complying with the conditions stated on the MCES burn permit?
Whoever the officer in charge is on the training fire.
The officer in charge is responsible for calling who each morning of he day of burning to obtain permission to burn that day?
the Air Quality Division
When the officer in charge of a training fire calls the Air Quality Division to get permission to burn, they must fill in the log at the time of the phone call plus what other info?
The officer’s name, the person they spoke with, type of burn and time of day.
All structural off site burns require an asbestos survey and filing a completed NESHAPs form with you and how many days in advance?
MCES Air quality division and at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled burn.
To eliminate confusion, and provide adequate scene control, all personnel operating within the fireground perimeter shall operate under the direction of who?
A Sector officer
Which sectors shall be established on all structural training fires?
Interior, exposure, RIC, Rehab, safety and any other sector that would minimize risks to firefighters
On training fires, who has full authority to intervene and control or stop any aspect of the operations when in his/her judgement; a potential or real rish to personnel exists?
The safety officer
A safety officer may be assigned what other duties during a training fire?
NONE. another duty would distract them from their safety duties
FD Personnel will not be permitted to operate where during active fire conditions in the building during a training fire?
The roof
To reduce risks during a training fire and assist with scene management , training fire participants shall be formed into individual companies consisting of no more than how many members?
To reduce the possibility of injury, the span of control for interior operations shall not exceed how many recruits for each company or training officer?
All firefighters involved in structural training fires shall have received training to meet the performance objectives of Firefighter I, which is NFPA #?
TRUE/FALSE: Personnel shall be permitted to act as a victim during live training fires as long as they have proper PPE, SCBA and are at least 50 feet from the seat of the fire.
FALSE. No personnel shall be permitted to act as a victim during live training fires.