202.12F Handling Pets and other animals Flashcards
When dealing with pet or animal rescues, they should be handled similar to what when evaluating the risk/gain profile of the incident?
Rescuing pets or animals during an incident should take the same priority as what activity?
Loss control activity
Animal injuries can be treated in a similar manner as what type of human injuries?
TRUE/FALSE: If possible, we should attempt to provide IV fluids to an injured animal.
Regarding animals/pets, Which agencies are willing to either provide direct assistance or serve as a clearing house in directing us to the proper agency or vet service?
Humane Society or ASPCA=AZ society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals.
The phone numbers for the 24 hour hotlines for Humane Society and ASCAP are listed where?
How do you access the humane society info, animal control or ASCAP from CAD
When an animal is causing a danger to human safety, who should be asked to respond.
Animal Control and PD
When an injured animal needs to be removed from the roadway, what is the proper procedure?
Wrap the animal in the blanket and immobilize it before moving. Muzzling the animal with KLING or a PackStrap is suggested.
An animal may be transported to a vet for emergency care when?
When the animal is injured to such an extent that its life is in danger. (at the discretion of the ranking FD officer.
When the FD transports an animal to a animal hospital or vet, who pays the bill?
the owner. if the owner cannot be identified, the ASPCA will pay for the treatment.