2021 exam Flashcards
In the terminology of the World Values Survey (Robert Inglehart) an increase in the importance of secular authority is called:
Which of the following is not one of the problems shareholders suffer which leads to the escalation of agency costs in the Anglo-Saxon world?
A Problems in monitoring management
B Imperfect information to make qualified decisions
C Contractual limits to management discretion
D Weak legal protections
Weak legal protections
Which of the following have been found to embrace more decentralized firm organizations?
A US & Northern Europe
B Asia & Northern Europe
C Asia & Southern Europe
D US & Asia
Which personality dimensions are not predictive of expatriate performance?
A Extroversion and openness to experience
B Openness to experience and agreeableness
C Agreeableness and neuroticism
D Neuroticism and conscientiousness
D Neuroticism and conscientiousness
Fundamental characteristics of the Chinese culture are
A Respect for tradition; self-help; loyalty.
B Respect for hierarchy; collectivism; harmony
C Collectivism; high uncertainty avoidance; harmony
D Respect for tradition; materialism; collectivism
Which of the following is not a feature of the legal system in shaping different dimensions of corporate governance across the world?
A Property rights
B Quality of corporate law
C Life cycle of the company
D Legal family of the country
Interview quotes like “that’s what they are paid for”, and “that’s what I pay them for” are according to d’Iribarne (La Logique de l’Honneur)
typical for:
A The Japanese cultural logic
B The French cultural logic
C The Dutch cultural logic
D The American cultural logic
Feedback at question level When it is said that cultures are “adaptive systems”, this means that:
A Culture helps people adapt to their environment
B Cultures adapt to changing circumstances
C Cultures change in a systematic way
D None of the above is true
What is a main weakness of Hofstede’s research?
A The face validity of his items is questionable.
B It has measured cultures at one point in time, around 1970
C Both (a) and (b) are correct
D Neither (a) nor (b) is correct
An individual trusts if he or she ……………………. places resources at the disposal of another party without any ………………. commitment from the latter, but with the ……………….. that the act of trust will pay off.
A Legally – voluntary – expectation
B Voluntarily – legal – expectation
C Voluntarily – explicit – disbelief
D Legally – explicit – commitment
Referring to parts of the world as the “first, second and third worlds” is an example of:
A Stereotyping
B Cultural attribution
C Ranking
D Using a typology
Which of the following is not one of the criticism towards stakeholder theory?
A Too many stakeholders exist
B Each stakeholders` input may not be critical
C Stakeholder participation may lead to deadlocks
D It lowers the “voice” of the managers
Ethnographic studies tend to prefer observations over other methods of study, because:
A Observations allow to study “natural behaviors”
B The samples tend to be too small for surveys
C Interviewing requires language capabilities that are often absent
D None of the above is correct
In the required reading Globalization, de-globalization, and re-globalization Anoop Madhok’s main argument is that:
A The setback in globalization caused by the COVID pandemic will only be temporary.
B The COVID pandemic has revealed fundamental problems caused by globalization.
C The COVID pandemic is abused by populists to turn back globalization.
D The COVID pandemic has nullified the economic advantages of globalization.
As used in the table below, the variables: trust in family, trust in neighbors, trust “people we know” measure … (trust and income cross-country correlation)
A Generalized trust
B Limited trust
C Individualism
D Individual trust
An important element of Vernon’s product life cycle theory is the assumption that:
A Transportation costs play an important role in international production decisions
B Products early in their life cycle are not yet standardized
C Both (a) and (b) are correct
D Neither (a) nor (b) is correct
According to “emic” cultural scholars, a major problem with dimension-based “etic” studies of culture is that:
A These tend to produce an ever larger number of dimensions of culture
B These take the individual’s values as the point of departure
C These lack external validity
D These cannot pay no attention to unique features of a culture
How can it be explained that historically industrialization was associated with an increase in secular-rational authority values?
A Industrialization led to increasing industrial democracy and co-determination
B Industrialization led to more wealth and hence self-expression values
C Industrialization led to urbanization and in that way to a weakening of formerly tight relationships of (religious) authority
D Industrialization led to a decrease of materialist values
Which of the phrases below is an element of the definition of Hofstede’s dimension of “uncertainty avoidance”?
A A society’s tolerance for ambiguity
B The willingness of members of a society to make risky decisions
C The respect for traditions in a society
D The degree of freedom societal norms give members to fulfil their desires
Which of the following is not one of the firm-level variables that lead to diverse corporate governance models?
A Life cycle of the company
B Structure of the human resources
C Firm specific conditions for finding external finance
D Macroeconomic conjecture
A central element of many African management philosophies is:
A A sense of community
B Egalitarianism
C Strong identification with the organization one works for
D The fragmentation of individuals into ethnic groups
In the trust game of Berg et.al. (1995), what is the reason of cooperation in a one-shot game?
A Reputation
B Perception
C Trust
D Conflict
The difference between individual identity and social identity is:
A Individual identity is typical for individualist cultures, and social identity for collectivist countries
B Individual identity refers to what the individual has in common with a particular group, and social identity with what the individual
has in common with all others
C Individual identity refers to what distinguishes the individual from others, and social identity to what the individual has in common
with specific groups of others
D Individual identity is associated with an emphasis on self-interest, and social identity is associated with a concern for others
…………………… is prevalent in western markets precisely because parties typically do not have ……………..
A Cronyism - transparency
B Bargaining – a working relationship
C Negotiation – rules
D Transparency – bargaining power
In cross-cultural research the need for “equivalence” refers to:
A Ensuring that questionnaires contain relevant emic concepts
B Ensuring that questionnaires are literally translated from one language to the other
C Ensuring that questionnaire items have the same meaning in different cultures
D Ensuring that members from different cultures are treated equally
Which of the following is not a way of measuring trust?
A Field experiments
B Surveys
C Lab experiments
D Interviews
Please look at the figure below, taken from the work of Inglehart.
A From the figure we can deduce that Protestant cultures are most advanced
B From the figure we can deduce that culture is at least as important as religion for Inglehart’s dimensions
C From the figure we can deduce that geographical location is more important than culture for Inglehart’s dimensions
D None of the above is true
Based on the coefficient of the interaction term on the table (Trust x Income (GROWTH) p.c.1990), which of the following would be correct to say?
A Trust has a stronger effect on growth in poor countries
B Trust is less important when income per capita is low
C Trust is more important when enforcement of formal institutions is strong
D Income per capita has negative influence over trust
From a social identity perspective, cultures can be seen as:
A Systems to distinguish one group of people from other groups.
B The basis for positive and negative stereotyping.
C Neither (a) nor (b) is correct
D Both (a) and (b) are correct
There are two main ways of operationalizing differences in institutions between countries, rankings and distance scores. The main
difference between the two is:
A Rankings are objective, and distance scores subjective
B Distance scores are symmetrical, rankings asymmetrical
C Distance scores are neutral, rankings assume that different institutions can be ordered from “good” to “bad”.
D None of the above is correct
What is the essence of the Chinese practice of guanxi?
A That relations with family members are the most important ones
B That interpersonal bonds are more important than institutional bonds
C That one must live in harmony with one’s ancestors
D That a superior should indulge his or her subordinates
Becoming more “culturally intelligent” implies:
A A shift from the in-group to the out-group
B A shift from individual identity to social identity
C A shift from implicit to explicit cognitive processing
D A shift from uncertainty avoidance to openness to experience
The Japanese system of lifetime employment can be described as:
A An informal system based on mutual expectations
B A formal contract between firm and employee
C A historical tradition that has been abolished recently
D A legal requirement for large Japanese firms
In the absence of ………………. rules, like trusting behavior, ……………. are missing, gains from …………… exchanges forgone, and
……………………… are misallocated.
A Economic – resources – informal – markets
B Informal – markets – economic – resources
C Formal – resources – economic – markets
D Economic – markets – informal - resources
Which of the following is a feature of the Continental European corporate governance system?
A Long-term debt financing
B Dispersed ownership
C Flexible labor markets
D Active markets for capital control
The ………………… perspective sees the corporation as a set of relationships between multiple ………………. with an interest in the firm and thus a broader set of goals to be maximized or satisfied.
A Stakeholder – stakeholders
B Stakeholder – shareholders
C Shareholder – shareholders
D Shareholder – stakeholders
The emic cultural concept of “amae” illustrates the Japanese tendency to:
A Make decisions on the basis of consensus
B “Safe the face” of others by avoiding direct conflicts
C Use the parent-child relationship as a model for hierarchical relations
D Preserve harmony
……………… efficiency of trust flows from the fact that it favors ……………….. behavior and thus facilitates mutually advantageous exchanges in the presence of …………….. contracts and …………….. competition.
A Economic – cooperative – incomplete – imperfect
B Cooperative – incomplete – economic – imperfect
C Economic – complete – perfect – cooperative
D Cooperative – economic – complete – perfect
The observation that Japanese companies tend to send large delegations to negotiations with other companies can be explained on the basis of:
A The importance of power play in Japanese culture
B The importance of collectivism in Japanese culture
C The importance of hierarchy in Japanese culture
D The importance of masculinity in Japanese culture
……………. executives strongly subscribe to shareholder value thinking, with the other stakeholders being secondary and representing means toward the end of producing shareholder value. ……………. executives emphasize the importance of serving society and balancing the interests of employees and shareholders. The main means toward these ends are production of goods and services; society benefits from the products, employees and shareholders from the profits.
A U.S. – German
B Japanese – German
C German – U.S
D U.S. – Chinese
A key characteristic of a hermeneutical approach to cross-cultural study is:
A Analytical deduction of hypotheses
B Trying to understand others through introspection
C The use of carefully matched samples
D None of the above is true
In the course various possible scenarios for (further) globalization have been discussed. If highly educated groups become more and more connected across countries, while lower educated groups remain strongly tied to their country, this is an example of:
A Convergence
B Increasing specialization
C Hybridization
D Post-modernization
In the terminology of the World Values Survey, historically communist countries are characterized by:
A A high score on secular-rational authority and a low score on self-expression values
B A low score on both secular-rational authority and on survival values
C A high score on secular-rational authority and a high score on self-expression values
D A high score on traditional authority values and a high score on survival values
When corporate governance practices, particularly those tied to ……………………….ideology, are exported from the …………… to other countries, they tend to be translated and recombined with the …..…… practices before they are adopted.
A Shareholder value – United States – Local
B Shareholder value – Japan – Global
C Stakeholder value – EU – Global
D Stakeholder value – China – Local
AIgan et. al.’s (2012a) work, where authors explore the voluntary contributions of people to Wikipedia, is an example of ………..
A Lab experiment
B Field experiment
C Survey
D Interview
In the reading Studying Cultures the “ideational approach” to cultures is described. According to the ideational approach:
A Culture is a response of a group to the conditions of the environment
B Culture is the collective programming of the mind
C Culture is a product of natural selection processes
D Culture consists of ideas responding to other ideas
Which of the below is an item in Inglehart’s dimension of survival versus self-expression?
A “Abortion is never justifiable”.
B “Respondent has a strong sense of national pride”
C (a) as well as (b).
D Neither (a) nor (b).
The “reverse ecological fallacy” occurs when:
A Characteristics of individuals are generalized to cultures
B Characteristics of cultures are generalized to individuals
C Neither (a) nor (b) is correct
D Both (a) and (b) is correct
Within the research theme “correlation between innovation and trust”, which of the following has not been used as a proxy to measure the “innovation”?
A Total factor productivity
B R&D expenditure as a % of GDP
C Number of patents
D Gini coefficient
An important potential disadvantage of the so-called “strategy of matched samples” is that:
A The samples may not be representative for the general populations.
B The samples may not be comparable
C The samples may be too small
D All of the above