- 1 Demonstrate familiarity with accessing the following:
a. PACOM / Joint Petroleum Office web page
b. DESC PAC web site
c. Sub Area Petroleum Office (SAPO) web pages
d. Military Sealift Command (MSC) web pages
e. PACFLT Logistics Common Operating Picture (LOGCOP)
202.2 Demonstrate familiarity with the Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS).
The Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) provides a means to manage and report the readiness of the DoD and its subordinate Components to execute the National Military Strategy (NMS). PACFLT reports in two DRRS systems: DRRS Strategic (DRRS-S) to report the readiness of the Fleet Headquarters, and DRRS-Navy (DRRS-N) to report the readiness of the fleet. DoD Directive 7730.65 p2
- 3 Demonstrate familiarity with the Integrated Consumable Item Support (ICIS) database.
a. Find TPFDD in ICIS database.
b. Explain how to use the TPFDD to create the PWRR (Prepositioned War Reserve Requirements) in support of an OPLAN.
ICIS develops PWRR by using the CCDR’s time-phased force and deployment data (TPFDD) and applying Service consumption data to produce detailed time-phased requirements. Each Service should validate the ICIS consumption factors periodically (recommend annually) to ensure that platform and consumption factors are included in the annual PWRR computation