2017-2013 Flashcards
*composition of education system (composition) (10)
- schools + other types-educational institutions
- governance +management structures
- support / auxillary services
- various stakeholders with interest in edu
- schools + other types-educational institutions
- diff types institutions meet diverse needs-learners (pre-primary, primary, sec schools, universities etc)
- specialise various fields-interest (agricultural, technicon, art+Sci schools etc.)
- different phases (annual stages / grades)
- variety learning programmes / subjects - governance +management structures
- need effective + efficient systems
- provide edu + training in planned / organised manner=promote effective functioning
- administration structure includes department of educ on national + provincial levels, control boards, advisory bodies + teacher reg boards - support / auxillary services
- provide specialised help where needed (school health service, feeding scheed, media + library, exam services, hostels, transport services
- in SA these services= absent / inadequate
4.various stakeholders have interest in edu
-(state, parents, community, unions etc.)
-strive involve all stakeholders
-provide +support quality edu + training-learners
…learners= core-every activity in system
schools not self sufficient, dependent. Annalise diff role players + functions (10)
- x finance self
- require state involvement (finance, supply buildings, pay teachers + integration edu + training)
- depend-employment sector (provide jobs)
- need parent body=involved (communicate-school, fund raising, decision making, support learning at home)
- community key role in school support (clubs, businesses, libraries, sport organisations, health services)
5 skills teacher should have
knowledge: learning area : learner + needs skills: communication : decision-making : problem-solving : listen
***SACE, aim, role + functions (10)
=registered body for professional educators
(keep, regulate qualification, std’s + teachers admission->edu professsion)
-aims enhance status teaching profession + promote development-educators
-teachers x act as they wish
-SACE=power->investigate complaints against educators by parents / learners
-authority to impose fines->R1000 + ban working SA
-all teachers MUST register SACE
-SACE disciplinary hearing for unprofessional behavior (late work, not doing work, physical abuse etc.)
e.g unprofessional behavior OR
Implications of SACE
- physical / psychological abuse-learner
- infringe lerner right to privacy / confidentiality
- sexual r.ship with learner
- sexual harassment
- undermine authority + status of colleagues
- disrepute of teaching profession
- discuss confidential matters with unauthorised persons
compulsory school attendance under SA schools act 84 of 1996 (5)
- parents accountable learners school attendance
- compulsory (1st day-last day of year from 7yr old-15yr old)
- SEN learners attendance determined by minister by notice in government gazette
- head edu department may exempt learner if best interest of learner
- register must be kept in such a case
partnership b.ween school, businesses, industry.
5 benefits of this to learners + schools (10)
- learners visit business / industrial sites (insight +u.standing-requirements of jobs)
- exposure = motivate learner pursue particular career
- benefit by receiving up-to-date info-workplace
- developing learning programmes
- receiving expert advice (policy making, resource allocation, planning)
- greater cooperation is beneficial (aware-workplace needs)
…learners = appropriate knowledge + skills
5 characteristics of high-performance teams (5)
mutual respect shared concept of how things will done agreed upon roles spirit collegiality shared purpose principle of openness shared responsibility for leadership
*****types leadership styles (10)
- teacher commands
- learner obey quietly
- no departure of rules set by teacher=tolerated
- militaristic style of leadership
- destroys learners initiative
- results in loss of respect for authority
- allows learner to scope
- do exactly as please in class
- educator-leader voices no opposition
- no form of discipline
- this form of leadership is unacceptable
- seriously undermines teaching + learning process
- between two styles above
- requires firm but affectionate conduct from educator to leader
- required respect + obey educator
- encourages initiative + creativity
- participates in decision-making in class
- discipline is exercise
- acknowledges learners dignity + personal potential
educator is not only a manager, but also known to be a leader.
- outline characteristics of leader
- influencing people
- giving orders+ motivating people ( individual /groups )
- managing conflict + communicating with subordinates
- allocate tasks + consult with other people
- discipline staff
- encouraging vision(imagination)
- create learning environment in classroom
- u.stand needs-people
- working together-people
- implement strategies
- be role model
- respectable behaviour
whats general indicators of burnout?
- Depression+ Neg attitudes
- fatigue, boredom / apathy
- Irritability
- Forgetfulness +inability make decisions
- Daydreaming + Feelings of isolation
- Headachhes + uclers
- lack of concern for others
Language Policy of Public Schools
- Section 13 of Constitution (everyone has right receive education in public schools )
- in official language of choice, where possible
- norms+stds for language policy in public schools =determined by Minister Edu,by notice in Government Gazette after consultation with CEM.
- governing body may determine language policy of schools subject to Constitution, Schools Act + provincial law.
- No form of racial discrimination
organisation of education and training with reference to the coordination between National + Provincial Education Departments
3 levels goverance: national
: provincial
: local
- National : edu dealt->minister edu / deputy minister
: develop policy+legislative framework - Provincial (9 provinces) : dealt->edu dprtment
(Admin, management+set exams)
: dealt-> MEC (member of executive council) (implements policy+legislation)
3.local : govern body+ school mngment
Order to facilitate co-ordination b.ween above, 2 bodies=created (HEDCOM) head edu dep committee
+ (CEM) council edu ministers
…share info, co-ordinate action on matters
**The South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 addresses
5 matters about learners…
1.Compulsory School Attendance: (See top for same info)
- Admission to public schools:
- must admit learners + meet educational requirements without discrimination
- no Admissions test
- may not refused admission due to parents unable to pay
3.Language policy of public schools: (See top for same info)
- Freedom of conscience + religion in public schools:
- observance must be conducted on equitable basis
- attendance by learners + staff is free +voluntary
5.Code of conduct:
- subject to provincial laws that a governing body
must adopt a code of conduct for learners after consultation with learners, parents + educators
- includes class + school rules
- maintain a disciplined school environment
- learners might only be expelled if found guilty of misconduct after a fair hearing
*****role of an educator within the education system
5 marks
1) Learning mediator:
- mediate learning in a sensitive way
2) Interpreter + designer of learning
- interpret learning programs
3) Leader, administrator + manager:
- manage learning in classroom
4) Scholar, researcher + life-long learner:
- research learning area
5) Community, citizenship + pastoral role:
- respect + responsibility towards others
6) Assessor:
- give feedback and assessment
7) Learning area/subject/discipline/phase specialist:
- knowledge+ skill of subject
*****What are the stipulations in Chapter 2 of the Constitution in terms of the RIGHT TO EDUCATION + OBLIGATIONS
- Everyone right to basic+ further education
- in the official language of choice
- redress results past racially
discriminatory laws + practices - do not discriminate on race
- right to education is based on balance of rights+responsibilities of parents + learners
- state should provide basic education
- State must watch over the introduction of stds
*****factors making provision for education in post-modern societies extremely +complex specialised task
- society-=multicultural (diff lang, culture,ethnic, religion, heritage etc)
- education needs->provide diff needs of learners
- each learner=unique
- some are SEN / gifted
- schools can specialize according interest/needs
- world rapidly changing
- teachers use technology (learning tool)
- multiple challenges, apart from technology
- skills needed today=diff to in past
Provision of non-formal education( vocational training)
- offered by provider ( to obtain a qualification other than degree, certificate / diploma )
- instituted by law for formal education.
- This is planned + organised + highly adaptable.
- provides selected types of education (including training in work situations)
- form of additional training that learner undertakes= improve his qualifications( computer course) but not directly related to learner’s work situation.
(work providers,churches, libraries, museums,private colleges, training centres, trade unions etc.) - credits learners linked to units (qualification on specific level of NQF)