2017 Flashcards
Explain why it is necessary to have a protective earthing conductor in a
final subcircuit protected by an RCD.
For the RCD to operate, an earth leakage path must exist.
A voltage test for isolation is being carried out on a three-phase, 400V oven that may or may not be live.
State the main safety issue that would occur if the only testing done was between each phase.
One phase could still be alive
A three-phase PVC flexible cable supplying a 400V, three-phase motor has been replaced with a three-core neutral-screened flexible cable.
State ONE advantage that a neutral-screen flexible cable has when
compared to a PVC flexible cable.
Any ONE of:
● Better mechanical protection.
● Cable damage is confined to within the cable.
Each electrical installation has a prospective short-circuit current rating.
State ONE reason why it is important to consider the prospective-shortcircuit current rating when selecting fittings and accessories (such as the main switch and earth and neutral busbars) for the main switchboard of the electrical installation.
The fittings and accessories must be capable of withstanding the PSSC under fault conditions without damage.
Each electrical installation has a prospective short-circuit current rating.
State ONE reason why it is important to consider the prospective-shortcircuit current rating when selecting protective devices for the main switchboard of the electrical installation.
The protective devices must be capable of safely clearing the prospective short-circuit current without damage.
State ONE reason why a phase-reversal relay would be installed in the final subcircuit supplying a three-phase crane hoist.
● To ensure that up-limit and down-limit of the hoist will operate correctly.
● To prevent the hoist going down when the up button is pushed.
● To prevent the hoist going up when the down button is pushed.
● To prevent the hoist motor operating in incorrect direction of rotation.
State how a thermistor protects a three-phase induction motor when a
mechanical overload occurs.
● The thermistor detects a rise in
temperature in the windings
● It opens the control circuit when a preset temperature has been exceeded.
A 230V, plug-in heater has an output of 2kW. The supply voltage to the
heater fluctuates between 230V to 240V.
Describe the effect this voltage fluctuation has on the power output of the heater elements.
The power will vary by the square of the change in voltage
What do the initials BJT mean when applied to semiconductors?
A bi-polar junction transistor
What is a transducer?
A device that changes energy from one form to another
Explain why rewireable fuses are classed as coarse excess current
Any ONE of:
● They have very inaccurate
operating characteristics.
● The rewireable fuse may operate
within 4 hours at 1.5 times the
current rating.
State TWO main functions of a ballast (choke) in a fluorescent light fitting.
● To limit the current flowing through the electrode and tube.
● To produce a high voltage when the
starter opens to start the tube glowing.
Explain why HRC fuses and MCBs are classed as close current
Any ONE of:
● They have very accurate operating
● The HRC fuse or MCB will operate
within 4 hours at 1.5 times the
current rating.
Six 230V final subcircuits are supplied from a distribution switchboard. All final subcircuits are protected by 20A HRC fuses.
The submains to the distribution switchboard is protected by a 63A HRC fuse.
Use the terms pre-arcing time and arcing time to explain how correct
discrimination is achieved between the 20A HRC fuse and the 63A HRC
The total of the pre-arcing time and arcing time of the 20A HRC fuse must be less than the pre-arcing time of the 63A HRC fuse.
Most electrical installations are supplied from an MEN system of supply.
(a) The earth fault loop is an integral part of an MEN system of supply to an electrical installation.
(i) State ONE reason why the earth fault loop through the main neutral
conductor to the star point of the distribution transformer is more
important than the earth fault loop through the main earth and mass
of earth to the star point of the distribution transformer.
It is the part of the loop where the
impedance is consistently low.
Most electrical installations are supplied from an MEN system of supply.
(a) The earth fault loop is an integral part of an MEN system of supply to an electrical installation.
(ii) State ONE reason why the main neutral conductor and the main
earthing conductor in an electrical installation could be carrying similar
There is a high resistance joint in the
main neutral conductor.
State TWO factors that determine the level of the prospective short-circuit current in a low voltage electrical installation.
● Capacity (kA) of the supply source
● The impedance of the earth fault loop.
One function of the main earthing conductor and the earth electrode in a low voltage MEN electrical installation is to connect protective earthing conductors and equipotential bonding conductors to the mass of earth.
State TWO other functions of the main earthing conductor and earth
● To keep the voltage between neutral
and earth to 0V.
● To ensure the voltage in the electrical
installation does not rise above 230V
under fault conditions.
State FOUR components of an MEN system that are found in a MEN low
voltage electrical installation.
Any FOUR of:
● The main earth bar
● The main earthing conductor.
● The earth electrode
● The MEN connection (link)
● The main neutral bar
● The main neutral conductor
● Protective earthing conductors
● Equipotential bonding conductors
AS/NZS 3000 requires that a test voltage of 500V d.c. is used for an
insulation resistance test of a low voltage electrical installation.
State ONE reason why the voltage is a d.c. voltage.
Any ONE of:
● To ensure capacitive or inductive
reactance does not influence the test
● A constant maximum voltage is a more stringent test than the momentary peaks of an a.c. waveform.
State ONE reason why a polarity test is carried out on the mains of a
single-phase, low voltage electrical installation.
To ensure that no phase/neutral
transposition has occurred.
An earth loop impedance test at the main switchboard of a single-phase low voltage electrical installation shows a result of 50Ω
There is an MEN link between the neutral busbar and earth bus bar.
State ONE reason why such a high test result would be obtained
There is a high impedance somewhere in the
earth fault loop.
A single-phase low voltage, MEN electrical installation incorporates only one MEN switchboard.
In the MEN switchboard, the MEN link between the main neutral bar and main earth bar is missing.
State ONE hazard that could occur if there was an earth fault in the
electrical installation.
Any ONE of:
● Under fault conditions, the protective
devices will not operate within the
required time.
● The voltage may rise or fall.
● Dangerous touch voltages may appear
of bonded conductive or extraneous
State ONE reason why a current transformer is dangerous when its
secondary winding is left in the open-circuit condition.
A high voltage can be present at the
secondary terminals.