2017 Flashcards
28yo M, acute psychosis admitted to psych ward for tx for 10 days, sudden intense painful neck muscle cramping/ stiffness and forward flexion of head. what drug is most likely to cause this sx.?
67yo Female with recurrent depressive episodes with psychosis presents to ED, where she had and ECG.
Which ECG change is of increased of harm from anti-psychotic medication?
Bifid P
prolonged QRS
prolonged QT
Shortened PR
Shortened ST
prolonged QT
45yo male presents with increasing SOB. Had AMI 2 years ago, is currently on aspirin, metoprolol and frusemide. Ejection fraction on echo is 29%. BP 130/80, HR 80 with occasional ventricular ectopics. What would be the most appropriate thing to add to his management?
Bi-ventricular pacing
cardiology referral
what would you prescribe for trichomonas vaginalis
metronidazole 2g oral single dose
7yo F brought into ED by her parents overnight w/ SOB and wheeze. RR 40 HR O2 sats 92%
what should you do next?
A. CXR to exclude foreign body
B. ABG in case of CO2 rtn
C. commence SABA and high flow O2
D. give something else and MAST stabilizer and make asthma action plan
commence SABA and high flow o2
Very long stem about 35y F mother of 3 boys with basically every feature of SADFACES with an uncle with Bipolar. Also had early morning wakening and thought she was a bad mum, plus 4kg of weight loss?
Bipolar 1 in depressive phase
MDD with melancholic features
MDD with psychotic features
MDD with a side serve of anxiety
MDD w/ melancholic features
baby born to mum who tested +ve for Hep B surface Ag- what should you do?
a. give hep b hyperimmunoglobulic to mum
b. vaccinate baby and mum
c. nothing as baby is likely to have contracted hep B in utero
d. give baby hep B Ig and vaccination
e. give mum hep B vaccine and baby hep B Ig
give baby hep B Ig and vaccination
man diagnosed w/ exertional angina and had AMI 2 years ago. Which is indicator for the worst outcome/ prognosis?
a. LV failure on echo
b. resting BP of >170
c. cholesterol >7
d. ST depression on exercise stress test
e. ST depression on pharmacological stress test
LV failure on echo
An 8 year old girl presents with difficulty hearing. On tuning fork vibration, she hears it more when placed on her mastoid processes than at the meati. Normal careless whisper test. Additionally, when the fork is placed on her forehead, she hears the voice louder on her left side. What type of hearing loss is present?
A. Bilateral conductive loss worse on left
B. Bilateral conductive loss worse on right
C. Bilateral sensorineural loss with R conductive loss
D. Bilateral sensorineural loss worse on L side
E. R sided conductive loss
bilateral conductive loss worse on L
19y.o dance receptionist presents to her GP reporting fatigue. She is thin with a BMI of 17.2. What is the most important q to ask to diagnose her with anorexia nervosa?
Her perception of body image
Menstrual cycle changes
perception of body image
When admitting a patient under the Mental Health Act. We subsequently do the meetings with the psychiatrist and the lawyer because: What is the ethical principle that applies to this?
a. autonomy and informed consent
b. justice for all
c. respect for human rights
d. least restrictive care
e. nonmaleficence
25F irregular periods and galactorrhea for past 8 months.
Watery nipple discharge.
OE BMI 19 normal breasts + pubic hair
B) Anorexia
C) Hypothyroid
D) Prolactinoma
E) Pregnancy
An 85 year old woman with a history of hypertension and ischaemic heart disease is taking aspirin, amlodipine, enalapril, indapamide and metoprolol. She has become increasingly confused.
On investigation:
creatinine mildly elevated, sodium 115, potassium 3.5.
Her confusion can be attributed to which medication?
indapamide- thiazide diuretic which is most likely to cause hyponatremia which is a commonc ause of confusion especially in the elderly pop’n
what is indapamide
thiazide diuretic
Baby can roll from front to back, sit with support, transfers hand to hand, but doesn’t have pincer grip and babbles, holds bottle when feeding, turns to name, no stranger anxiety or words.
A. 3 Months
B. 6 months
C. 9 Months
D. 12 Months
E. 18 Months.
6 months
5 year old lady. On OCP. Recent period of immobility. Hot, swollen, painful lower leg. Most appropriate Ix?
USS femoral and popliteal aa’s
USS femoral and popliteal pulses
87yo M, inpatient of high dependency dementia unit, significant cognitive and behavioural changes. Lately has been more irritable/angry with nursing staff, shouting “deutschland erwache”, particularly when he is being dressed or they are undertaking hygiene activities. It has also been noted that he has been walking around the unit less frequently, and appears to be grimacing when he does so. Which initial medication is most appropriate?
Sertraline (/another SSRI)
Cholesterase inhibitor