2016 Flashcards
The stability of a synovial joint is NOT influenced by the
A) activity of surrounding musculotendinous units
B) shapes of articular surfaces
C) presence of synovial fluid
D) strength of joint capsule
E) strength of surrounding ligaments
A I think
The sacral plexus is formed by the anterior rami of which spinal nerves? A) L5-S5 B) S1-S4 C) L4-S4 D) S1-S5 E) L4-S5
Hip flexion is associated with which major spinal cord levels? A) L1 and L2 B) L5 and S1 C) S1 and S2 D) L2 and L3 E) L4 and L5
A ( i think ??)
I had D - Naeve
If the angle between the neck and shaft of the femur is greater than 130 degrees, this postural abnormality is called A) coxa valga B) genu recurvatum C) coxa vara D) genu varum E) genu valgus
Since joints in the lower limb are subjected to greater forces than joints in the upper limb, lower limb joints are A) not diarthrotic joints B) not stabilised by ligaments C) generally less stable D) less mobile E) more mobile
D (just a guess)
I agree - Naeve
Concerning the pelvic girdle and lower limb,
A) iliacus and psoas major attach to the greater trochanter via the iliopsoas tendon
B) the common action of piriformis, gemellus superior, obturator internus, gemellus inferior, quadratus femoris, and obturator externus is extension at the hip
C) a muscle that attaches to the ischial tuberosity is the semimembranosus
D) the distal attachment of the tendon of the semimembranosus muscle is the head of the fibula
E) the gluteus medius muscle is attached to the external surface of the ilium, between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines, and then via a short tendon to the neck of the femur
Regarding the patellofemoral joint,
A) the patella medially tilts around the vertical axis during knee flexion
B) the patella glides superiorly on the femur during knee flexion
C) the odd facet articulates with the lateral femoral condyle in deep knee flexion
D) with increasing knee flexion the contact area between the patella and femur decreases
E) in full knee extension, there is maximal contact between the patella and femur
I had C - Naeve
The ligament that prevents anterior displacement of the tibia on the femur is the A) anterior cruciate ligament B) tibial collateral ligament C) posterior cruciate ligament D) meniscofemoral ligament E) fibular collateral ligament
The talus does NOT articulate with the A) fibula B) cuboid C) navicular D) tibia E) calcaneus
During the gait cycle, the tibialis anterior acts to
A) plantarflex the ankle during the stance phase
B) dorsiflex the ankle during the stance phase
C) dorsiflex the ankle during the swing phase
D) plantarflex the ankle during the swing phase
E) evert the ankle during the swing phase
C (according to google)
Which muscle is attached to the flexor digitorum longus? A) interossei B) flexor digitorum brevis C) quadratus plantae D) adductor hallucis E) flexor hallucis brevis
C (according to google)
When you turn your head 30 degrees toward the right, most of that movement would occur at
which of the following intervertebral levels?
A) C0/1
B) C1/2
C) C2/3
D) C3/4
E) C4/5
The transverse ligament
A) resists forward translation of C1 on C2
B) is a continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament
C) is predominantly elastin fibres
D) attaches to the odontoid process and the margins of foramen magnum
E) resists rotation of C1 on C2
Regarding the curvature of the thoracic vertebral column, the form of the curve is
A) described as a secondary curve
B) primarily due to the shape of the discs
C) described as a scoliosis
D) primarily due to the shape of the vertebrae
E) described as a lordotic curve
Contraction of which of the following muscles produces the greatest posterior shear force on the vertebral motion segment? A) quadratus lumborum B) iliocostalis lumborum pars lumborum C) longissimus thoracis pars thoracis D) rectus abdominis E) multifidus
In the lumbar spine,
A) axial rotation to the right will result in compression of the right zygapophyseal joint
B) the superior articular processes of lower lumbar vertebrae are oriented in the sagittal plane whilst those of the upper lumbar vertebrae are more aligned with the coronal plane
C) extension may result in the inferior articular process of the superior vertebrae impacting the lamina between the articular processes of the vertebra below
D) zygapophyseal joint orientation favours movements in the transverse plane
E) the main site of muscle attachment is the vertebral body
I had C but idk - Naeve
The posterior outer annulus fibrosus is innervated by the A) sciatic nerve B) medial branch of the dorsal rami C) sinuvertebral nerve D) anterior vertebral plexus E) grey rami communicantes
Which of the following muscles does NOT contribute to axial rotation of the lumbar spine? A) transversus abdominis B) internal oblique abdominal C) multifidus D) iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis E) external oblique abdominal
A or D??
I have A but low key just a guess - Naeve
Which damage of the visual pathway is NOT correctly paired with a likely corresponding visual
A) contralateral superior quadrantanopia : temporal lobe infarct
B) ipsilateral blindness : damage of one optic nerve
C) binasal hemianopia : damage of optic chiasm
D) contralateral homonymous hemianopia : optic tract lesion
E) complete blindness : bilateral occipital infarction
i think its C because it should be bitemporal not binasal - chloe
The medial longitudinal fasciculus does NOT connect the A) vestibular nuclei B) trochlear nuclei C) abducens nuclei D) oculomotor nuclei E) facial nuclei
Which of the following questions regarding the pathways for non-conscious proprioception is INCORRECT?
A) The anterior spinocerebellar tract receives input from descending motor neurons
B) First order neurons in the posterior spinocerebellar tract synapse in Clarke’s nucleus
C) First order neurons in the cuneocerebellar tract synapse in Clarke’s nucleus
D) The second order neuron in the anterior spinocerebellar pathway has its cell body on the lateral surface of the ventral horn
E) The anterior and posterior spinocerebellar ascend in the lateral funiculus
C (no Clarke’s nucleus in cuneocerebellar tract)
Which of the following statements concerning the frontal lobe is INCORRECT?
A) The supplementary premotor area is primarily located in the inferior frontal gyrus
B) Lesions of the frontal lobe may give rise to ocular signs
C) The frontal lobe contains the giant cells of Betz
D) The frontal lobe contains the Broca’s area
E) The primary motor cortex is located in the precentral gyrus
?? (im confused by ‘supplementary premotor area’ is that PMC or SMC or both idk)
it’s either A or B - barbara
B because ocular is related to sight which should be temporal lobe??? - chloe
The posterior cerebral artery (PCA)
A) is the principal source of blood supply to the primary auditory cortex
B) is the terminal branch of the basilar artery
C) is a branch of the internal carotid artery
D) supplies blood to the medial aspects of the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes
E) supplies blood to the occipital lobe as well as the cerebellum
Regarding the limbic system, which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?
A) It has minimal interaction with the prefrontal cortex of the cerebrum
B) Olfaction is incorporated into the limbic system in humans
C) It consists of structures that lie on the border between the cerebrum and the diencephalon
D) Most output from the limbic system is relayed through the hypothalamus and the reticular system
E) It is known as the “motivational” system
cbf doing this one ahahah
Which of the following is NOT true of the hippocampus?
A) A lesion of this formation affects the ability to recall memories of remote past events
B) It receives afferent fibres from the cingulate gyrus
C) It sends efferent fibres to the hypothalamus and the anterior thalamus
D) Its efferent fibres run in the fornix
E) It is found in the floor of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle
cbf doing this one aahahah
Which of the following statements concerning the pyramidal pathway is INCORRECT?
A) The corticospinal tract descends via the posterior limb of the internal capsule
B) Some fibres of the pyramidal pathway originate from gyri different to precentral gyrus
C) All fibres of the lateral corticospinal tract cross over (decussate) at the level of the caudal medulla
D) Most parts of the pyramidal pathway descend to the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord
E) Most fibres of cortico(bulbar)nuclear are found within the pyramids of the medulla
??(not A or D)
Which of the following statements concerning the descending motor pathways is TRUE?
A) The tectospinal tract usually ends at the lumbar spine level
B) The reticulospinal tract crosses over (decussates) to contralateral side at the level of medulla
C) The tectospinal tract crosses over (decussates) to the contralateral side at the mid-brain level
D) The rubrospinal tract descends in the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord
E) The vestibulospinal tract receives a major input from the cochlea
Which of the following statements concerning the descending motor pathways is CORRECT?
A) The rubrospinal tract descends in the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord
B) The vestibulospinal tract solely conveys the information from the vestibular apparatus
C) The tegmentum of the pons contains the corticospinal tract
D) The tectospinal tract gives collaterals to the reticulospinal tract
E) The reticulospinal tract originates from the reticular formation of the midbrain
D (i think??)
I had E idk - Naeve
o Caudal pontine reticular formation (for medial RST)
o Rostral medullary reticular formation (for lateral RST)
i think reticulospinal tract originates in the pons and medulla??? - chloe
Which of the following statements regarding the basal nuclei is INCORRECT?
A) Parts of the caudate nucleus are located in the temporal lobe
B) The internal capsule passes through the striatum
C) The basal nuclei are connected to the ventroanterior (VA) nucleus of the thalamus
D) The striatum is predominantly composed of dopaminergic neurones
E) The caudate nucleus has a head, body and tail
?? (not A or E)
I said D - Barbara
Which of the following statements concerning the cerebellum is INCORRECT? The cerebellum
A) receives major input from the thalamus
B) projects to the thalamus
C) receives major input from the brainstem
D) receives major input from the spinal cord
E) projects to vestibular nuclei
I said E - because the cerebellum receives projections from vestibular nuclei, idk - Barbara
Concerning the glutei muscles, state the primary action of each muscle.
gluteus maximus: hip extension
gluteus medius: hip abduction
gluteus minimis: hip abduction
Concerning the glutei muscles, state the secondary action (s) of each muscle and name the component that produces each action.
gluteus maximus: lateral rotation, component- ??
gluteus medius: medial rotation, component- ??
gluteus minimus: medial rotation, component- ??
Describe the structure of a typical lumbar intervertebral disc and discuss how the structure contributes to the function of the disc.
the lumbar region has a large intervertebral disc to vertebral body height ratio = this facilitates movement through having a larger intervertebral disc height you have maintained the weight bearing surface and distributing the force to decrease the stress so the superior vertebrae can undergo greater movement before impacting the inferior vertebrae
the greater amount of seperation = the greater amount of movement
Detail the specific pathway of proprioceptive impulses from a muscle spindle in the left gastrocnemius muscle through conscious perception. Include the site of synapses and neuron cell bodies.
Detail the pathway that permits the localisation of pain and those pathways that influence the emotional response to pain.
Discuss the function of the CEREBELLUM in muscle coordination in the body.
one of the functions of the cerebellum is to regulate and coordinate voluntary movement through indirectly influencing descending pathways (pyramidal and extrapyramidal)
- the motor action gets sent down via pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways where it gets sent to a skeletal muscle to activate (while a ‘motor copy plan’ gets sent to the cerebellum via the mossy fibres)
- depending on how the movement went, we get sensory feedback about the movements and gets sent back via the posterior spinocerebellar pathway (LL) and cuneocerebellar pathway (UL)- this gives us feedback on how the movement went
- the feedback is sent to the cerebellum via mossy fibres or an error signal is sent to the cerebellum via climbing fibres
- the cerebellum compares motor actions w/ sensory feedback and can detect errors between the action and feedback
- if needed, error correction is sent from the cerebellum to the motor action via output of climbing fibres
(idk if this is answering the question ahahah)
Name all the structural components of the basal ganglia and describe their functional roles with regards to movement planning and execution.
striatum (caudate nucleus + putamen):
- major recipient of inputs to the basal ganglia
globus pallidus (GPe + GPi):
- GPi is considered as an output site that influences limb muscles
- GPe ..?
subthalamic nucleus (STN):
- STN acts as a brake of unwanted movement as it is disinhibited by GPe
substantia nigra (pars compacta = SNc & pars reticulata = SNr)
- SNr is consider an output site that influences axial muscles
- SNc modulates the cortical input into the striatum