2016 Flashcards
Immune deficiency
digeorge syndrome
in serial extraction, what causes space closure:
distal eruption of canine, lingual tipping of
incisors, medial eruption/tipping of premolar
ln root canal treatment, what agent is antimicrobial, substantivity something:
sodium hypochlorite/ chlorhexadine/ lidocaine/ saline
With avulsed teeth:
water is hypotonic
Disinfecting alginate quickly:
sodium hypochlorite
Oral electrical burn acute problem:
Hemorrhage, microstomia*, pain, (edema wasn’t an option)
Pseudo class Ill, what causes functional shift:
posterior facial growth problem*/ anterior
facial growth problem/ max incisors tipping lingual mand incisors tipping facial
What does SN-MP tell you:
vertical relationship between cranial base and mandibular plane angle
What is antibacterial in saliva:
When is serial extraction indicated:
Class 2 with 11-13 mm maxillary crowding and 8-10 mm mandibular crowding/ Class 2 with 11-13mm mandibular crowding and 8-10 maxilla crowding
What point on a cep is bilateral:
pogonion/ menton/ gonian*/ basion
What can a 1 year old do:
point to a picture in a book*/ respond to simple commands/ask
simple question/respond to noise
What is found in plasma after formocresol pulpotomy:
benzoyl-alcohol*/ formaldehyde/
Which Is formed by endochondral ossification:
body of mandible/ temporal process of
sphenoid bone/ squamous portion of temporal bone*
Biggest risk of fluorosis in 3-9 months:
reconstituted infant formula*/ toothpaste/ flouride