2015 - Final XLS in CSV form - Sheet1 Flashcards
Which autoimmune diseases are associated with RA factor?
Scleroderama, SLE, Sjogrens, RA and Dermatomyositis
Which cardiac anomaly most associated with DiGeorge ?
Interrupted aortic arch
In a patient with DiGeorge, what is the most common cardiac anomaly?
What is a prolonged aPTT in a patient with pre-eclampsia is most likely due?
Which lab measuring cardiac ischemia/function can be increased after vaginal delivery?
CKMB - found not only in myocardium but also in uterus and placenta.
Which artery can be injured when separating the rectus muscles during a c-section?
Inferior epigastric
Where can you find the ureter?
Over the bifurcation of the iliac artery
After a Fontan procedure, what does cardiac output depend most on?
Preload or SV
(HR plays a negligable role In a fontan circulation)
What is the mode of inheritance of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
Autosomal Dominant
What is the inheritance pattern of PKU?
Autosomal Recessive
What is mode of inheritance of Fragile X?
X linked dominant
Baby with nasal hypoplasia and limb defects?
Warfarin embryopathy
If a CVS shows balanced translocation, what should you do next?
Maternal karyotype
Which Doppler finding is the worst?
Reversed A wave in DV
How do you treat pregnancies at risk of NAIT?
And when do you deliver?
If previously affected with Thrombocytopenia and ICH IVIG @ 12 weeks - Del @ 35-36
If previously affected with thrombocytopenia but NO ICH @ 20 weeks Del @ 37-38
Which fetal organ system is most susceptible to teratogens earlier and for the longest time?
Does obesity increase risk of NTDs?
Which factors move the Oxygen dissociation curve to the left?
Left means: Higher affinity of Hb-O2
- Fetal Hb
- Lower CO2
- Higher pH
- Lower temperature
- Lower 2-3 DPG
What is the most likely reason to intubate a pregnant lady?
Respiratory acidosis
Which Respiratory functions don’t change in pregnancy?
- Vital Capacity
- Respiratory Rate
- FEV1
Which antibody is positive if you have been vaccinated for Hep B?
Hep B surface antibody (anti-HBs)
Which tests are positive if you are chronically infected with Hep B?
Surface antigen and core antibody (anti-HBc)
Where does fetus make blood throughout pregnancy?
Yolk sac: 3-8 weeks
Liver: 6 weeks -> birth
Spleen: 8 weeks -> 28 weeks
Bone marrow: 18 weeks -> adult
Which uterine structural anomaly has the highest miscarriage rate?
#1. Septate #2. Unicornuate #3. Bicornuate