2013-14 - Final XLS in CSV form - Sheet1 Flashcards
What US findings are associated with Meckel Gruber?
Multicystic dysplastic Kidney, Encephalocele, Postaxial Polydactyly
Fetal thyrotoxicosis with heart failure in a mom with s/p thyroid ablation, whats the likely diagnosis and treatment?
Maternal Graves (TSI antibodies still present despite ablation), PTU
Betamethasone decreasese what in fetuses?
Fetal Breathing and movement
Which is most likely to be abnormal with fetal acidemia
Absent accelerations
decreased fetal tone
decreased fetal breathing
First lose accelerations, then breathing then movement then tone.
Treacher collins is associated with impairment in what structure?
The mandible
Which Immunoglobin associated with mucosal defense in
breast milk?
Petechiae + hepatosplenomegaly at birth, which infectious etiology?
Which infection is associated with Placental Microabscesses?
Which is least likely with listeria?
preterm labor, chorioamnionitis, hydrops?
Hydrops (one of the less common etiologies of hydrops)
Which is the most likely neonatal complication with PKU?
Mental Retardation
What is least advised in pregnancy if mom has known PKU? amnio for enzyme paternal PKU testing dietary restrictions fetal echo
Amnio for enzyme, it is only found in the liver so amniocentesis to look for enzyme isnt helpful, would need to do molecular testing to identify recessive genes.
Which disease is most commonly associated with Ro and La Antibodies?
Sjogrens syndrome (SSA and SSB) - 80-90% only in 30% of Lupus patients
Which autoimmune disorder is more likely to improve during pregnancy?
Rheumatoid Arthritis improves in 50-70% of cases in pregnancy
Antihypertensive with most evidence for association with IUGR?
Worst prognosis for neonatal CMV with?
Least likely with hyperparathyroidism? Pancreatitis HTN kidney stones cranial califications neonatal hypocalcemia
Cranial Calcifications
Which crossed placenta most readily?
T3, T4, TSH, TRH, TSI?
TSI is the most, followed by TRH and Iodine.
There is some T3 and T4 crossing and TSH Tcannot cross the placenta
Most likely cause of hypoxia post c-section in obese class II patient?
Most common risk with AZT?
Anemia (Marrow Suppression) - most common adverse reaction
But Nausea.vomitting, more common / less specific.
Which medication is contraindicated in women with liver failure for HIV treatment?
Nevirapine, less so Lopinavir/Ritonavir (Kaletra)
HIV patient not on meds, presents in labor, best single agent?
Zidovudine / Lamivudine
Which HIV Medication shouldnt be used In the first trimester?
Efavirenz (Increased Myelomeningocele risk)
What is the most likely cause of pain from a Wet tap?
Traction of nerves from CSF leak
Which of the following have associations with advanced paternal age?
Marfan, Achondroplasia, Neurofibromatosis (MAN)