2011 Oak Hall Certamen Latin II Final Round Flashcards
TU: What man was known for his delaying tactics against Hannibal during the Second Punic War?
B1: What two Roman consuls were elected to replace Fabius Maximus in 216 B.C. and were defeated by Hannibal at Cannae?
B2: A turning point in the Second Punic War came when Hasdrubal was defeated by the Romans at what battle in 207 B.C.?
TU: (Q.) Fabius Maximus (Cunctator)
B1: (L. Aemilius) Paullus & (C. Terentius) Varro
B2: Metaurus River
TU: From what Latin adjective, with what meaning, do we derive: grief, grievance, and gravity?
B1: From what Latin verb do we derive: coil, lesson, sacrilegious, and elect?
B2: From what Latin verb do we derive: avoirdupois, provender, and able?
TU: Gravis - Heavy/Serious
B1: Lego
B2: Habeo
TU: What was the name given to the female followers of Bacchus?
B1: What king of Thebes was torn apart by the Maenads?
B2: Who, his own mother, led the charge of the Maenads against Pentheus?
K1: Who were the parents of Agave?
TU: Maenads
B1: Pentheus
B2: Agave
K1: Cadmus and HARMONIA
TU: For the verb ambulo, give the present active participle.
B1: Change ambulans to the future.
B2: Change ambulaturus to the passive.
TU: Ambulans
B1: Ambulaturus
B2: Ambulandus
TU: Give the Latin and the English for the abbreviation rx.
B1: Give the Latin and the English for the abbreviation op. cit.
B2: Give the Latin and the English for the abbreviation b.i.d.
TU: Recipe - Take
B1: Opere Citato - In the work cited
B2: Bis in Die - Twice (in) a day
TU: What emperor could be seen inn Rome wearing a lion’s skin and carrying a club?
B1: What man could be seen in Rome sporting a Gallic cloak?
B2: What man could be seen in Rome wearing women’s clothing and worshipping the Syrian sun god Baal?
TU: Commodus
B1: Caracalla
B2: Elagabalus
TU: What is the meaning of the deponent verb sequor?
B1: …arbitror?
B2: …morior?
TU: Follow
B1: Think/Judge
TU: What name was shared by the brother of Dido and the husband of Galatea?
B1: What name was shared by the wife of Creon and the wife of Orpheus?
B2: What name in mythology was shared by a wife of Jason and a wife of Aeneas?
K1: What man was originally name Alcides after his grandfather but was advised to change it after he murdered his family from a madness caused by Hera?
TU: Pygmalion
B1: Diomedes
B2: Creusa
K1: Heracles
TU: What type of Roman wedding ceremony was a fictitious sale of the bride?
B1: What was the name of the bride’s tunic?
B2: What color was a bride’s veil?
TU: Coemptio
B1: Tunica Recta
B2: Saffron
TU: Listen carefully to the following passage, which I shall read twice, and answer in ENGLISH the question that follows: Aurelia, quae in Aegypto cum familia sua ingenti vixit, donum magni pretii cupivit. Ergo, Aurelia maxima cum diligentia laboravit ob emendum donum. Deinde domum recurrit et matri donum dedit. Eheu!
Q: Where did Aurelia live with her family?
B1: What kind of gift did Aurelia want?
B2: To whom did she give the expensive gift?
TU: Egypt
B1: An expensive one
B2: Her mother
TU: At what battle were Quintus Servilius Caepio and Gnaeus Mallius Maximus heavily defeated by the Cimbri and Teutones in 105 BC?
B1: Where did Marius DEFEAT in 102 BC?
B2: Where did Marius defeat the Cimbri in 101 BC?
TU: Arausio
B1: Aquae Sextiae
B2: Vercellae
TU: Who were the three judges of the Underworld?
B1: What man had Minos hired to build a prison for the Minotaur?
B2: Aeacus was a member of what mythological building project?
K1: Who were the parents of Minos and Rhadamanthys?
K2: To what land did Zeus, in the form of a beautiful white bull, bring Europa?
TU: Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Aeacus
B1: DaedalusB2: Building the walls of Troy
K1: Zeus and Europa
K2: Crete.
TU: Differentiate in meaning between credo and cresco.
B1: …between liber and libertus.
B2: …between caedo and cedo.
TU: Credo - Believe and Cresco - Grow
B1: Liber - Free and Libertus - Freedman
B2: Caedo - Cut/Kill and Cedo - Move/Yield
TU: Which of the following, if any, is not derived from the same Latin root as tthe others: unilateral, unicameral, onion, unionn, utility?
B1: From what verb is “utility” derived?
B2: From what adjective is “onion” derived?
TU: Utility
B1: Utor
B2: Unus
TU: Who was warned by the talking horse Xanthus that he was fated to die at Troy?
B1: Which goddess gave Xanthus the power of speech?
B2: Who was Xanthus’ immortal, but speechless, harness mate?
K1: What other famous horse was the fastest horse alive and whose master was Adrastus?
TU: Achilles
B1: Hera
B2: Balios
K1: Arion
TU: Give the Dative singular for the phrase “ille bonus canis”
B1: Make that phrase Ablative
B2: Now make it Genitive plural
TU: Illi Bono Cani
B1: Illo Bono Cane
B2: Illorum Bonorum Canum
TU: What Titan cheated the gods into having the fatty parts of sacrifice and gave fire to man?
B1: What was the name of Prometheus’ brother and what does his name mean?
B2: What was the name of Epimetheus’ wife, the first woman?
TU: Prometheus
B1: Epimetheus - After thought
B2: Pandora
TU: Translate: Haec femina celerior quam illa est.
B1: Translate: Atalanta omnes feminas virosque celeritate superat.
B2: Translate: Celeriores Atalanta currere non poteramus.
TU: This woman is faster than that one.
B1: Atalanta surpasses all men and women in speed.
B2: We could not run faster than Atalanta.
TU: From what Latin noun, with what meaning, do we derive “cabbage” and “capital”?
B1: …“manufacture”?
B2: …“antler”?
TU: Caput - Head
B1: Manus - Hand
B2: Oculus - Eye
TU: What emperor erected a column celebrating his victory over the Dacians?
B1: What Dacian king did Trajan defeat?
B2: What was the capital of Dacia?
TU: Trajan
B1: Decebalus
B2: Sarmisegethusa