2011 Oak Hall Certamen Latin Advanced Final Round Flashcards
TU: Translate the following sentence into English: Tyrannō ā populō resistendum est.
B1: Why is there an ablative of agent in this sentence?
B2: Using both a dative and an ablative, say in Latin: “We will not trust a liar.”
TU: The people must resist the tyrant.
B1: Becausethe verb takes the Dative
B2: A nobis mendaci non credendum est.
TU: What author modeled his first major literary work on Theocritus’ Idylls?
B1: What two names are given to this work of Vergil?
B2: What shepherd, who appears in poem 1 of the Eclogues is said to be a representation of Vergil himself?
TU: Vergil
B1: Eclogues/Bucolics
B2: Tityrus
TU: Whose daughers, Lampetie and Phaethusa, tended the cattle of their father on the island of Thrinacia?
B1: Who was the mother of Lampetie and Phaethusa?
B2: Which member of Odysseus crew foolishly persuaded his shipmates to slaugher Helios’ cattle while their captain slept?
TU: Helios’
B1: Neaera
B2: Eurylochus
TU: At what battle of 36 B.C. did Octavian defeat the forces of Sextus Pompey?
B1: Where had Sextus Pompey set up a base of operations for conducting piracy operations against the Second Triumvirate?
B2: Where had Sextus’ brothers perished while fighting against Caesar in the
Civil War?
TU: Naulochus
B1: Sicily
B2: Munda
TU: At Roman funerals some families would hire women to grieve for the dead. What were these hired female mourners called?
B1: What did the Romans call the funeral oration itself?
B2: To our knowledge, who was the only woman during the Republic honored with a public laudatio?
TU: Neniae
B1: Laudatio (Funebris)
B2: Julia (Aunt of Caesar)
TU: When recognized by the spotter, perform the following commands: duobus manibus, bis pulsā frontem.
B1: …Omnēs, sedentēs sub mēnsā, ululāte sīcut lupī estis.
B2: …Rēmanentēs sub mēnsā, omnēs dīcite vōs stulōs sentīre.
TU: Student strikes/beats their forehead twice with both hands
B1: All the students sit under the table and howl like wolves
B2: All the students, while still under the table, say they feel silly/stupid
TU: What contemporary of Ennius did Cicero claim to be the greatest of the tragic poets?
B1: What was the relationship between Pacuvius and Ennius?
B2: Where was Pacuvius born?
TU: Pacuvius
B1: Pacuviuc was Ennius’ nephew
B2: Brundisium
TU: What king of Megara was killed when his daugher Scylla cut a single purple lock in the middle of his head?
B1: For whose love did Scylla do this?
B2: Into what type of bird did Scylla transform after he death?
TU: Nisus
B1: Minos’
B2: Ciris
TU: Identify the speaker from the following lines of Vergil’s Aeneid, which I will read as prose: “Tantane vōs generis tenuit fidūcia vestrī? Iam caelum terramque meō sine nūmine, ventī, miscēre et tantās audētis tollere mōlēs?
B1: The lines continue…Quos ego - ! sed mōtōs praestat componere fluctūs. Identify the figure of speech in these lines.
B2: Identify both the speaker and addressee in the following lines from the Aeneid: “Nulla tuarum audita mihi neque visa sororum, O quam te memorem, virgo?”
TU: Neptune
B1: Aposiopesis
B2: Aeneas to Venus
TU: For the verb aedificō, give the 3rd person singular, future, active, imperative.
B1: Change aedificātō to the plural.
B2: Change aedificanto to the 2nd person.
TU: Aedificato
B1: Aedificanto
B2: Aedificatote
TU: Where did an army commanded by Cnaeus Iulius Agricola defeat the Caledonians in 84 A.D.?
B1: What general and author of Strategemata preceeded Agricola as governor of Brittannia?
B2: Which governor of Britannia defeated the devolt of Boudicca and the Iceni?
TU: Mons Graupius
B1: Frontinus
B2: Suetonius Paulinus
TU: From what Latin noun, with what meaning, do we derive “coy” and “acquit”?
B1: …do we derive “tinsel”?
B2: From what Latin adjective, with what meaning, do we derive “desiccate”?
TU: Quies - Rest
B1: Scintilla - Spark
B2: Siccus - Dry
TU: From the days of Henry VIII, the kings and queens of England have used the Latin abbreviation F.D. What is the Latin and English for this abbreviation?
B1: What European monarch had the motto Nec pluribus impar?
B2: What European city has the motto Esto Perpetua?
TU: Fidei Defensor - Defender of the faith
B1: Louis XIV
B2: Venice
TU: Who attempted to bar the god Hermes from entering the bed-chamber of her sister Herse, with whom the god had fallen in love?
B1: What did Hermes do to Aglaurus?
B2: What sister of Aglaurus and Herse was the only one to obey Athena when she instructed the three not to lift the lid which contained the infant Erichthonius?
TU: Aglaurus
B1: Turned her to stone
B2: Pandrosus
TU: In what author’s work, often considered the first novel in Latin, can we find an episode called the Cēna Trimalchiōnis?
B1: What is the title of this novel?
B2: What servant boy acts as a foil for the main characters, Encolpius and Ascyltus?
TU: Petronius’
B1: Satyricon/Satyrica
B2: Giton
TU: Differentiate in meaning between perdō and praedō.
B1: …secus and sucus.
B2: …nectō and nictō.
TU: Perdo - Lose ; Praedo - Bandit/Robber
B1: Secus - Otherwise ; Sucus - Juice
B2: Necto - Tie ; Nicto - Blink
TU: What Roman, born at Reate, authored over 150 Mennipean Satires as well as the Dē Linguā Latīnā?
B1: To whom did Varro dedicate books VI-X of the Dē Linguā Latīnā, the only ones that are extant?
B2: In what year did Varro die?
TU: Varro
B1: Cicero
B2: 27 B.C.
TU: What son of Poseidon and Lysianassa sacrificed strangers who visited his land?
B1: What land did Busiris rule?
B2: Who killed Busiris?
TU: Busiris
B1: Egypt
B2: Heracles
TU: What Praetorian Prefect conspired with Domitia to assasinate Domitian in 96 A.D.?
B1: Who actually carried out the assasination of Domitian?
B2: What was Domitian doing when we was stabbed?
TU: Petronius Secundus
B1: Stephanus
B2: Reading about a conspiracy against his life
TU: Translate: Marcō visum est omnēs magistrōs esse insanōs.
B1: Translate: Marcus dēcrēvit sē quam celerrimē ē ludō infēlicī discessurum esse.
B2: Translate: Marcus sibi putāvit “Utīnam nē magistrī essent tam insanī.”
TU: It seemed to Marcus that all his teachers were crazy.
B1: Marcus decided that he would leave the unlucky school as quickly as possible.
B2: Marcus thought to himself, “If only my teachers were not so crazy.”