20 may 2020 pq Flashcards
True for adrenal hyperplasia
diffuse hyperplasia
Which statement is true for Aleutian mink disease?
Leads to ureamia
What is pyelonephritis?
inflammation of pelvis and renal parenchyma
In case of listeriosis, what changes can be found in the brain
How do we call the accumulation of transudate mixed with chylus
hydrops chylaris
What is true for inflammation in forestomach
never catarrhal
Which statement is true for torsion of the stomach
arteries cant empty
Which statement is true for A hypovitaminosis
hyperkeratosis occurs in the salivary glands
What is the clinical consequence of forestomach perforation
hepatic abscess
What can be the reason behind secondary distension of the forestomach
defect of eructation
How can the inflammatory process reach the bronchi
Which factor leads to the development of the wet form of FIP
all 3
What does hydronephros mean ?
accumulation of urine in the kidney
which organ would you make a histological section to diagnose Teschen disease
lumbar spinal
which statement is true for paradentitis
plaque, tartar and bacteria are involved