2.0 Leading & Managing Process Safety Flashcards
How would you define Process Safety (PS) ?
Keeping hazardous material & energy contained, to prevent catastrophic fires, explosions & toxic releases
How would you define a Process Safety Management System (PSMS)
The complete set of standards, analyses, tasks & oversight activities to contain hazardous materials augmented by those to minimise potential consequences if containment is lost
Is Process Safety related to injury rates?
No, good personal safety does not imply good process safety cf Macondo incident
What are the likely consequences of a significant process safety event?
Likely consequences include: multiple fatalities, property damage, lost production, loss of shareholder value & environmental harm
Why are process safety regulations performance based?
Due to the fact that PS events are low frequency, high consequence and company specific, the onus is placed on the company to implement an effective PSMS rather then just following regulations
What is the difference between Leading & Lagging PS KPI?
Lagging metrics are retrospective based on previous incidents meeting specific thresholds whilst Leading metrics are predictive looking at people, processes & plant.
How many tiers of Process Safety are in common usage?
Four; Tier 1 PSE, Tier 2 PSE, Near Miss PSE & Insufficient Operating Discipline
What are the 4 Pillars of Process Safety
The 4P’s of the CCPS PSMS are Commit, Understand , Manage & Learn
How many elements are there in the CCPS PSMS
20 (4,2,10,4)
What are the three questions to assess PS risk?
What can go wrong, How bad can it be & How often can it happen?
Can you give a general definition of risk?
Functional [Consequence, Frequency, Operational Discipline]
What are the 4 principles of Inherently Safer Design?
Minimization, Substitution, Moderation, and Simplification
Are barriers, safeguards & risk-reduction measures synonymous?
No; barriers, & risk-reduction measures generally mean the same (and require maintaining) whilst safeguards are not generally formally evaluated.
What is the Swiss Cheese model
The Swiss Cheese Model by James Reason illustrates how multiple layers of defence (barriers - physical, engineered or people) can prevent accidents, with each layer’s “holes” representing potential points of failure.
Who is responsible for process risk management?
It is the direct responsibility of line and business management and are important measures of managerial performance.