20 item quiz Flashcards
In addition to his test-related “claim to fame,” this man was the first football coach at the University of Southern California. He is, of course,
Henry H. Goddard.
Today, which of the following groups would be MOST likely to cite the research of Henry H. Goddard in literature it produces for public consumption?
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
- Research published by Henry H. Goddard supported
the eugenics movement
Psychological test data gathered from immigrant assessees at Ellis Island by Henry Goddard was
cited to support anti-immigration arguments and legislation.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about Henry Goddard?
He (did not ) developed a culturally sensitive intelligence test that measured culturally specific aspects of intelligence common to East Asian immigrants.
From the intelligence test data he gathered at Ellis Island, Henry Goddard concluded that many of the people attempting to immigrate to the United States were “feebleminded.” This conclusion was
largely the result of using a test that overestimated mental deficiency.
Which is TRUE of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act?
A psychologist or psychiatrist may be requested to evaluate the patient for impaired judgment and the presence of psychopathology.
A psychologist licensed in Oregon may not accept a referral to evaluate a dying patient under the provisions of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act
in accordance with an ethical obligation to prevent suicide.
In the psychological assessment of a dying patient in Oregon who is requesting “death with dignity” assistance, the role of the assessor is to evaluate the dying patient’s
family support system.
competency to make a life-ending decision.
level and sensitivity to pain.
All of these
Indirectly, the USSR’s launch of Sputnik had the effect of
galvanizing public interest in education and testing.
The testing program that existed in China between 1115 b.c.e. and 1905 is most similar to which of the following today?
civil service testing
As discussed in the text, examinations in ancient China for civil service positions were, for the most part,
only open to men.
As used in the text, the term imperial examinations refers to assessment for
civil service in ancient China.
For over 3,000 years, open and competitive examinations were administered in China. What these examinations measured could BEST be described as
During the Middle Ages, the focus of early “diagnostic techniques” was on identifying
Which of the following positions would Galton support?
Genius runs in families.
How did the work of Wundt differ from that of Galton, Binet, and James McKeen Cattell?
Wundt focused on how individuals were the same rather than different.
Who coined the term mental test in 1890?
Sir Francis Galton measured each of the following
genetic inheritance in sweet peas.
the standing height of humans.
the sitting height of humans.
Which behavioral scientist viewed individual differences as a source of error in experimentation?
Who is credited with being the originator of the psychometric concept of test reliability?
Which of the following was the first personality test to be developed after the first world war?
the Personal Data Sheet
During World War I, Robert Woodsworth and his committee developed a measure of
emotional stability.
Projective tests may be viewed as remedying a deficiency of which other type of psychological test?
self-report tests
An approach to personality assessment that does not employ self-report methods is referred to as
a projective method
Henry A. Murray is the author of a “personology” theory of personality and is best associated with
the Thematic Apperception Test.
Public concern about various aspects of psychological testing reached a peak in the
The American Psychological Association issues both guidelines and standards. Standards ______________ while guidelines ___________
must be followed; are aspirational.
Which organization published Technical Recommendations for Psychological and Diagnostic Tests?
the American Psychological Association
According to the Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests and Manuals, the responsibility for the use of psychological tests is that of
professionals with the necessary training and experience.
The Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education was developed and endorsed by
Both test publishers and professional organizations.
Tests are categorized as
level A, B, and C, depending on how much testing-related knowledge is necessary to administer the test.
Consistent with recommendations regarding professional ethics, post-test feedback to testtakers
should be accurate and understandable.
Which of the following terms BEST characterizes the relationship between the enterprise of psychological testing and the public during the 20thcentury?
a stormy relationship
Much of 19th-century psychological measurement focused on
sensory abilities.