2º TRIMESTRE INGLÉS Unit 3 Flashcards
when you don´t have much money
to be short of money
have a limited amount of money available to spend on something
to be on a tight budget
consider several possibilities before making a choice about what to buy
to shop around
look for information on the internet
to browse
to be cheated by someone making you pay too much money for something (ser estafado)
to get ripped off
shops located on the main street of a town or city
high-streets stores
the activity of looking at things in shop windows but not buying anything (ir de escaparates)
to go window shopping
when something is worth the price you pay for it (buena inversión, buena calidad-precio)
to be good value for money
a bag that a shop gives you for carrying home the things you have bought (bolsa de la compra)
carrier bag
the boxes, bottles, plastic, etc used for wrapping products so that they can be sold (paquete, envoltorio, envase)
buy something that costs much less than normal (pillar una ganga)
to pick up a real bargain
a product or group of products that has its own name and is made by one particular company (marca)
compra/ compras
gastarse, desgastarse
to wear out
critica, reseña
etiqeuta, marca (=brand)
pagar en tarjeta Vs. pagar en efectivo
to pay by card Vs. to pay (in) cash
to turn down
estar al tanto, estar al día/ seguir el ritmo (meet the demand for sth.)
keep up with
arrasar con un incendio/ incendiarse (be forced away from a place)
burn down
expulsar, sacar a patadas
drive out
criar, educar
bring up
abrirel los ojos a alguien, hacerle entender a alguien, localizar a alguien, ubicar a alguien, comunicarse con alguien (make someone understand what are you are trying to say)
get through to
expresar, hacer entender (clearly communicate what are you trying to say)
get across
descartar (eliminate)
rule out