2 - Topical Contact Allergens Flashcards
Topical contact allergens induces an allergic contact dermatitis in a previously unsensitised host
Topical contact allergens treat various dermatoses by maintaining the allergic contact dermatitis at the site of the skin disease being treated
The ideal contact allergen is a potent contact sensitiser
The ideal contact allergen should not be widely found in the environment
The ideal contact allergen does not cause significant adverse effects
The ideal contact allergen does not cross-sensitise with other substances
It is not completely known how topical contact allergens may improve alopecia areata or viral warts
The ‘antigenic competition’ theory has been postulated in the mechanism of action of topical contact allergens in alopecia areata, in that an immunoreaction to one antigen may inhibit the development of the immune response to another unrelated antigen
True (the ratio of CD4:CD8 peribulbar T cell infiltrate changes to 1:1 from 4:1 to reflect a relative increase in peribulbar CD8 T cells)
Long term treatment of alopecia areata with topical contact allergens DPCP and SADBE leads to significant non-specific systemic suppression of delayed hypersensitivity reactions
DPCP treatment of alopecia areata reduces the abnormal expression of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) in the epithelium of lower hair follicles
Long term treatment of alopecia areata with DPCP leads to recovery of hair follicles by driving auto reactive T cells into activation-induced cell death
The mechanism of action of topical contact allergens in warts may be a result of a non-specific cell-mediated immune response that triggers virus-infected cell lysis and death
Both DPCP and SADBE are non-mutagenic on the Ames test
True (in contrast to DNCB which is mutagenic)
The synthetic precursor of DPCP is a potential contaminant of commercially obtained samples and a potent mutagen
True (although DPCP itself is not a mutagen) - presence of the contaminant may be screened before use and periodically thereafter using liquid chromatography
DPCP is light sensitive
DPCP’s photolysis product (diphenylacetylene) is not mutagenic
Acetone is a standard solvent for DPCP and SADBE
True (acetone is a strong light absorber and dries rapidly) - DPCP is more stable in acetone than SADBE
Women of child bearing potential should have a negative pregnancy test before starting DPCP and advised to use reliable birth control during treatment
In alopecia areata, Eyelashes should not be treated with DPCP
The addition of topical minoxidil did not add a significant clinical benefit in patients treated with DPCP for alopecia areata
Fexofenadine hydrochloride can enhance the efficacy of DPCP or SADBE in alopecia areata
Oral administration of the immunomodulatory agent inosine pranobex did not enhance the efficacy of DPCP in a patient with alopecia totalis
Regional lymphadenopathy is a common adverse effect from topical DPCP and SADBE
Localised contact eczema and spread of contact eczema to distant sites (autoeczematisation) are common in topical DPCP and SADBE