2. To what extent was the League of Nations a success? Flashcards
who where the members of the league
britain and france lead the league
italy and japan where in the security coulcil
usa was not in the league which made it loose power and legitimacy
How was the decision making in the League and what were the actions available?
- all nation to joing would agree to disarm and protect eachother
- each member had a veto
- Actions available to the Council: moral condemnation; economic sanctions; military force
- decision took very long to happen
- assembly met once a uear and all decisions had to be unanimous
boder dispute vilna
Poland invaded Vilna, which was capital of newly created Lithuania. Lithuania appealed to League – League did nothing
border dispute upper silesia
Plebiscite among people in Silesia to decide whether to join Poland or Germany. Based on results, it was divided amongst the two countries
border dispute aaland islands
Dispute between Sweden and Finland over ownership of islands. League gave islands to Finland – Sweden accepted the decision
border dispute corfu
Mussolini invaded Corfu, after murder of Italian General. Greece appealed to League who condemned Mussolini’s actions. However, Mussolini used his influence to change the decision – Greece had to pay Italy compensation and apologise
border dispute bulgaria
Greece invaded Bulgaria. The League condemned Greece and they were forced to pay compensation to Bulgaria and withdraw. One rule for small countries and another for major powers?
work with the refugees
- 400,000 prisinors returned to homes
- refugee crisis in turkey in 1922- worked quicklu to prevent cholera, smallpox etc in refugee camps
Progress with working conditions
- limited hours smalll children could work
- introduced maximum 48 hours a week
- encouaged employers to improve working conditions
progress in health
The Health Committee helped defeat leprosy, and reduced malaria and yellow fever. Eventually became World Health Organisation
work in transport
International highway code for road users and marking of shipping lanes
work in social problems
- targeted illegal drug trade
- freed 200,000 slaves
- improved working conditions on building of Tanganyika railway in Africa
disarmament agreement
- Plans in 1923 and 1926 all failed.
- Germany was only country that was disarmed – no other country was willing to disarm
the locarno treaties
- Germany accepted borders with France and Belgium
- Accepted the demilitarisation of the Rhineland
- As a result, Germany was invited to join the League in 1926
kellog- briand pact
65 nations agreed to reject war, and to use the League in the case of any disputes that may arise. However, did not state what would happen if countries broke the Pact.
What was the economic depression? What were its effects in Europe and the LoN?
- Wall Street Crash in 1929 led to economic depression
- Britain unwilling to get involved in international disputes due to her own economic problems
- Depression in Germany led to rise of Hitler and the Nazi party and a more nationalistic approach to foreign policy
- France became increasingly suspicious of Germany and began reinforcing its borders
What was the Manchurian crisis?
give years
- 1931: Japan invaded Manchuria
- Feb 1932: set up puppet government in Manchuria
- League condemned Japan’s actions
- Japan resigned from League and did not approve of report
- League was powerless to stop Japan, since nor Britain or France wanted to intervene militarily
- Hitler and Mussolini saw the League’s failure
Failure of disarmament in 1930s?
- July 1932 – Disarmament Conference promised to limit artillery, tanks and prohibit chemical weapons
- However, there was no way of enforcing these restrictions
- October 1933 – Hitler withdrew from the League, protesting about the inequality of disarmament across Europe – Germany felt they were being singled out
Abyssinian crisis
- Mussolini wanted to invade Abyssinia to expand Italian empire
- League condemned the potential invasion and suggested to split Abyssinia, Mussolini rejected
- 1935: full scale invasion - League failed to act, British + French tried to make private arrangements with Italy
- 1936: Hitler saw League’s failure and invaded the Rhineland
- Neither Britain or France were prepared to prevent Mussolini from taking over Abyssinia