2. SI Units Flashcards
Intro spiel
who / why invented them
whats the benefit
The creation of the decimal metric system began during the eighteenth-century French revolution when two platinum standards, representing the metre and kilogram, were placed in the Archives de la République in Paris.
Eminent scientists like Gauss and Weber then went on to promote the universal application of a standard system of measurement in the early nineteenth century.
By the 1960s, the International System of Units (abbreviated to SI units from the French Le Système International d’Unités) was developed which incorporated six base units (the mole was added later) along with rules for the use of derived units and prefixes. The advantage of this unified system is that equations and calculations will produce answers in the appropriate SI unit. Unfortunately, they are not used universally.
A question concerning the SI units is a popular opening to the physics SOE and candidates should understand the relationship between derived and base units and be comfortable in manipulating them from one to the other.
SI Units
Base unit Name Symbol Length metre m Mass kilogram kg Time second s Current ampere A Temperature kelvin K Am of sub mole mol Lums intens candela cd
What are the two
supplementary units?
The plane angle (radian) and solid angle (steradian) were supplementary units
but this category was abolished in 1995. These units are considered named
derived units.
List some of the derived units
Derived units are formed by combination of
various base units according to
mathematical relationships
which link these quantities.
Derived units Name Symbol
Area square metre m2
Volume cubic metre m3
Density kilogram per cubic metre kg/m3
Velocity metre per second m/s
Acceleratrion metre per second squared m/s2
Derived Named SI UNITs
Electric charge
Electric potential difference
Electrical resistance
Magnetic flux
Magnetic flux density
Pressure pascal (Pa) N/m2 kg·m–1·s–2
Energy joule (K) N·m kg·m2·s–2
Power watt (W) J/s kg·m2·s–3
Electric charge
Electric charge coulomb (C) – A·s
Electric potential
Electric potential difference
volt (V) W/A kg·m2·s–3·A–1
Capacitance farad (F) C/V kg–1·m–2·s4·A2
Electrical resistance
ohm (Ω) V/A kg·m2·s–3·A–2
Magnetic flux
Magnetic flux
weber (Wb) V·s kg·m2·s–2·A–1
Magnetic flux
Magnetic flux density
tesla (T) Wb/m2 kg·s–2·A–1
Magnetic flux density
Magnetic flux density
tesla (T) Wb/m2 kg·s–2·A–1
Inductance henry (H) Wb/A kg·m2·s–2·A–2
Temperature degree celsius (°C) – K
Bigger SI Unit prefix
Factor Name Symbol 1024 yotta Y 1021 zetta Z 1018 exa E 1015 peta P 1012 tera T 109 giga G 106 mega M 103 kilo k 102 hecto h 101 deka da
Smaller SI Unit prefix
Factor Name Symbol 10-1 deci d 10-2 centi c 10-3 milli m 10-6 micro µ 10-9 nano n 10-12 pico p 10-15 femto f 10-18 atto a 10-21 zepto z 10-24 yocto y