[2] Section A CC Flashcards
Nan desu ka?
What is it?
Tegami desu.
It’s a letter.
This card has a continued response in foot notes >
Mr/s. Suzuki!
(b) Odenwa desu. [Telephone]
Nan desu ka?
What is it?
(b) A doo mo. [Oh, thanks.]
Suzuki-san desu ka?
Are you Mr/s. Suzuki?
Hai. Suzuki desu. Doozo.
Yes, I am (Suzuki). (Pointing to a chair) Please [sit down].
Doo desu ka? Dame desu ka?
How is it? Is it out-of-order?
Iya, daizyoobu desu yo.
No, it’s all right.
Tanaka-saii desita yo.
That was Mr/s. Tanaka.
Aa, soo desu ka?
Oh, is that right?
Dame desita nee.
It wasn’t any good was it.
Soo desu nee.
That’s right (it isn’t)!
Nihongo desu ka?
Is that Japanese?
Iya, Nihongo zya arimasen yo. Chugokugo desu.
No, it isn’t (Japanese). It’s Chinese.
Yamamoto-san zya nai desu ka?
Isn’t that Mr/s. Yamamoto?
Aa, so desu nee.
Oh, it is, isn’t it.
This card has a continued response in foot notes >
Kiree desu ka?
Is she pretty?
(b) Aa soo desu ka? Zannen desu nee! [Oh really? That’s too bad isn’t it!]
Soo desu nee. Amari kiree zya nai desu nee!
(Looking at photograph) Hmmm. (She is) not very (pretty), is she!
Tokyo deshita ka?
Asking about a telephone call)
Was that Tokyo?
Iya, Tokyo zya arimasen deshita.
No, it wasn’t (Tokyo).