2- Pre-Design Assessment + Planning Flashcards
All Prereqs/Credits in Pre-Design Assessment + Planning
Pre-Design P2.1: Use an integrative design process (req)
Pre-Design P2.2: Conduct a pre-design site assessment (req)
Pre-Design P2.3: Designate and communicate Vegetation and Soil Protection Zones (VSPZs) (req)
Pre-Design P2.4: Engage users and stakeholders (3 points)
P2.1: Use an integrative design process
Optimize site performance by identifying and executing synergistic opportunities across different disciplines throughout all phases of design and construction.
P2.1: Use an integrative design process
- Form an integrated design time.
- Should include at min the following roles:- Owner and/or client
- Professionals knowledgeable in design, construction, and maintenance.
- Professionals knowledgeable in vegetation, water, soils, landscape ecology, materials, and human health & well-being, selected to meet unique site
- Develop a collaborative communication process.
- Develop agreed upon comm. method for team members. Allow all members perspectives.
- Designated team facilitator to oversee & ensure collaborative process. - ID Project sustainability principles & performance goals.
- ID principles & perf. goals of the project (both short & long term) - include timeline & specific performance measures for each goal to determine when it has been achieved.
- Designated specific members to track goals. - Incorp the principles & goals into a program plan.
- Develop program plan that at min includes:- Unique characteristics, opps, constraints of the site.
- General project parameters (scope, budget, impl. schedule, purpose, and design intent).
- Diagram or description of the intended function, arrangement, and relationship of desire features and their approximate dimensions.
- Describe how sustainability principles & performance goals will be incorporated into the design.
- ID stakeholders & site user groups
- ID Stakeholders
- ID range of site users- list the primary & secondary user groups. - Plan for construction oversight.
- Designate a team member, other than contractor, who will be responsible for verifying the site is built per the specs & drawings.
- Meet with contractor prior to construction to review specs, requirements, and drawings to convey principles & performance goals.
- Describe agreed upon method whereby changes can be made in the field during construction. - Develop a strategy for preparing a site maintenance plan.
- Include all team members in the development of the site maintenance plan.
P2.1: Use an integrative design process
Submittal Docs
- Integrated design team.
- table with name of member & expertise
- Explain anyone fulfilling multiple roles - Collaborative communication process.
- Narrative describing the process
- List of team members responsible for collab comm.
- Signatures from all team members - Project sustainability principles & performance goals.
- Narrative describing principles & goals
- Timeline & specific measures for each goal
- List of team members responsible for tracking goals throughout the design, construction, and maintenance process - Program plan.
- Sections of the program plan noting unique opps, characteristics, constraints of sites.
- Narrative text
- Diagrams / descriptions of the intended functions, arrangements, and relationships of desired features and their approx dimensions. - Stakeholders & site user groups
- List of all Stakeholders
- List of site users- list the primary & secondary user groups. - Plan for construction oversight.
- Narrative ID-ing the team member responsible for construction oversight & describing the proposed schedule. - Develop a strategy for preparing a site maintenance plan.
- Signatures from all team members acknowl. their participation in the dvlpment of the site maintenance plan.
P2.1: Use an integrative design process
- Form diverse team of qualified professionals as early as possile.
- Discuss avail resources as part of the site maintenance plan. (short & long term)
- Engage the client in leading / participating in a design charrette with the assistance of the project design team leadership.
P2.1: Use an integrative design process
- More innovative solutions with diverse team.
- Considering diverse viewpoints & needs leads to more culturally sustainable projects.
P2.2: Conduct a pre-design site assessment
Maximize the opportunities for beneficial site performance by conducting an accurate and detailed assessment of site conditions and exploring options for sustainable outcomes prior to design.
P2.2: Conduct a pre-design site assessment
With the integrated design team, collect & assess info about the site to help ID opportunities to protect & improve ecosystem services & use sustainable strategies.
- Map & assess site conditions & resources according to outline in submittal doc section. (Not all topics in the outline apply to every site & each site may contain additional important unique elements that are not explicitly addressed here. Include additional topics not listed & provide reasons for not addressing certain topics.)
- Collect additional info on the site & surrounding areas to assess opps for sustainable site outcomes, including non-physical influences that may affect the site design, and potential effects of the design.
- Explain how the identified site conditions & resources will influence the sustainable design of the site.
P2.2: Conduct a pre-design site assessment
Submittal Docs
- Comprehensive site amp or multiple maps at same scale / orientation addressing all physical ex conditions on site
- Completed Site Assessment Worksheet (or an illustrated narrative addressing the same topics & describing how each could influence site design.
- Signatures from all integrated design team members stating the site assessment & relevant discussions were conducted collaboratively.
** See this chapter for example of assessment worksheet.
P2.2: Conduct a pre-design site assessment
Recommended Strategies
Consult with local experts & community to evaluate existing conditions & ID sustainable strategies.
Evaluate the impact a design approach may have on sustainability during construction opps & maintenance.
P2.3: Designate & Communicate Vegetation & Soil Protection Zones
Maximize the benefits of ecosystem services by designating and communicating to the project team members a site development plan that protects healthy vegetation, soils, and sensitive environmental features.
P2.3: Designate & Communicate Vegetation & Soil Protection Zones
- ID, map, and protect critical & sensitive existing on-site features in VSPZs
- Ensure the section of the site maintenance plan is complete & describes the on-going management activities to protect the integrity of VSPZs.
P2.3: Designate & Communicate Vegetation & Soil Protection Zones
Relevant prerequisites & requirement
Context P1.1
Case 2: sites with farmland soils
95% of all healthy soils designated as prime farmland, unique farmland, farmland of statewide importance, or farmland of local importance.
P2.3: Designate & Communicate Vegetation & Soil Protection Zones
Relevant prerequisites & requirement
Context P1.2
Protect floodplain functions
Case 3: greenfields within floodplain
90% of 100-year floodplain area
P2.3: Designate & Communicate Vegetation & Soil Protection Zones
Relevant prerequisites & requirement
Context P1.3
Conserve aquatic ecosystems
Case 2: Sites with naturally occurring aquatic ecosystems
Entire delineated buffer, according to aquatic ecosystem classification