2. Physiological properties of the heart Flashcards
Describe how co-ordinated electrical activity occurs?
Pacemaker acitity of the SAN starts the process and depolarisation spreads due to ‘functional syncytium’ (atria –> ventricles)
Draw a graph showing cardiac action potentials with values.
Red = sinus node fibre
Green = ventricular muscle fibre

Describe the events of phase 0-4 in atrial/ventricular depolarisation
- Phase 0 - Rapid depolarisation due increased gNa+ and fast Na+ channels open
- Phase 1 - Repolarisation begins; Na+ channels close
- Phase 2 - Effect of Ca2+ entry via L-type DHR channels
- Phase 3 - Rapid repolarisation as increased [Ca2+] stimulates K+ channels to open and gK+ increases. L type Ca2+ channels close
- Phase 4 - Stable resting potnetial as gNa+ exceeds gK+ by 50:1

Phases of SA node depolarisation
- Phase 1 - gradual increase in resting potential due to increased gNa+ as ‘funny’ F-type Na+ channels open and decrease gK+ as K+ channels close slowly
- Phase 2 - Depolarisation due to Ca2+ entry via slow L channels
- Phase 3 - Repolarisation as elevated internal Ca2+ srimulates opening of K+ channels and increase gK+
Effect of sympathetic stimulation on pacemaker activity
NA acts on B1 receptors and increase cAMP production, which increases rate of SAN 1 depolarisations.
= positive chrontropic effect
Effect of parasympathetic stimulation on pacemaker activity
ACh acts of M2 which results in a decrease in the production of cAMP. This decreases the rate of SAN 1 depolarisations.
Also hyperpolarises membrane to lower starting level (increases gK+ for longer).
= negative chronotropic effect
What acts as the intrinsic pacemaker and its rate of depolarisations?
Sinoatrial Node (SAN)
What is used to measure the electrical activity of the heart?
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Where are the electrodes placed for an ECG?
- 4 on the limbs
- 6 across the chest
What is the earth lead used for?
To remove background noise
What is the function of the limb leads?
Measure the sum of the electrical activity of the heart and the direction the electrical activity is moving
What does depolarisation moving towards the “positive” cause?
Trace on the ECG goes up
What does depolarisation moving away from the “positive” cause?
Trace on the ECG goes down
How are the size of electric signals from the heart determined?
Current (propertional to tissue mass) and direction of signal
Observed signal =
electrical event x cosσ
σ = angle between event and ECG lead
What type of angle gets the biggest signal?
smallest angle
Draw a normal ECG wave

Describe the P, QRS and T waves
- P = atrial depolarisation
- QRS = ventrical depolarisation
- T = ventricular repolarisation
What is the repolarisation of the SA Node triggered by?
Why are “funny” Na+ channels more likely to open?
Membrane potential has decreased
What is the function of transient Ca2+ channels
Help with the final push to get over the threshold in SA node depolarisation
Give the different functions of L-type Ca2+ channels in nodal and muscle tissue
Nodal = depolarisation
Muscle = plateau
What is the PR interval?
Delay in AV node
What is the QT interval?
plateau phase
Why is there no signal for atrial repolarisation?
occurs at the same time as the QRS complex
Why are F-type voltage-gated Na+ channels funny?
They open as the membrane voltage becomes more negative, which is different from normal Na+ channels which open when the membrane potential becomes more positive
What does pacemaker potential refer to?
gradual creep caused by the F-type Na+ channels in SA node tissue