2) Personal Jurisdiction Flashcards
PJ (def)
power of court over a PARTY. Focus on the state in which suit was filed
SMJ (def)
(vs SMJ: power of court over CASE)
PJ (rule)
need BOTH:
1) PJ law of the state where the fed court sits (long arm statute)
2) PJ law in US const (14A DPC)
PJ: long arm statutes
1) would state court in the same state assert PJ over that party? (if yes, move on to const analysis. If no, NO PJ!)
PJ: long arm statutes: exception
Congress COULD subject a D to pj in fed court w/o considering state law (v. rare)
const: kinds mnemonic
PJ Rarely Causes Severe Mental Anguish
const: kinds
1) residency
2) consent/waiver
3) service
4) minimum contacts
5) at home general j
const: residency: rule
if a party is a resident (citizen/domiciled) in state where lawsuit is filed, then PJ over D is const.
const: residency: corporations
same rule as SMJ:
1) place incorporated AND
2) principal place of business (HQ, brains)
const: residency: associations
assn is resident of state where has HQ/principal place of business
const: consent: rule
if party consents to fed ct’s PJ over him, then PJ is const
const: consent: ways
1) contract
2) appointment (maybe)
3) R12 mxn
const: consent: contract (def)
choice-of-forum clause in k. By signing you consented to power of court in that state
const: consent: appointment (rule)
if business/agent appoints agent for service of process AND
state’s law defines appointment as consent, THEN
business MIGHT have consented to pj of fed ct
(court split)
const: consent: R12 mxn
if party files a R12 mxn w/o objecting to PJ, then has consented ot court’s power
const: service: def
if D served w process in the state where lawsuit filed, PJ over D is const
const: service: exceptions
1) P coaxed D into state under false pretenses
2) D is in the state to participate in a legal proceeding
const: minimum contacts: test/rule
for j to be const:
1) D must have established minimum contact w the forum state
2) claim against D arises from that contact w forum state
3) j will not offend fair play / justice (FORESEEABLE WOULD BE HALED INTO COURT THERE)
const: minimum contacts: minimum contacts: def
have min contacts w a state if:
1) causes harm in the state
2) does business in the state OR
3) has interest in real property in the state
his contact w the state must be purposefully established (availment)
(benefits from protections of forum state)
(don’t have to be in the state)
const: minimum contacts: arising from: def + note
lawsuit arises from the contacts if the contacts PLAYED A ROLE IN CAUSING THE LAWSUIT
note: this is NOT required for any other kind of pj!
const: minimum contacts: fair play/substantial justice: factors
balancing test
1) burden on D (how burdensome)
2) forum state’s interest
3) P’s interest in relief
4) efficiency (interstate)
5) public policy (shared state interest in)
const: “at home” general j: rule
very high bar. corporation’s contacts are so substantial that “essentially at home” (it’s as if headquartered)