2. Perception Flashcards
What is perception?
It is an active process of selecting, organising and interpreting.
What is cognitive schemata?
A mental process of organising categories of info & relationship among them. Mental structure of preconceived ideas.
What is a personal construct?
Mental yardstick that allows us to measure a person/situation along a bipolar dimension of judgment (two ends of a spectrum).
What are scripts?
Sequence of activities that spells out how people are expected to act in a situation.
What is cognitive complexity?
Number of personal constructs used, how abstract they are, how elaborately they interact to shape perceptions.
What is selecting?
Selectively noticing things
What are 3 factors that affect selecting?
1) external factors
2) self concepts: what you see yourself as
3) needs, interests: may have confirmation bias, where you see what you want to see
What are 4 types of organisation during perception?
1) prototypes (the best example of a category)
2) stereotypes
3) personal construct
4) scripts
What is interpretation?
A subjective process of creating explanations for things we see and experience. We perform attribution in the process.
What is attribution? Name 4 types of it.
Act of explaining.
1) Locus: internal, external
2) stability: stable, unstable
3) specificity: global, specific
4) responsibility: within or beyond personal control
What is the self-serving bias?
Tendency to make attributions that serve our personal interests
What are 4 influences on perception?
1) expectations (notice things we expect to see)
2) social roles
3) cognitive complexity
4) physiological factors