2 - Otolaryngology Flashcards
Functions of the eustacian tube?
Pressure equalization
- yawning/swallowing
Mucus drainage
- from middle ear to posterior pharynx
Why are ear infections common in kids not but adults?
- Shorter ET
- Horizontal ET
- Immature floppy elastic cartilage
- Larger adenoids
Tube resembles adult tubes by age 6
S/s of eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD)
Aural fullness
Fluctuating hearing
Discomfort w barometric pressure changes
ETD pts are at risk for?
Otitis media w effusion (OME)
Serous otitis media (SOM)
Ways to assess the TM integrity and mobility?
Otoscope w bulb
What 2 main dysfunctions cause ear problems?
Dilatory dysfunction (common) - cannot dilate well
Patulous dysfunction (uncommon)
Dilatory dysfunction causes?
- Any type of inflammation
- infection
- allergies
- irritants
- hormones - Pressure dysregulation (altitude)
- Anatomic congenital abnormalities
- atresias
- masses
- trauma
- hypertrophied adenoids
- downs
Patulous dysfunction presentation?
Over patent eustation tube “i hear my body functions”
benign condition caused by
- wt loss (6lbs)
- scarring
- neuromuscular d/o
- hormonal functions (high estrogen)
Clinical symptoms of dilatory vs patulous dysfunctions?
- HL,
- TM retraction/effusion
- autophony (looks normal w/o HL)
- movement w inspiration/expiration
Dilatory dysfunction tx?
- Decongestants
- Antihistamines
- Nasal steroids
- stop smoking
- PPI (acid reflux)
Patulous dysfunction tx?
Mild symptoms
- reassure/education
- hydration
- NS spray
Severe symptoms
- TM tubes
- cartilage grafting
What is SOM aka OME
Serous otitis media
Otitis media w effusion
- eustachian tube remains blocked for a long time
- negative pressure results in transudation of fluid
- fluid in middle ear w/o illness/inflammation
Presentation of SOM/OME?
Conductive HL
Aural fullness
Reduced TM mobility - viscous bubbles
Adults - h/o
- Allergies
- barotrauma
Adults w persistent unilateral SOM?
Must r/o:
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Using nasopharyngeal endoscopy
Tx of SOM?
Mild HL
- observe x 3 mo
- freq valsalva
- steroids/abx/antihistamines (controversial)
Why are meds controversial for SOM tx?
If the pt has seasonal allergic rhinitis or URI meds are useful
The controversial part is only using these empirically
Refractory SOM tx?
PE tubes (pressure equalization) Adenoidectomy - relieves nasal obstruction
Indications for PE tubes?
I think she said this is a test q
- Severe or recurrent AOM
- HL >30db w OME
- Impending mastoiditis or intra-cranial complications due to OME
- SOM >3mo
- Chronic retraction of tympanic membrane (ETD)
- Prevention or tx of barotrauma
- Autophony due to patulous eustacion tube (PET)
- Craniofacial anomalies that predispose mid ear dysfunction
- Mid ear dysfunction due to head/neck radiation and skull base surgery
With TM PE tubes you must educate pt?
Mid ear should be sterile so swimming and similar activities gets bacteria in there (prob bad)
With acute otitis media (AOM) you often see?
Otalgia, oft w URI
Erythema and hypomobility of TM
AOM is a sequela of?
- infection of URT leads to mucosal inflammation -> diminishes the diameter of ET
- leads to inadequate ventilation and backflow of secretions from throat into mid ear
70-90% of AOM cases?
Resolve spontaneously w/o abx
- but they are still often given
Risk factors for AOM?
Pacifier use
Bottle feeding
Day care attendance
Second hand smoke
Clinical presentation of otitis media?
Young kids
- fever
- irritability
- crying
- drainage of ears
- altered sleep
- ear pulling
Older kids/adults
- otalgia (sudden onset)
- mastoid tenderness
- aural pressure
- decrease hearing
- fever
Otitis media PE?
Erythema Decreased mobility Bulging TM - w/o landmarks Occasionally bullae
Pics on slide 27
Common AOM pathogens
S. Pneumoniae
H. Influenzae
S. Pyogenes
AOM tx?
Or observation if:
- > 2y/o
- otherwise healthy
- fever <102.2
- able to return if needed
Most spontaneously get better in 48-72hrs
Tympanocentesis for culture
- immunocompromised or recurrent
- sever otalgia or complications of AOM (mastitis, meningitis)
Abx in preschoolers?
50% of abx in preschoolers are for ear infections
This is why observation is suggested now, trying to reduce resistant bacteria
Abx for AOM?
Amoxicillin 80-90 mg/kg/day
- 1st line
Amox-clavulante 20-40mg/kg/day
PCN allergy
- cefdinir or ceftriaxone
Safety Net approach to Antibiotic Prescriptions
Based on clinical suspicion of AOM
- give prescription w instructions to only fill after 2 days or if sxs get worse
76% of kids get better w only pain management and dont need the abx
1 in 10 kids taking amoxicillin gets?
Itchy maculopapular rash >72hrs after beginning the meds
If the pt gets amoxicillin rash?
Its not contraindication for future amoxicillin use, nor should current regimen be stopped
Be careful though amoxicillin rash can also be?
Infectious mono
- 80-90% of pts w acute EBV infection given amoxicillin develop rash
I smell a new EBV test…
AOM prognosis?
At 2 weeks
- 50% will have fluid in ears
10 weeks
- 10% will have residual fluid
Many kids have cyclical infections
- recurrent acute otitis media
Can become chronic otitis media
Definition of recurrent AOM?
> /= 3 distinct episodes of AOM w/in 6 months
> /= 4 episodes w/in 12 months