2 OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) Flashcards
What are econometrics used for?
- Estimating economic relationships
- Testing economic theories
- Evaluating policies
Which procedures are not experimental?
- Cross section
- Pooled cross section
- Time series
- Panel data
What is the question of linear regression?
Understanding how y (DV) varies with x (IV).
What is the typical form of a linear regression model?
y = β0 + β1x + u
We wanna estimate β0 & β1
u is the error term, E(u) = 0
What is the zero conditional mean assumption?
E(u⎪x) = E(u) = 0
The estimate value doesn’t depend on the value of x.
Thus, the estimator is unbiased.
How do you compute β1 & β2?

What is th criteria to choose β1 & β2?
They must minimize the sum of squared residuals
(ûi = yi - ŷi)
What is a residual?
The difference between reality and the fitted value found with the regression equation.
What are the 3 mechanical properties of the OLS?
- Σûi = 0
- cov (û, x) = 0
- point (Ẋ, ȳ) always on the regression line
The residual is not correlated with x.
When is the OLS unbiased?
4 conditions.
- Linearity in parameters.
- Random sample
- Zero conditional mean
- Sample variation in the regressor (no variation of x)
β^1 = Δŷ/Δx is equivalent to…
Δŷ = β^1Δx
If the zero conditional mean assumption fails, what could we obtain?
A “spurious correlation”. There is a mistake in the data collection, so the result can’t be right.
Which ratio does measure the quality of the model?
How is it computed?
We need to handle this information with care.

What are the different types of model we can have for a regression?
- Linear
- Quadratic
- Natural logarithms ( y = log (x) )
For non-linear models, Δŷ depends on the initial value of x.
What is a logarithm?
The log of a number is the exponent by which another fixed value, the base, has to be raised to produce that number.
ex: log10(1000) = 3
1000 = 103
More generally: x = by < = > y = logb(x)
For very small changes in x, how can we compute the change in log?
Δlog(x) = log(x1) - log(x0) ≈ (x1-x0)/x0 = Δx/x0
100Δlog(x) ≈ 100Δx/x0 = %Δx
This is true only for small changes!
For a linear regression, how do you compute an elasticity?