2. Naval Shiphander's Guide Flashcards
Ch 2: Forces on the Ship, pg 31‐49 Ch 3: Standard Commands, pg 51‐64 Ch 4: Getting Underway, pg 73‐82 Ch 5: Making a Landing, pg 90‐97 Ch 6: Ground Tackle Ch 7: Transiting the Channel, pg 119‐136 Ch 8: Tugs and Pilots, pg 140‐145, 147, 149, 153‐163 Ch 9: Underway Replenishment, pg 172‐187 Ch 10: Shiphandling in Emergencies, pg 191‐203
The water offers a resistance to the ships motion that is proportional…
To the square of our speed
A ship using half its power can make…
80% of its speed
A destroyer capable of 20 kts can typically make 20kts using…
A quater of its power
To turn right, the rudder moves right. This creates …
A differential pressure the moves the stern to port. B
Turning force from a rudder comes from …
Size, angle, and velocity of water
Line 2 is called
Forward after spring line
APUS are ___. Thrusters are not
Bernoulli principle
If the force of a fluid increases, pressure decreases.
When the course to be steered is on at the instant the command is given …
Steady as you go
When the swing iPod the ship is to be stopped
Meet her
One knot of current is equal to
30 kts of wind
Scope of chain
5 to 7 times depth
Distance for poor man’s tug
100 yards
in a channel, to pass a buoy safely, it needs to appear to be moving…
right against the background
shallow water can increase ____ for a single screw vessel
in shallow water, _____ with a backing bell can also be in creased
stopping distance
What are the two aspects of “squat”?
- increased velocity of the water flowing around the ship’s underbody creates a region of lower pressure under the keel, increasing the ship’s draft
- the ship riding up on its own bow wave, raising the bow and lowering the stern
Arleigh Burke squats ___ feet at ___ kts in ___ ft of water.
5, 15, 50
in high traffic conditions, parallel ship’s whistle with ___.
VHF communications
Standard Marine Communication Phrases
3 points from rule 10
- go with flow
- don’t hug the center
- ease in or out of traffic
list channel forces
reduced rudder response bank suction bank cushion current wind
List four stages to voyage planning.
appraisal, planning, conferring, execution/monitoring
The presence of a pilot on board ___ the Commanding Officer of a ship
in no way relieves
when picking up a pilot, select a course that ____
provides a good lee
define “sweeping the lee”
swinging the stern way from the pilot boat just before the pilot boards can often make the water calmer
what is the range of horsepower from a tug
750 to 5000
which tugs are least maneuverable?
single screw
List two tugs that are more maneuverable
twin screw and direct thrust
List tug speeds used in maneuvering
Easy 1/3
half 2/3
full 100 percent
if a tug is going ahead or astern, one short blast signals ___
if a tug is stopped one short blast signals
if a tug is stopped two short blasts signals
three short blasts tells the tug to ___
in crease to full speed in t the direction it is already going
one prolonged signals the tug to ____
go slower in the same direction
one prolonged and two short to a tug says ___
cast off or shift
power makeup uses ___
3 lines
the bernoulli effect gives us high pressure at the ___ and less pressure ____ .
side of the ship
in the Northern Hemisphere, Ballot’s Law tells us thea t if you face directly into the wind that the center of he storm is about ___ to your right.
115 degrees
wind that veers (shifts clockwise) means that you are in the ___.
dangerous semicice
wind that shifts counter clockwise means that you are in the so called ___.
safe semicircle