[2] Market Orientation Flashcards
What is the Marketing Concept? (From week 1)
The achievement of corporate goals through meeting early and exceeding customer needs and expectations better than the competition (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019)
What does market orientation focus on? (4)
Customer needs. Competitors. Technology. Political/legal forces.
M.O Assumptions [Marketing Concept] (4) ANAGRAM
Author + Yr
VBAN,C MO: Value Norms Artefacts Behaviour
Cadogan 2003
MO Values x3 egs
How is customer value maximised?
Values that need to run through the entire organization, from management to customer support (e.g. customer satisfaction, customer value, doing better than competitors)
Integrated effort: all staff needs to take responsibility for creating customer value
MO Norms explanation
x3 eg
Implicit or explicit norms that characterise the organization (rules and procedures)
Customer service-related procedures
Periodic meetings with members from multiple departments (Marketing, Production, Logistics, HR, …)
Information storing and sharing rules/procedures
MO Artefacts explanation
what is it crucial for?
x2 eg?
“Objects” that allow the company to act in a Market-Oriented way
Crucial for the implementation of MO!
Information systems that allow the firm to store and disseminate relevant information about customers, competitors’ actions, market trends, etc.
Technology that allows the firm to manufacture products that effectively meet customers’ needs
MO Behaviour & 3 Necessary Components
Approach to market intelligence
companies need all 3!:
Market-Focused Information Generation
Market-Focused Information Dissemination
Market-Focused Information Responsiveness
Market-Focused Information Generation & Author
systematic gathering of information on customers and competitors, both present and potential, and other factors that can or may influence customers’ needs and preferences (Hunt and Morgan 1995).
Market-Focused Information Dissemination & Author
communication, dissemination and / or sale of the information generated to relevant departments in the organization
(Kohli and Jaworski 1990)
Market-Focused Information Responsiveness & Author
systematic analysis of information, to develop knowledge, and use of that knowledge to guide strategy (recognition, creation, selection, implementation, modification) (Hunt and Morgan 1995).
Traits of Market Oriented Companies [6]
The focus of the business is the customer
The business strategy, research and development and even the production system are shaped according to what customers want
There is constant consideration of what competitors do (trying to anticipate market moves)
There is considerable allocation of ££ to market research
The business tries to uncover and serve latent markets (making the most of strategic windows)
Strive for competitive advantage
What is Superior value for customers
Firms that consistently ID and respond to customer needs and preferences, and can anticipate future needs and preferences, are better placed
What is Superior marketing strategy in MOB
MOB provides informational advantages, making firms wiser than less market-oriented competitors
Source of sustainable competitive advantage [in reality…]
MOB’s informational capabilities are intangible (cannot simply purchase in marketplace), socially complex, the components are highly interconnected, contain significant tacit dimensions. Evidence suggests firms with strong MOB capabilities are rare
The Market Orientation-Performance Relationship
Resource-Based Review
There is a linear and positive relationship between market orientation and a company’s performance
The Market Orientation-Performance Relationship Contingency theory (x3 factors)
There is a relationship between market orientation and a company’s performance, but it’s non-linear AND moderated by contingent factors:
Commodity vs. non-commodity
Market dynamism
Commodity vs. non-commodity [2]
U-shaped for commodities (i.e. non-customised products)
Positive and linear relationship for non-commodities (i.e. highly customised products)
Market dynamism x2
More dynamic markets (i.e. customers needs changing quickly) imply rapid shrinkage of any competitive advantage that’s when MO will be vital for survival
If dynamism level is HIGH GREATER impact of MO on the company’s performance
If dynamism level is LOW SMALLER impact of MO on the company’s performance
Internationalisation x2
Highly internationalised companies (serving many markets) need more complex marketing strategies for succeeding > MO becomes fundamental
If internationalisation is HIGH > GREATER impact of MO on the company’s performance
If internationalisation is LOW > SMALLER impact of MO on the company’s performance