2. How can we measure democracy? --> NOG TOEVOEGEN over onderzoek Flashcards
What are states
Weber 1918:
States are an entity, sucesfully claiming a monopoly on the legitimate use of force.
Ideally, states:
* Guarantee a minimul level of security for citizens.
* implement policies + deliver basic public services
* generate resources to maintain public services and state institutions
Territory + institutions, relatively stable over time
What are regimes
Lindberg, 2006:
Regimes are “the rules governing the distribution of power and the relations between the agents of power.”
the way that territory is governed.
So, patterns/ relationships of power.
Relatively stable, but less stable than states.
Political regime can stay the same, while people in power change.
What are governments?
O’Neil, 2015:
Governments are the ‘‘leadership that runs the state’’
Actors of power.
Actors change more often, depending on the type of regime.
State/regime/government conclusion
State -> what people rule over
Regimes –> how people rule
Government-> group/individuals that rule
Modern political democracy
system of governance in which those in power are held accountable for their actions in the public domain by the citizens, who act indirectly through competition + cooperation of their elected representatives..
Regime/ system of governance
a set of patterns that determines the mode of access to the most important public offices: the characteristics of the actors who are allowed or excluded from that access
→ the strategies that actors can use to gain access + the rules that are followed when making publicly binding decisions.
Classification on democracy
- liberal democracy
- onliberal democracy
- radical democracy
each different dimensions:
- elections
- law and order
-protection rights
- citizen + political responsibilities
Distinguishing states
- Independent states
- Colonies/ protectorates
- failed states/ war states
Distinguishing independent states
- electoral regimes
- non-electoral regimes
Distinguishing electoral regimes
- liberal democracies
- electoral democracies
- electoral authoritarian regimes
Minimalist definition of Democracy (Huntington definition)
Democracy is a political system in which the most powerful collective decision-makers are selected through fair, honest and periodic elections in which candidates freely compete for votes, and in which virtually all the adult population is eligible to vote.
Two-turnover test democracy (huntington, 1991(
–> the rule of thumb to decide whether regimes made transition to democracy
If elections resulted in peaceful alternation of power twice
Defintion of democracy (Schumpeter, 1975)
Democratic method is “that institutional arrangement for making political decisions by which individuals gain the power to decide through a competitive struggle for the vote of the people”.
–> The vote of people gives power to make decisions
Dahl definition (short) of democracy
(he liked the greek ideal polis)
Democratie bestaat niet uit één unieke set van bestaande instituties → er bestaan vele soorten democratieën + met verschillende procedures dat een vergelijkbaar geheel van effecten vormt.
Defintion democracy (Przeworski, 1996)
Democracy is system in which parties lose elections
–> completely focused on just elections