(2) Historical Review of OMM Flashcards
Who are the major contributors to OMM research?
Louisa Burns, DO
J. Stedman Denslow, DO
Irvin M. Koor, PhD
William L. Johnston, DO
Louisa Burns, DO
Discuss her importance
Pioneer career osteopathic researcher
She experimentally induced spinal fixations in animals and then noted the effects of these lesions on brain, heart, GI, reproductive organs, lungs, kidneys
(S-V and V-S reflexes)
Wilbur Cole, DO
Discuss his importance
Studied w/ Dr. Burns
Reproduced her experiments and data
J.S. Denslow, DO
Discuss his importance
Quantified muscle and muscle reflexes in the areas of SD
Facilitaion of spinal cord
I.M. Korr, PhD
Discuss his importance
Heard about Denslow, tried to disprove all the findings of Denslow. Then decided to pursue evidence based os medicine.
Performed studies with galvanic skin resistance
Axoplasmic flow and the trophic function of nerves
Facilitation of spinal cord (w/ Denslow)
Who was deemed the second great philosopher of OS medicine?
IM Korr
He took AT Still’s anatomical foundation and added physiological function to it
William L. Johnston
Discuss his importance
Reliability studies
Validity studies
Viscerosomatic reflexes
What were the three major events that occured that highlighted the DO vs MD care approach?
1918: Spanish Influenza Epidemic
1932: Unit II LA County Osteopathic Hospital
1999: NEJM, 1st OS published article
What was the point of bringing up the influenza epidemic of 1918?
Mortality rate for DO’s treating pts was 0.25%
Mortality rate for MD’s treating pts was 10%
What was the comparision of MD vs DO care in LA county hospital?
Discuss what was found with DO vs MD care for lower back pain
Use of NSAIDS and Muscle relaxants was lower for DO group
For the lymphatic pump techniques, where did the changes occur?
Who did research on OMT and Pancreatitis?
(OMT group had decreased length of stay, decreased analgesic use, increased patient satisfaction)
Who did research on OMT and ankle sprains?
(OMT group had decreased edema, decreased pain, and increased ROM)
Who did research on OMT and Otitis media in children?
(OMT group had fewer episodes of acute otitis media, fewer surgical procedures, more mean surgery-free months, increased frequency of normal tympanograms)
*Otitis Media = Mills