2. Hemispheres Flashcards
Corpus callosum
A large collection of axons which serve as a bridge for the two hemispheres to communicate
Contralateral organisation
Controlling the opposite side
Left visual field
The right halves of each eye
Right visual field
The left halves of each eye
Left hemisphere
Production of speech
Reading, writing
Verbal memory
Right hemisphere
Emotional perception
Spacial awareness
Understands speech, cannot produce it
Cerebral lateralization
Hemispheres/different areas of the brain developing different, specialised skills
Cause of lefthandedness
Either the right or left hemisphere will be dominant, resulting in left or right handedness
Unclear why left-handedness is rare as it does not cause any severe disadvantages
Possible causes of lefthandedness
- Fetus predisposition
- Which hand you lay on more
- Genetics
- Slower development of RH
- Prenatal stress (infections, increased testosterone)
- Vitamin D levels
- Testosterone levels
Right-sided world hypothesis
World is designed for right-handed people so left-handed people have more accidents
Survival of the unexpected
Gives left-handed people certain advantages like in sports and music
Division of responsibilities between the hemispheres
Split brain patients
Severing of the corpus callosum to treat severe epilepsy
Effects of split brain on epilepsy
- Prevents the seizure crossing over to the other side of the brain
Seizures occur on only one side of the body - Less frequent
- Shorter
- Normally epileptic activity bounces between the hemispheres
Behaviour changes in split brain patients
- They can use their hands independently in ways that we can’t
- Drawing two different shapes simultaneously or the same shape at different speeds
Behavioural effects when stimuli is presented to only one side of the body
- Information cannot cross to the other hemisphere
- Can only point to what each hemisphere saw
- Cannot verbally describe what the right hemisphere saw but is able to point it out
- Initially, patients experience conflicts between the two sides of their body as they don’t communicate and do separate, opposing things
- e.g. right hand picks up groceries, left hand puts them back
- This usually passes with time