2. Gross Income Flashcards
How does the IRC define gross income?
The IRC defines gross income as all income from whatever source derived except as otherwise provided.
When would a cash-method taxpayer report income?
The cash method of accounting includes income when actually or constructively received.
When would an accrual-method taxpayer report income?
An accrual-method taxpayer reports income when
1.All events have occurred fixing the right to receive the income, and
2.The amount can be determined with reasonable accuracy.
When is the accrual method required?
The accrual method of accounting is required when there are inventories.
p. 4 Test
When is income constructively received?
Income, although not actually in a taxpayer’s possession, is constructively received in the taxable year during which
- it is credited to his or her account,
- set apart for him or her,
- or otherwise made available
so that (s)he may draw upon it at any time, or so that (s)he could have drawn upon it during the taxable year if notice of intention to withdraw had been given.
When is a check considered to be income?
A check received in the mail is considered to be income on that date (constructively received), whether or not it is cashed.
Is income constructively received if the taxpayer’s control of its receipt is subject to substantial limitations or restrictions?
No, this income is not constructively received.
Under the claim-of-right doctrine, when is a taxpayer who receives income without restrictions on its use or disposition taxed on that income?
A taxpayer receiving income under a claim of right and without restrictions on its use or disposition is taxed on that income in the year received even though the right to retain the income is not yet fixed or the taxpayer may later be required to return it.
Does the form of payment affect whether compensation for personal services is gross income?
No, all compensation for personal services is gross income. The form of payment is irrelevant.
If services are paid for in property, what amount is considered gross income?
The fair market value of the property at the time of receipt is considered income.
If services are paid for in property, what is the basis of the property?
If services are paid for in property, its fair market value at the time of receipt is gross income. The amount included in income becomes the basis in the property.
If income is earned by A but received by B, who must pay the tax on the income?
A. Gross income includes income attributable to a person even though the income is received by other persons. This doctrine imposes the tax on income on those who earn it, produce the right to receive it, enjoy the benefit of it when paid, or control property that is its source.
P.4 $$$ Test $$$
Constructive Receipt
- Applies to Cash method of accounting
- Accrual method
- Income reported when earned
A owns income producing property. If A wants to assign the income from this property to B, and have the tax imposed on B, what must A do?
A must assign the income producing property to B. Assignment of an income-producing asset is effective to shift the gross income earned after the assignment to the assignee.
What does effective assignment of income-producing property require?
Effective assignment requires that the transfer of property be complete and bona fide, with no control retained over either the property or the income it produces, and that the transfer take place before the income is actually earned.
$ Test $$
What are royalties?
Payments to an owner from people who use a right belonging to that owner.
For divorce decrees executed prior to 2019, alimony and separate maintenance payments are ________(1) in the gross income of the recipient (payee) and ________(2) from the gross income of the payor.
When is a payment considered alimony?
A payment is considered alimony when it is
1.Paid in cash
2.Paid pursuant to a written divorce or separation instrument
3.Not designated as other than alimony
4.Terminated at death of recipient
5.Not paid to a member of the same household
6.Not paid to a spouse with whom the taxpayer is filing a joint return
Child support payments are ___________(1) from the gross income of the recipient and are __________(2) by the payor.
2.Not deducted
If the payment of an amount to a former spouse is to be reduced based on a contingency relating to a child (e.g., attaining a certain age, marrying, etc.), the amount of the reduction is treated as what?
The amount of the reduction is treated as child support.
Is the entire amount received under an annuity contract gross income?
No, the portion of amounts received under an annuity contract for which a statute does not provide an exclusion is gross income. However, taxpayers are permitted to recover the cost of the annuity (the price paid) tax-free.
If debt is canceled in whole or in part for consideration, does the debtor need to recognize the amount in gross income?
Yes, the amount should be recognized in gross income.
When are discharges of indebtedness not included in gross income?
When the discharges of indebtedness
1.Occur in bankruptcy,
2.Occur when the debtor is insolvent but not in bankruptcy,
3.Are related to qualified farm indebtedness,
4.Are a discharge of qualified real property business indebtedness, or
5.Are related to principal residence indebtedness.
When can an amount received by an individual as a scholarship be excluded from gross income?
If the amount is used for
1.Required tuition or fees
If a student receives a scholarship in exchange for performing services, such as teaching or research, is that amount included in income?
Yes, gross income includes any amount received, e.g., as tuition reduction, in exchange for the performance of services, such as teaching or research.
If a taxpayer receives a prize in a form other than money, how much must the recipient include in gross income?
If the prize or award is in a form other than money, the amount of gross income is the FMV of the property.
If a person excludes foreign-earned income, can that person also deduct related expenses?
No, deductions attributed to the foreign-earned income (which is excluded) are disallowed.
P.7 Test
When is a payment considered alimony?
A payment is considered alimony when it is
1.Paid in cash
2.Paid pursuant to a written divorce or separation instrument
3.Not designated as other than alimony
4.Terminated at death of recipient
5.Not paid to a member of the same household
6.Not paid to a spouse with whom the taxpayer is filing a joint return
How may a taxpayer avoid including a prize or award in gross income?
An award recipient may exclude the fair market value of the prize or award from his or her gross income if
1.The amount received is in recognition of religious, scientific, charitable, or similar meritorious achievement;
2.The recipient is selected without action on his or her part;
3.The receipt of the award is not conditioned on substantial future services; and
4.The amount is paid by the organization making the award to a tax-exempt organization designated by the recipient.
When is compensation for injury or sickness not included in gross income?
Damages received for personal physical injury or physical sickness are not included in gross income.
Are payments received for emotional distress included in income if the injury has its origin in a physical injury or physical sickness?
No, they are excluded from income.
Is compensation for slander of personal, professional, or business reputation included in gross income?
Yes, it is included in gross income.
Are punitive damages received in connection with a physical injury or physical sickness excluded from gross income?
No, punitive damages received are included in gross income, even if in connection with a physical injury or physical sickness.
Are wrongful death damages excluded from gross income to the extent they were received on account of a personal injury or sickness?
Yes, they are excluded from gross income.
Damages received solely for emotional distress are
Included in gross income.
Interest earned on an award for personal injuries is
Included in gross income.
Are payments received for emotional distress included in income if the injury has its origin in a physical injury or physical sickness?
No, they are excluded from income.
When are proceeds from disability insurance policies not taxable?
They are not taxable if the policies are paid for by the employee.
Proceeds of a life insurance policy for which the employer paid the premiums are
Excluded from the employee’s gross income.
The cost of group term life insurance is excluded from the employee’s gross income for up to what amount of coverage?
Up to $50,000 is excluded.
All employer-paid death benefits (not benefits from a life insurance plan provided by the employer) received by the beneficiaries of an employee from an employer are
Included in gross income.
Is the value of property acquired by gift or inheritance excluded from the gross income of the recipient?
Yes, it is excluded from gross income.
Can gambling losses be deducted?
Yes. However, gambling losses are deductible only to the extent of winnings as an other itemized deduction.
Qualified reimbursements incurred by members of the military on active duty for moving expenses are
Excluded from gross income.
Military officers exclude compensation amount
- Up to the highest rate of basic
* At highest pay grade of enlisted personnel + any hostile fire/imminent danger pay
The exclusion applies
1. compensation received while in combat zone / hospitalized as a result of
* wounds, disease, or injury incurred in a combat zone.
b. ersonnel below officer level (i.e., enlisted)
* allowed the same exclusion without the cap.
Military Moving Exp
- Qualified reimbursements incurred
* active duty
- excluded from gross income.
Not Qualified exp, non-military
included in gross income.
A gift test*
1. transfer for less than full or adequate consideration
* results from the detached, disinterested generosity of transferor
2. Voluntary transfers from employer to employee
* presumed to be compensation, not gifts
Gift transfers include
* Inter vivos gifts (btw the living), gifts by bequest (of personal property by a will)
* Devise ((of real property by a will)
*Inheritance (under state intestacy law)
Qualified adoption expenses paid to a third party or reimbursed to an employee by an employer under a written adoption assistance program are
Excludable (up to $14,890 for 2022) from the employee’s gross income.
What is an adoption assistance program?
A written plan that
1.Benefits employees who qualify under rules set up by the employer that do not favor highly compensated employees or their dependents,
2.Does not pay more than 5% of its payments each year to shareholders or owners of more than 5% of the stock,
3.Provides for adequate notice to employees of their eligibility, and
4.Requires employees to provide reasonable substantiation of qualified expenses that are to be paid or reimbursed.
What is the maximum adoption exclusion for 2022?
The maximum exclusion for 2022 is $14,890.
What are considered qualified adoption expenses for the purposes of the adoption exclusion?
Qualified adoption expenses are reasonable and necessary adoption expenses, including
1.Adoption fees,
2.Court costs,
3.Attorney fees, and
4.Other directly related expenses.
Under what circumstances is an employee allowed to exclude reimbursed employee expenses from income?
If reimbursements equal expenses and the employee makes an accounting of expenses to the employer, the reimbursements are excluded from the employee’s gross income, and the employee may not deduct the expenses.
An employee’s gross income does not include the cost of any fringe benefit supplied or paid for by the employer that qualifies as a(n)
1.No-additional-cost service
2.Qualified employee discount
3.Working condition fringe
4.De minimis fringe
5.Qualified transportation fringe
6.Qualified moving expense reimbursement (active military only)
7.Employer-provided educational assistance
Are payments received for emotional distress included in income if the injury has its origin in a physical injury or physical sickness?
No, they are excluded from income.
Is the value of a no-additional-cost fringe benefit provided to employees, their spouses, or their dependent children by employers excluded from gross income?
Yes, the value is excluded from gross income.
What is a no-additional-cost fringe benefit?
A no-additional-cost fringe is a service or product that the employer offers for sale to customers in the ordinary course of business in which the employee performs substantial services.
p.19 Qualified Employee Discount
- Certain employee discounts on property or services of employer
* excluded from gross income.
- offered in the ordinary course of business
* employee performing services
* purchased by the employee for personal use
The employee discount
- may not exceed
* gross profit % in normal offers by the employer to customers
*20% of the price offered to customers in the case of qualified services.
- Discount must be non-discriminatory
Are payments received for emotional distress included in income if the injury has its origin in a physical injury or physical sickness?
No, they are excluded from income.
How much of the fair market value of property or services provided to an employee by an employer as a working condition fringe benefit is excludable by the employee?
The FMV of property or services provided to an employee by an employer as a working condition fringe benefit is excludable by the employee to the extent the employer can deduct the costs as an ordinary and necessary business expense.
P.19 Working Condition Fringe
When does property or services provided to an employee qualify as a working condition fringe benefit?
1.The employee’s use of the property or services relates to the employer’s trade or business,
2.The employee would have been entitled to a business expense deduction if the property or services that were provided by the employer had been purchased by the employee, and
3.The employee maintains the required records.
When is the value of property or services provided to an employee excludable as a de minimis fringe?
When the value is so minimal that accounting for it would be unreasonable or impracticable.
Up to what amount per month (2022) may be excluded for the value of employer-provided transit passes and transportation in an employer-provided “commuter highway vehicle” between the employee’s residence and place of employment.
Up to $280 a month may be excluded.
An exclusion of up to what amount per month (2022) is available for employer-provided parking (except residential)?
Up to $280 per month may be excluded.
employer-provided educational assistance
Employer-provided educational assistance:
Up to $5,250 may be excluded by the employee
1) does not apply to graduate teaching or research assistants who receive tuition reduction under Sec. 117(d).
2) may not include tools or supplies that the employee retains after the course or the cost of meals, lodging, or transportation.
Payment up to $5,250 per employee made by ER to EE/lender between 3/27/2020 - 1/1/2026 on qualified educational loan incurred by EE for education may be excluded by ER from employee’s taxable wages.
U.S. citizens and qualifying resident aliens may exclude up to what amount of foreign-earned income from gross income?
U.S. citizens and qualifying resident aliens may exclude up to
- $112,000 of foreign-earned income
- Tax home in foreign country
What is necessary for a taxpayer to qualify for the foreign-earned income exclusion?
The taxpayer must
1.Have foreign-earned income;
2.Have a tax home in a foreign country; and
3.Be one of the following:
a). A U.S.citizen who is a bona fide resident of a foreign country for an uninterrupted period that includes an entire year,
b). A U.S. resident alien who is a citizen of a country with which the U.S. has an income tax treaty and who is a bona fide resident of a foreign country for an uninterrupted period that includes an entire year, or
c). A U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien who is physically present in a foreign country for at least 330 full days during any period of 12 consecutive months.
If a person claims the foreign-earned income exclusion, can they also claim the Foreign Tax Credit?
No, this exclusion is in lieu of the credit.
Is a rebate to the purchaser included in gross income?
No, a rebate to the purchaser is treated as a reduction of the purchase price.
What is a statutory employee?
A statutory employee is a person who is in business for himself or herself, but who works primarily or wholly for a specific company.
If a taxpayer receives a prize in a form other than money, how much must the recipient include in gross income?
If the prize or award is in a form other than money, the amount of gross income is the FMV of the property.
Proceeds of a life insurance policy for which the employer paid the premiums are
Excluded from the employee’s gross income.
Is the value of a no-additional-cost fringe benefit provided to employees, their spouses, or their dependent children by employers excluded from gross income?
Yes, the value is excluded from gross income.
Interest earned on an award for personal injuries is
Included in gross income.
How may a taxpayer avoid including a prize or award in gross income?
An award recipient may exclude the fair market value of the prize or award from his or her gross income if
1.The amount received is in recognition of religious, scientific, charitable, or similar meritorious achievement;
2.The recipient is selected without action on his or her part;
3.The receipt of the award is not conditioned on substantial future services; and
4.The amount is paid by the organization making the award to a tax-exempt organization designated by the recipient.
The cost of group term life insurance is excluded from the employee’s gross income for up to what amount of coverage?
Up to $50,000 is excluded.
Damages received solely for emotional distress are
Included in gross income.
When are proceeds from disability insurance policies not taxable?
They are not taxable if the policies are paid for by the employee.
Are punitive damages received in connection with a physical injury or physical sickness excluded from gross income?
No, punitive damages received are included in gross income, even if in connection with a physical injury or physical sickness.
Are payments received for emotional distress included in income if the injury has its origin in a physical injury or physical sickness?
No, they are excluded from income.
When would an accrual-method taxpayer report income?
An accrual-method taxpayer reports income when
1.All events have occurred fixing the right to receive the income, and
2.The amount can be determined with reasonable accuracy.
Are wrongful death damages excluded from gross income to the extent they were received on account of a personal injury or sickness?
Yes, they are excluded from gross income.
When is a payment considered alimony?
A payment is considered alimony when it is
1.Paid in cash
2.Paid pursuant to a written divorce or separation instrument
3.Not designated as other than alimony
4.Terminated at death of recipient
5.Not paid to a member of the same household
6.Not paid to a spouse with whom the taxpayer is filing a joint return
Are payments received for emotional distress included in income if the injury has its origin in a physical injury or physical sickness?
No, they are excluded from income.