2 Exodus 1-20 Flashcards
Why did Pharaoh set taskmasters over the Israelites?
Was concerned that they were becoming more numerous and powerful.
What did Pharaoh order the Hebrew midwives to do?
Kill every boy that is born, but keep the girls.
How did Moses come to be adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter?
Cast into a basket in Nile. Pharaoh’s daughter sees him while bathing. Moses’s sister offers woman to nurse the child, Moses’s mother is employed as a nurse. Child then brought to Pharaoh’s daughter.
What is depicted here?
The finding of Moses, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 1904
Why does Moses flee Pharaoh?
Goes to see his people, sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, kills him. Pharaoh finds out wants to kill Moses.
How does Moses meet his wife Zipporah?
Comes to defense of her and sisters, against shepherds, while watering father’s flock.
Why did God help the Israelites in Egypt?
Because of previous covenants with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
How does god appear to Moses while he is tending flock in Horeb?
In a blazing bush the burnt but was not consumed
What message does god give to Moses from blazing bush?
That Moses must go from Midian to Egypt and take the Israelites to land of Canaanites, the “land of milk and honey”.
Any historical evidence for enslavement of Israelites in Egypt?
What is depicted here?
Moses removing his shoes before God in the burning bush, Dieric Bouts, Leuven, 1465
What does god say his name is from the burning bush?
How does god promise to deliver the Israelites from Egypt?
By striking Egypt by many wonders, so that you can ask for any treasure from them, and thereby plunder them.
How did Pharaoh respond to Moses’s request to let his people celebrate a festival in the wilderness?
Made them work harder, produce more bricks without providing straw.
What are the 10 plagues of Egypt?
1 River to blood (magicians reproduce)
2 Frogs (magicians reproduce)
3 Gnats –magicians not reproduce
4 Flies –only to egyptians
5 Pestilence on flock
6 Soot from kiln into boils
7 Hail
8 Locusts
9 Darkness for 3 days
10 Kill every firstborn, human and animal
Who is responsible for the Pharaoh’s not releasing the Israelites and why?
God –keeps hardening Pharaoh’s heart.
“I have hardened his heart and the heart of his officials, in order that I may show these signs of mine among them, and that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I have made fools of the Egyptians.”
What are the instructions for what to eat at the first Passover?
Year-old sheep or goat
Roasted whole over fire
Burn anything that remains
With unleavened bread and bitter herbs
What are the instructions for what to wear at the first Passover?
Loins girded
Sandals on feet
Staff in hand
How is the Lord to know which houses to pass over?
Blood on lintel and both doorposts with a bunch of hyssop
What are instructions for Passover festival?
First month from 14th to 21st day – unleavened bread
No work
Solemn assembly on days 1 and 7
What are the conditions for an alien to celebrate passover?
All his males must be circumcised.
How did the Lord guide the Israelites out of Egypt?
As a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night.
What is depicted here?
The seventh plague of Egypt (hail), John Martin, 1823
What is the Hebrew name for angel, and what does it mean?
Mal’akh, literally means “messenger.
How did Moses purify the water in Marah?
The Lord showed him a piece of wood, which he threw into the water, making it sweet.
How does the Lord feed the Israelites in the wilderness of Sin?
Leaving manna, which remains after the dew like frost on the ground.
What is manna like?
Like coriander seed, white, and tasting like wafers made with honey.
How did Moses find water in the desert?
Instructed them to strike a rock with a staff, which sprung water.
What does the Lord promise the Israelites on Mt Sinai?
That if keep covenant, then will be treasured possession of all peoples.
In what guise does the Lord appear on Mt Sinai?
In smoke, thunder and lightning, with blasts of a trumpet.
What is a theophany?
A manifestation of God’s presence.
In ten commandments what does God promise to those who reject him?
Jealous God, will punish children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and fourth generation.
What are the ten commandments?
1 No other gods before God
2 Not make an idol
3 Not make wrongful use of name of Lord
4 Remember Sabbath
5 Honour father and mother
6 Not murder
7 Not commit adultery
8 Not steal
9 Not bear false witness against neighbour
10 Not covet neighbour’s wife, slave, ox, etc.
What’s this?
An awl
What is the punishment for cursing your father or mother?
Put to death
What was key difference in treatment of Hebrew and non-Hebrew slaves?
Hebrew slaves labour for 6 years and are set free in 7th.
Foreign slaves generally kept for life.
What is a sabbatical year in the Pentateuch?
Seventh year in which you let fields and vineyards lie fallow. This allows poor to access food.
What borders are promised to the Israelites?
From Red Sea to Sea of Philistines, from Wilderness to Euphrates.
What does God say will happen to the inhabitants of Canaan?
They will be driven out little by little. God will hand them over to you and you shall drive them out before you.
What is a burnt offering in the Old Testament? What did it involve?
A sacrifice in which an animal is completely burnt.
Animal had to be male without defect.
Slaughter animal, sprinkle blood around altar, cut into pieces and burn .