2 | Deterministic & stochastic reaction kinetics: the common ground Flashcards
If 1000 molecules of a particular molecular species are present within a hepatocyte (a type of liver cell) with volume of 3.4⋅10−12
L, what is the molar concentration of this species in the considered hepatocyte?
Note: give your answer in nM (nano-molar), round your answer to one decimal digit and provide the decimal point as a comma, for example, if the answer was 5.472 nM, write 5,5
(ungraded quiz)
M = n/v = Number of molecules / (N</sub>A * Vhepatocyte
= ( 1000 / 6,022e23 ) / ( 3.4 / 10e12 )
= 1 / ( 6,022e8 * 3.4 )
= 4.88e10 M
= 0.5 nM
Concentration = Number of molecules / (N</sub>A * Vhepatocyte
= 1000 / (6,02e23mol</sup>-1 * 3,4e−12L ≈ 0.488e9 mol/L = 0.488nM
Consider a reaction network involving the states (A,B,C,D)
(in this order). Give the state change vector corresponding to the reaction A + C → 2 ⋅ B
(ungraded quiz)
( -1, 2, -1, 0 )
Select all second-order reactions among the following:
(ungraded quiz)
The reaction system
NFκBc ⟶ NFκBn
IκBn +NFκBn ⇌ IκBn:NFκBn
IκBn + NFkBκsub>n</sub>:DNA ⟶ IκBn:NFκBn + DNA
IκBn:NFκBn ⟶ IκBc:NFκBc
? zero-order reactions,
? first-order reactions and
? second-order reactions.
(ungraded quiz)
0 zero-order reactions,
4 first-order reactions and
3 second-order reactions.
How many reactions of each order are present in the reaction
∗ → A
A → 2B
B → ∗
C + A → C
C + B → B
? zero-order reactions
? first-order reactions
? second-order reactions
(2023_1, 2020_2)
1 zero-order reactions
2 first-order reactions
2 second-order reactions
Constituents of reaction kinetics models?
- molecular species
- reaction compartments
- reactions
- reaction laws (det./stoch.)
Model constituents: molecular species
A typical volume of an E. coli cell is 2 · 10-15L. If a molecular species is present at a concentration of 1nM (nano-molar), what is the total number of molecules of this species in a single E. coli cell?
V = 2 * 10e-15 L
N_A = 6,022e23 / mol
C = 1 nM = 10e-9 mol/L
Molecules / L : N_A * C = …. = 6e14 / L
Molecules / E coli: n = N_A * V * C = … = 1.2 molecules
Model constituents: molecular species
Avogadro constant?
NA = 6,022 · 1023 [1/mol]
Model constituents: molecular species
Relationship between number of molecules and concentration?
Model constituents: molecular species
[number of molecules] = NA · V(t)· [molar concentration]
Model constituents: molecular species
State of the system?
Different descriptions of the state of the system used:
in molar concentrations: xi
in number of molecules: Xi
Model constituents: molecular species
x and X?
Xi : number of molecules
xi : molar concentrations ( = [Xi] )
Relationship rewritten: x(t) = X(t) / ( NA · V(t) )
Model constituents: reactions
What is νµ ?
state change vector (= stoichiometric vector)
Model constituents: reactions
What is rµ ?
a coefficient for reactant species
Model constituents: reactions
What is pµ ?
a coefficient for a product species
Model constituents: reactions
What is the state change vector for the reaction system below?
R1 : ∗ → IκB
R2 : IκB + NFκB → IκB:NFκB
R3 : IκB:NFκB → IκB + NFκB
R4 : IKK + IκB → IKK
R5 : IKK + IκB:NFκB → IKK + NFκB
R6 : IκB → ∗
X = (IκB, NFκB, IκB:NFκB, IKK)
= [ v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6]
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 1 -1 1 -1 0 -1 (IκB) 0 -1 1 0 1 0 (NFκB) 0 1 -1 0 -1 0 (IκB:NFκB) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (IKK)
Model constituents: reactions
Can different reactions have the same associated state
change vectors?
Yes, eg in NFkB system: degradation of IkB with or without IKK enzyme.
Model constituents: reactions
complex and elementary reactions?
If reactant molecules react through intermediate states that can be
identified as separate molecules the reaction is called complex,
otherwise elementary
Model constituents: reactions
✐2.3 Why is the complex reaction less probable than the several elementary reactions?
requires meeting of three species simultaneously under the right conditions (e.g. orientation, speed), vs. meeting of two species under right conditions
more difficult that (3) Molecules of the complex come to the right place/time
Model constituents: reactions
Definition of reaction order?
For a reaction:
Rµ : rµ1S1 + . . . + rµNSN → product species
with stoichiometric coefficients rµk ∈ ℕ0, the order of reaction Rµ is defined as
ord(Rµ) = rµ1 + . . . + rN
A reaction Rµ is of k-th order, if ord(Rµ) = k.
Model constituents: reaction laws (det./stoch.)
What is a reaction counter?
number of times that reaction Rµ occurred in [0,t]
Model constituents: reaction laws (det./stoch.)
What is ζµ ?
Reaction counter
number of times that reaction Rµ occurred in [0,t]
Model constituents: reaction laws (det./stoch.)
ζµ for deterministic?
ζµ deterministic process related to the reaction rate
In the large volume/numbers of molecules limit, the deterministic
model is an approximation to the stochastic model
Model constituents: reaction laws (det./stoch.)
when is stoch more appropriate / needed?
with low numbers of molecules, deterministic
and reaction kinetics differ a lot. Stochastic
framework is more appropriate.
E.g. infection probability with low initial infectious molecule exposure
Model constituents: reaction laws (det./stoch.)
ζµ for stochastic?
ζµ stochastic process based on
collision probabilities of reactant molecules
Conservation laws
how to find?
A (linear) conservation law is a linear combination of states that is
constant over time:
c1X1(t) + . . . + cNXN(t) = const.
⇒ find linear combinations of rows of ν adding up to (0, . . . , 0).
= either 1 row is all 0s, or find two rows that add up to all 0s.
Conservation laws
dimensions of stoichiometric matrix?
the matrix ν has dimension
(number of species) × (number of reactions)
Classify the following ODE: (dy(t)/dt) = et⋅y(t)
Is it homogeneous?
Is it linear?
Is it autonomous?
(stack quiz)
For a linear ODE to be homogeneous, all terms must be on one side of the equation, with zero on the other side. This equation can be rewritten as:
(d/dt)y(t) - e^t * y(t) = 0
Therefore, it is homogeneous.
Is it linear?
A linear ODE has the dependent variable and its derivatives appearing only to the first power, and not as arguments of other functions. In this case, y(t) and its derivative appear only to the first power, and e^t is a function of the independent variable t only.
Therefore, it is linear.
Is it autonomous?
An autonomous ODE does not explicitly depend on the independent variable (in this case, t). However, this equation contains e^t, which is an explicit function of t.
Therefore, it is not autonomous.
Classify the following ODE: (dy(t)/dt) = y(t)⋅t3 / (1+y)
(stack quiz)
An ODE is linear if the dependent variable y(t) and its derivatives appear to the power of one and are not multiplied or divided by each other.
–> nonlinear
An ODE is autonomous if it does not explicitly depend on the independent variable t.
–> nonautonomous
Rate constant units
What does the reaction rate need to be ?
eg [µM/s]
Rate constant units
If there are 0 reactants?
synthesis from * –> S
ksyn has units [µM/s]
Rate constant units
If there is 1 reactant (unimolecular reaction)?
[1/time] eg [µM/s]
catalysis from E:S –> E + P
kcat has units [1/s]
Rate constant units
If there are 2 reactants (bimolecular reaction)?
forming a complex from E + S –> E
kon has units [1/(µM*s)]