2: Competitive markets: demand and supply Flashcards
What was the original nature of markets?
A physical meeting place where buyers and sellers meet face to face with a bartering system.
What is the evolved definition of a market?
Any kind of arrangement where buyers and sellers of goods, services and resources are linked together to carry out an exchange.
What are the two different markets and what is sold in them?
Goods and services are sold in product markets whilst resources (factors of production) are sold in resource markets (factor markets).
What is competition? What is it in microeconomics?
The process whereby rivals compete in order to achieve some objective. In microeconomics competition occurs when there are many buyers and sellers acting independently, so that no one has the ability to influence the price at which a product is sold in the market.
What is market power?
Also known as monopoly power, which is the control that a seller may have over the price of the product it sells. The greater the market power, the greater the influence over the price.
What is demand?
The demand of an individual consumer indicated the various quantities of a good (or service) the consumer is willing and able to buy at different possible prices during a particular time period, ceteris peribus.
What do willing and able mean?
Willing means the consumer wants to buy the good and able means the consumer can afford to buy it.
What does ceteris peribus mean?
It simply means all else remaining the same, in the case of demand ceteris peribus means that all things other than the price that can affect how much the consumer is willing and able to buy are assumed to be constant and unchanging.
What is the law of demand?
The law of demand states a negative, causal relationship between the price of a good and quantity demanded over a particular time period, ceteris peribus. As the price of the good increases, quantity demanded falls, ceteris peribus.
Why is the shape of the demand curve as such?
Due to the principle of decreasing marginal benefit: since marginal benefit falls as quantity consumed increases, the consumer will be induced to buy each extra unit only if the price falls.
Also income effect and substitition effect.
What is market demand?
The sum of all the individual demands for a good. The market demand curve illustrates the law of demand, shown by the negative relationship between price and quantity demanded, ceteris peribus. The market demand is also the sum of comsumers’ marginal benefits.
What does a shift in the demand curve suggest? What does left and right mean?
A non price determinant of demand has changed. Rightward means an increase in demand and leftward means a decrease.
What are the non price determinants of demand?
- Income
- Substitute products
- Compliments in consumption
- Changes in population
- Normal/inferior goods
- Preferences
Distinguish between a movement along and a shift in the demand curve:
A movement along the demand curve indicated a change in the price of the good itself, thereby changing quantity demanded. A shift in the demand curve indicates a change in non price determinants, changing the demand.
What is the definition of supply?
The supply of an individual firm indicates the various quantities of a good or service a firm is willing and able to produce and supply to the market for sale at different possible prices, during a particular time period, ceteris peribus.
What is the law of supply?
The law of supply states a positive causal relationship between price and quantity supplied, over a particular time period, ceteris peribus.
Why is the supply curve sloped upward?
Higher prices generally mean that the firms profits increase, and so the firm faces an incentive to produce more output.