2: COGNITIVE Flashcards
Draw the Working Memory Model (WMM)
(definitions of these in textbook)
Evaluate the Working Memory Model (WMM) (8 marks)
Working Memory credible because it’s supported by the dual task paradigm. For example, Baddeley (2003) tested participants’ recall of similar sounding letters (E, G, P, etc) and found they got lower scores than with dissimilar letters (W, X, K, etc). If the Phonological Loop is overloaded, that would explain this.
However, studies supporting Working Memory lack ecological validity because they are unrealistic. Baddeley’s lists of similar sounding words are not an ordinary activity and don’t tell us how memory works in normal situations.
You could apply Working Memory to helping dementia patients by giving them a quiet environment, so that background noise doesn’t confuse them with dual tasking.
Working Memory is a better model than the Multi Store Model. It replaces STM with something more complicated. It fits in with evidence from brain scans and cases like KF and it was updated in 2000 when Baddeley added the Episodic Buffer.
In conclusion, in terms of the development of Psychology over time, Working Memory is the most successful memory model at the moment. It has been changed and improved over the years but it still fits in with what we know about the brain. However, more research needs to be done on the Episodic Buffer which is rather unclear.
Who created the WMM theory and when?
Baddeley and Hitch in 1974
What evidence supports the WMM theory?
The main evidence comes from dual testing:
-Participants in tests get confused by lists of items that sound similar but not by items with similar meaning. This suggests that the Phonological Loop codes acoustically and gets over-loaded. For example, Baddeley (2003) found that similar-sounding letters (eg V, B, G, T, P, C) are not recalled as well as dissimilar sounding letters (eg W, X, K, R, Y).
-Memory recall of words is ruined if participants are asked to recite irrelevant words aloud at the same time. This also seems to block the Phonological Loop.
-Nelson Cowan (2005) suggests that Working Memory can be more efficient if it “chunks” information together; his experiments show that Working Memory in humans only handles 4 “chunks” at a time.
Some evidence comes from brain scanning:
-The Phonological Loop seems to be located in the left hemisphere, specifically in the temporal lobe
-The VSSP is in the right hemisphere, with simple tasks in the occipital lobe and complicated ones in the parietal lobe.
-The Episodic Buffer seems to be in both hemispheres (bilateral) but particularly in the hippocampus (which links to the Schmolck et al study)
-The Central Executive seems to be linked to the frontal lobes
How does the case study of KF support the WMM?
The KF Case Study supports Working Memory. KF suffered brain damage from a motorcycle accident that damaged his short-term memory. KF struggled to process verbal information but his visual memory was unaffected. This shows that visual information (VSSP) is processed separately from verbal information (phonological loop).
What are some negatives to the WMM?
New data has emerged which the original (1974) model couldn’t explain – such as the brain-damaged patients who could repeat complex stories. However, the addition of the Episodic Buffer (2000) does improve the model. More research needs to be done on the Episodic Buffer because, unless the other two slave systems, it isn’t completely clear what it does.
The model is based on lab experiments involving dual tasks. These are quite artificial. In real life, even at cocktail parties, you use your other senses (such as paying attention to body language or lip-reading when someone speaks). If the experiments into Working Memory lack ecological validity, then the model won’t explain how memory works in real life situations.
Lieberman (1980) criticises working memory by pointing out out that blind people have spatial memory (they can remember where things are and not bump into them) even though they have never had any visual information. Lieberman argues that the VSSP should have two different components: visual memory and spatial memory.
How can we apply the WMM to real life?
Working Memory tells us how to improve our memory in some situations. If you have to encode something in one particular way (like listening to a radio broadcast) then remove competing information (by muting the TV). However, it suggests you can concentrate on two differently coded sources at once – so you can do revision by copying a mind map while listening to a podcast.
The model may have application to helping people with dementia. Using the Episodic Buffer seems to help people who cannot encoded memories in LTM or have trouble retrieving LTM. This means using Cognitive Stimulation: playing an old song and asking the patient to tell the story of how they first heard it.
Draw the Multi-store Model (MSM)
(see textbook)
Who developed the theory of the MSM and when?
Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968)
What is the encoding, duration and capacity of STM, LTM and sensory?
SENSORY: encoding - sense-specific duration - 0.5 seconds capacity - limited to 1 sensation STM: encoding - mainly acoustic duration - 15-30 seconds capacity - up to 9 (7 +- 2) LTM: encoding - mainly semantic duration - unlimited capacity - unlimited
What are the three stages of memory?
Encoding > Storage > Retrieval
What is some evidence for MSM?
A lot of research into the Rehearsal Loop uses the Brown-Peterson Technique. This involves blocking rehearsal by getting participants to do an interference task like counting backwards in threes (eg 54, 51, 48…). Participants might learn meaningless information (like three-letter trigrams such as BHK) then perform the interference task for different durations. Participants forget most trigrams after 9 seconds of interference and almost all of them after 18 seconds. This tells us the duration of STM.
Miller (1957) did an earlier study into “the Magic Number 7, plus or minus 2”. He found that STM has a capacity of 7 items (or “bits”) of information comfortably, but struggles to hold more than 9. Miller found that “bits” of information can be grouped together into “chunks”. STM can hold more information in chunks, but loses accuracy (eg recalling a whole face instead of remembering eye colour).
Glanzer & Cunitz (1966) did another early study into forgetting. Asked to recall a list of words in any order, participants tended to recall more from the beginning/end of the list and fewer from the middle. This is the primacy/recency effect. It happens because primacy words are well-rehearsed and encoded in LTM, recency words are still in the Rehearsal Loop; middle words are displaced by recency words because of the limited capacity of STM. This is known as the Displacement Theory of forgetting.
Apply the MSM to real life.
Eyewitnesses see events like crimes or accidents first hand but they are notoriously unreliable when they report on what they saw. There are many people in prison because they were falsely accused by eyewitnesses. Gary Wells (1996) reports the case of Ed Honacker who served 10 years for rape, after the victim identified him as her attacker. He was released in 1994 when DNA evidence proved his innocence.
This might happen because of inattention. If eyewitnesses are distracted, key details might not reach STM. Other details might not reach LTM if they are not rehearsed – if the victim refuses to think about or talk about the crime because it was so traumatic, they won’t rehearse the information, at least not Elaborate Rehearsal.
During a traumatic event, the eyewitness might not want to “chunk” the information, blotting out the “big picture” and focussing on individual details (eye colour, shape of nose); this makes misidentification more likely.
Describe the cases of Clive Wearing and HM, relate this to the MSM.
Clive Wearing received brain damage to his hippocampus after a viral infection. His case study is reported by Colin Blakemore (1988). Clive Wearing could still use his STM to remember things for about 20 seconds but then he would forget everything – he could not “make new memories”. The Multi Store Model can be applied to his case, because it suggests an inability to rehearse information into LTM.
A similar case was H.M., a young man who had brain surgery in 1953 to cure his severe epilepsy. When the hippocampus was damaged, H.M. was left unable to make new memories. However, he still had a lot of memories from before his surgery, which suggests he still possessed LTM, but could no longer add to it. He died in 2008 and his real name was revealed to be Henry Molaison. H.M. is studied in more detail in the Contemporary Study by Schmolck et al. (2002).
Evaluate the Multi-store Model (MSM). (8marks)
MSM is credible because it is supported by case studies of people like H.M. and Clive Wearing. Because of brain damage, these people have amnesia and cannot make new memories. MSM suggests they fail to rehearse information from STM to LTM.
However, there are objections based on cases like Shallice & Warrington (1970). They report that K.F. who lost STM in a crash, could still make new LTM memories. MSM can’t explain this.
Most of the studies into MSM lack ecological validity because the Brown-Peterson Technique is unrealistic. Learning lists of trigrams is not an ordinary activity. This means the model is based on research that lacks ecological validity.
MSM can be compared to Working Memory. It is more simplistic than Working Memory, because it doesn’t split STM up into acoustic and visual systems.
In conclusion, MSM was a very influential memory model but psychology has progressed over time and it has been replaced by more complex ones like Working Memory and Levels of Processing Framework. Shiffrin added Elaborative Rehearsal to MSM to try to bring it up to date, so even he must recognise this.
What research supports the MSM?
There’s a lot of research in support of the Multi Store Model, particularly into the primacy/recency effect and rehearsal. Studies like Glanzer & Cuntiz (1966) show how memories are displaced from STM when they exceed its capacity, which Miller (1957) shows to be 7 ±2 “bits” or “chunks”.
There’s also a lot of support from case studies of unusual individuals like H.M. or Clive Wearing. The Multi Store Model explains their disability as a failure to rehearse information, preventing them from encoding information in LTM.
The theory also has credibility on a commonsense level (what is called face validity): it describes quite well what memory feels like, with some things being remembered for years but other things disappearing from your memory moments after they happen.
What are some negatives to the MSM?
Although H.M. and Clive Wearing seem to back up the Multi Store Model, other evidence contradicts it. Shallice & Warrington (1970) report a victim of a motorbike accident (K.F.) who could still add memories to LTM even though his STM was so damaged he couldn’t repeat back more than 2 digits. MSM cannot explain this but K.F.’s unusual condition does support the Working Memory Model.
The model is based on lab experiments involving tasks like the Brown-Peterson Technique. These are quite artificial, often involving meaningless trigrams. In real life, you use your memory to recall information that is important to you and there are usually consequences if you forget. If the experiments into MSM lack ecological validity, then the model won’t explain how memory works in real life situations.
What is the difference between procedural memory and declarative memory?
Tulving makes a distinction between different types of LTM: procedural memory and declarative memory.
Procedural memory is the memory of how to do things. It includes tying shoelaces, writing, tapping in your banking PIN and using a knife and fork. You may retain procedural memories even after you have forgotten being taught to do these things in the first place.
Declarative memory is the memory of meaningful events. You might remember being taught to play the guitar, even if you’ve forgotten how to do it.
Describe episodic memory.
Episodic memory is the memory of particular events and specific information: events, names and dates. It includes memories of things that have happened to you and information like a person’s address.
Episodic memories seem to be perceptually encoded – they are linked to the 5 senses which is why they can be triggered (“cued”) by a sight or a sound or a smell. Tulving gives examples like remembering he has an appointment with a student the next day or recalling words from a list studied earlier as well as autobiographical memories (remembering details from your own past).
Describe semantic memory.
Semantic memory is the memory of relationships and how things fit together. It includes the memory that you have brothers or sisters, where things are located and what they do.
Semantic memory is needed for language because words have meaning – learning words in the first place involves episodic memory but once they are learned they go into the semantic store. Tulving gives examples like knowing that summers are hot in Kathmandu and knowing that July is the month after June.
Describe the case study of Clive Wearing.
Clive Wearing is a musician who suffered brain damage from a viral infection (herpes simplex encephalitis) in 1985. He suffered almost complete amnesia. He also lost the ability to encode new long term memories. Clive Wearing forgets everything within 30 seconds and is always “coming into consciousness”, feeling he is waking up for the first time.
However, although Clive Wearing has lost his episodic memory, he still has semantic memory. When his wife Deborah enters the room he greets her joyously, believing he hasn’t seen her for years or even that they are meeting for the first time (even if she has only been gone for a minute). Although he has no episodic memories of Deborah, he has semantic knowledge of her: he remembers that he loves her.Similarly, although he cannot remember their names or ages, Clive Wearing knows that he is a father and that he has children.
Clive Wearing also has intact procedural memory. He can still play piano and conduct a choir – although he cannot remember his musical education and as soon as the music stops he forgets he was performing and suffers a shaking fit.
Sir Colin Blakemore (1988) carried out a case study on Clive Wearing. Blakemore discovered that damage to Clive Wearing’s brain had been to the hippocampus, which seems to be the part of the brain where the Short Term Memory (STM) rehearses information to encode it into LTM.
Apply research into the LTM to dementia.
The most common symptom of dementia is difficulty to make new memories. STM (which rehearses information) is the first type of memory to go. Episodic memory is the next to go, as sufferers begin to forget autobiographical events. Usually, recent episodes are lost first, but sufferers still remember episodes from their young adulthood and youth. Semantic memory is lost later, when sufferers struggle with language and no longer recognise family members. As the disease advances, parts of memory which were previously intact also become impaired. Eventually all reasoning and language abilities are disrupted.
Patients tend to display a loss of knowledge of semantic categories. Initially, they lose the ability to distinguish fine categories, such as species of animals or types of objects, but, over time, this lack of discrimination becomes more general. At first, a patient with advanced dementia may see a spaniel and say, “That is a dog.” Later, they may just say, “That is an animal”.
What research supports LTM theory?
There’s a lot of research in support of Tulving’s distinctions. Some of this is case studies of amnesia patients like Clive Wearing who have lost episodic memory but still have semantic memory. The deterioration of dementia patients also suggests that episodic and semantic memory are separate because episodic memory is lost first and semantic memory last.
The Classic Cognitive Study by Baddeley (1966b) also supports the existence of semantic memory. Baddeley found that participants struggled with word lists linked by a common theme, which suggests the semantic similarity confused LTM. Unrelated word lists were not confusing. This suggests at least part of LTM works semantically.
The Contemporary Study by Schmolck et al. (2002) also supports the idea of long term memory being located in a specific part of the brain – the temporal cortex.
Tulving carried out a case study of Kent Cochrane (K.C.) who suffered brain damage in a motor accident in 1981. Like Clive Wearing. K.C.’s hippocampus was destroyed in the injury and he lost all episodic memory. However, K.C. could still remember things he had learned in books, like dates or definitions (such as the difference between a stalagmite and a stalactite) - in other words, his semantic memory was still intact. This is evidence for a difference between episodic and semantic memory.
An example of this is the case study of K.F. who suffered brain damage in a motorbike accident. Like Clive Wearing and K.C., K.F. suffered damage to the temporal lobe which made it almost impossible for him to rehearse new memories. However, Shallice & Warrington (1970) report that K.F. could still remember episodes. This is a problem for the multi store model (on which Tulving’s ideas are based) but it does suggest that episodic memory is a special type of LTM.
What are some negatives about the LTM theory?
It seems as if semantic and episodic memory both rely on each other and might not be all that separate. For example, if you learn that you husband or wife is unfaithful (episodic memory) you will probably trust them less (semantic memory) – which suggests that the two are linked.
Damage to the temporal cortex of the brain seems to cause problems with both types of memory, as does dementia. This suggests declarative and non-declarative memory are located in the same place and may turn out to be the same thing working in different ways.
Squire & Zola (1998) put this to the test. They examined children with amnesia (who never got a chance to acquire a semantic store in the first place) and adults with amnesia (who had semantic and episodic memories from before suffering brain damage). The participants’ episodic and semantic memories seem to be equally impaired which supports the idea that the two memory functions are linked or even the same thing.
What about K.C.? Squire & Zola propose that K.C.’s problems were due to damage to his frontal lobe - in other words, not a problem with his memories as such, more a problem with his ability to understand and make sense of his own memories.
This leads ton the final criticism of Tulving’s ideas - that it’s really hard to define episodic and semantic memory in a measurable way. This means that Tulving’s concepts are not operationalisable..
Evaluate Tulving’s theory of LTM. (8)
(see psychology wizard for exemplar essay)
What are schemas?
Bartlett’s main idea is that our memory is grouped into categories called “schemas”. We have schemas for all sorts of thing – for what a “criminal” is like, for what counts as “food” and how to behave at the service counter in a fast food restaurant.
For example, in a Japanese sushi bar you might not know what behaviour is expected of you and it would be hard to make sense of what the other customers were doing and eating.
But if you paid attention, you would figure it out: you would start to develop a new schema.
Sometimes we assimilate new information, changing our schemas to fit what we have learned
Sometimes we accommodate new information, changing our memories to keep our schemas intact and unchanged. Bartlett explains how we do this by levelling and sharpening. Levelling involves removing or downplaying details from the memory and sharpening involves adding or exaggerating details.
Memory makes use of schemas to organise things. When we recall an event, our schemas tell us what is supposed to happen. The schemas might fill in the gaps in our memory (confabulation) and even put pressure on our mind to remember things in a way that fits in with the schema, removing or changing details. For example, you might remember the Japanese diners eating with chopsticks (because that’s part of your schema for Japanese meals) whereas in reality the Japanese use their fingers to eat sushi.
Describe the war of the ghosts story.
Bartlett came up with the idea of “reconstructive memory” during a game of ‘Chinese Whispers’. He developed a study based on this game. Bartlett showed 20 students a Native American ghost story (The War of the Ghosts) which had unusual features. He asked them to read it then recall it on several occasions after a few hours, days, weeks or even years – a technique called serial reproduction (and a Repeated Measures design). Bartlett compared how the recalled versions of the story differed from the original.
Participants shortened the story when they reproduced it, from 330 words to 180 words, with the shortest reproduction happening after the longest gap (two years).Participants also confabulated details, changing unfamiliar parts of the story to familiar ideas in line with their schemas: canoes and paddles became boats and oars, hunting seals became fishing.
Participants rationalised the story, coming up with explanations for baffling parts of the story. For example, in later reproductions, participants missed out the “ghosts” and just described a battle between Native American tribes.
Bartlett didn’t use many experimental controls, asking participants to reproduce the story whenever was convenient. He bumped into one student in the street two years later and asked her to reproduce The War of the Ghosts there and then. The changes in the stories were also down to his own subjective opinion.
What research supports reconstructive memory?
Allport & Postman (1947) showed participants a drawing (below) of an argument on a subway train. They were asked to describe it to another participant through serial reproduction (like Chinese Whispers). The black character was better dressed and more respectable than the white character but, after serial reproduction, white participants tended to reverse their appearances. Some even described the black character as holding a knife.
Elizabeth Loftus revisited Bartlett’s idea of schemas in the 1970s in a series of experiments. Loftus & Palmer (1974) showed students film clips of real car crashes and set them a questionnaire to answer. There was only one critical question which asked about the speed of the cars. Some students read a critical question with an intense verb (“How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?”) but others read a less intense verb like “hit”.
Participants exposed to the “smashed” verb recalled a higher speed (40.8mph on average) than participants exposed to “hit” (34mph).
Loftus & Palmer tested participants again a week later, asking them if there was any broken glass in the film clip. In fact there had been no broken glass. This was falsely recalled by 12% of the Control group (who had never been asked about the speed of the cars) and 14% of the “hit” group; however, 32% of the “smashed” group falsely recalled broken glass.
Loftus concludes that eyewitnesses are unreliable because they are influenced by leading questions. When we reconstruct memories, we change them by incorporating new information we learned after the incident. We also incorporate our schemas (expecting broken glass after a “smash” - this is sharpening the memory). We cannot tell which parts of a memory are original and which parts are later changes and there’s no way of going back to the original.
Apply reconstructive memory to dementia.
Understanding schemas can help with supporting dementia sufferers. When memories are lost, the world becomes a frightening and confusing place. Schemas help us make sense of things if they can be applied. Carers may use familiar music from the past, old activities (gardening, playing games with children) or reminiscing about long ago events to activate schemas that sufferers are comfortable with.
This can be seen in the “dementia village” at Hogeway. Residents choose to live and spend time in areas of the village themed around their schemas – classy and cultural, working class and rustic, urban and busy, quiet and religious. The idea that we should “go along” with dementia sufferers’ schemas is central to Validation Therapy.
What supports reconstructive memory?
The idea of schemas has been supported in a lot of studies since the 1930s. Loftus carried out a range of lab experiments into reconstructive memory, all of which had tight experimental controls, standardised procedures and collected quantitative data, making them quite objective and reliable.
Schemas also explains the puzzling phenomenon of false memories. In 2005, John Charles De Menezes was mistaken for a terrorist and shot by police after the 7/7 London Bombing. Many eyewitnesses saw the shooting but their recollections were widely different and often exaggerated. Their schemas about the appearance and behaviour of terrorists might have sharpened and levelled their memories.
What are some objections to reconstructive memory?
The early study by Bartlett was not at all scientific. Bartlett did not follow standardised procedures, getting his students to reproduce the story as-and-when. He had no scoring system for measuring changes in recall other than counting the number of words. This makes his research conclusions subjective.
Bartlett’s research was particularly unrealistic, getting Cambridge University students to recall Native American ghost stories. This strange task lacks ecological validity - although Bartlett claimed the task had to be strange so as to prompt the participants to level and sharpen the details in their memories.
The Allport & Postman study is widely misreported. You will see many Psychology text books and websites claiming this picture (below) was shown to participants and that white participants wrongly recalled the black man as holding the knife. But this was not in the original study. This seems to be a case of ‘Chinese Whispers’ happening to psychologists!
Evaluate the theory of reconstructive memory. (8)
(see psychology wizard for exemplar essay)
What was the aim of the cognitive classic study? Baddeley (1966b)
To find out if LTM encodes acoustically (based on sound) or semantically (based on meaning). This is done by giving participants word lists that are similar in the way they sound (acoustic) or their meaning (semantic); if the participants struggle to recall the word order, it suggests LTM is confused by the similarity which means that this is how LTM tends to encode.
What was the IV of the cognitive classic study? Baddeley (1966b)
This lab experiment has several IVs. (1) Acoustically similar word list or acoustically dissimilar; (2) semantically similar word list or semantically dissimilar; (3) performance before 15 minutes “forgetting” delay and performance after.
IVs (1) and (2) are tested using Independent Groups design but IV (3) is tested through Repeated Measures.
What was the DV for the cognitive classic study? Baddeley (1966b)
Score on a recall test of 10 words; words must be recalled in the correct order (really, this is a test of remembering the word order, not the words themselves
What sample did Baddeley use in his 1966b study?
Men and women from the Cambridge University subject panel (mostly students); they were volunteers. There were 72 altogether, a mixture of men and women. There were 15-20 in each condition (15 in Acoustically Similar, 16 in Semantically Similar).
What was Baddeley’s procedure for his 1966b?
The participants are split into four groups, according to IV (1) and (2). Each group views a slideshow of a set of 10 words. Each word appears for 3 seconds.
In the Acoustically Similar condition, the participants get a list of words that share a similar sound (man, cab, can, max, etc) but the Control group get words that are all simple one syllable words but they do not sound the same (pit, few, cow, pen, etc).
In the Semantically Similar condition, the words share a similar meaning (great, large, big, huge, etc) but the Control group get words that are unconnected (good, huge, hot, safe, etc).
The participants in all 4 conditions then carry out an “interference test” which involves hearing then writing down 8 numbers three times. Then they recall the words from the slideshow in order.
There are four “trials” and (as you would expect) the participants’ get better each time they do it because the words stay the same. The words themselves are displayed on signs around the room so the participants only have to concentrate on getting the ORDER of the words right, not remembering the words themselves.
After the 4th trial, the participants get a 15 minute break and perform an unrelated interference task. Then they are asked to recall the list again. This fifth and final trial is unexpected. The words themselves are still on display; it is the order of the words the participants have to recall.
What were the results of Baddeley’s 1966b study?
Baddeley was interested to see whether Acoustic or Semantic Similarity made it harder to learn the words. He compared the scores of the participants in the Similar and Control conditions and paid particular attention to whether they recalled as well in the 5th “forgetting” trial or whether there was a drop-off in scores.
Acoustically similar words seem to be confusing at first, but participants soon “catch up” with the Control group and even overtake them, but this isn’t statistically significant. Notice how LTM is not confused by acoustic similarities – scores on the last test are similar to the 4th trial, suggesting no forgetting has taken place.
Semantically similar words do seem to be confusing and the experimental group lags behind the Control group. In fact, the experimental group never catches up with the Control group and performs worse overall than the Acoustically Similar group above. Very little forgetting takes place, but scores are lower.
What were the conclusions of Baddeley’s 1966b study?
Baddeley concludes that LTM encodes semantically, at least primarily. His earlier experiments suggest STM encodes acoustically.
This is why LTM gets confused when it has to retrieve the order words which are semantically similar: it gets distracted by the semantic similarities and muddles them up. It has no problem retrieving acoustically similar words because LTM pays no attention to how the words sound.
The “slow start” in the Acoustically Similar condition would be because the interference task doesn’t block STM 100% - some of the words linger on in the rehearsal loop. This means in most conditions, the participants’ LTM gets a bit of help from STM. But in the Acoustically Similar condition, STM gets confused by the similar sounds the way that LTM gets confused by similar meanings. It can’t be of much help so this group lags behind the Controls until all the words are encoded in LTM, at which point the two groups finally get similar scores.
What was the generalisability of Baddeley’s 1966b study?
Baddeley has a large sample of 72. Any anomalies (people will unusually good or bad memories) will be “averaged out” in a sample this size. This suggests you can generalise from this sample.
However, there were so many conditions in this study that each group only had 15-20 people in it. That’s not a lot. Only 15 people did the Acoustically Similar condition. An anomaly could make a difference to scores with numbers that small.
The sample was made up of British volunteers. It might be that there is something unusual about the memories of British or the memorable qualities of British words. However this is unlikely. LTM works the same for people from all countries, speaking all languages, so this sample is probably representative.
However, a volunteer sample might have more people with parrticularly good memories who enjoy doing memory tests - not representative of people in general.
How reliable was Baddeley’s 1966b study?
This is a great example of a reliable study because it has standardised procedures that you could replicate yourself. You wouldn’t need special equipment and you could use exactly the same words that Baddeley used.
Baddeley improved the reliability of his own study by getting rid of the read-aloud word lists (some participants had hearing difficulties) and replacing them with slides. Everyone saw the same word for the same amount of time (3 seconds).
What was the application of Baddeley’s 1966b study?
The main application of this study has been for other Cognitive Psychologists, who have built on Baddeley’s research and investigated LTM in greater depth. Baddeley’s use of interference tasks to control STM has been particularly influential. Baddeley & Hitch built on this research and developed a brand new memory model – Working Memory.
Another application is for your own revision. If LTM encodes semantically, it makes sense to revise using mind maps that use semantic links. However, reading passages out loud over and over (rote learning) is acoustic coding, but LTM doesn’t seem to work this way, so it won’t be as effective.
What is the validity of Baddeley’s 1966b study?
Baddeley took trouble to improve the internal validity of his experiment. He used controls to do this. Rather than getting participants to recall words, he asked them to recall word order (with the words themselves on display the whole time). This reduced the risk that some words would be hard to recall because they were unfamiliar or others easy to recall because they had associations for the participants.
However, the ecological validity of this study is not good. Recalling lists of words is quite artificial but you sometimes have to do it (a shopping list, for example). Recalling the order of words is completely artificial and doesn’t resemble anything you would use memory to do in the real world.
Baddeley did improve this. For example, he made the 5th “forgetting” trial a surprise that the participants weren’t expecting. This is similar to real life, where you are not usually expecting it when you are asked to recall important information.
What are the ethics of Baddeley’s 1966b study?
There are no significant ethical issues with this study so do not bring up ethics when evaluating it.
Evaluate the classic study from cognitive psychology. (8 marks)
(see psychology wizard for exemplar essay)
What was the aim of Schmolck et al 2002 study?
To find out if Semantic LTM is linked to a particular part of the brain. If so, patients with lesions in that part of the brain should underperform at tests of Semantic LTM. Schmolck focused on damage to the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and the hippocampus and looked in detail at the performance of Patient H.M..
What was the IV of schmolck et al 2002 study?
The extent of brain injury: (1) 3 patients with damage to Hippocampus/MTL only; (2) 3 patients with damage to MTL and the temporal cortex too (the MTL+ group); (3) a Control group with no brain damage.
Since the IV is naturally-varying and the Controls were matched on age and education, this is a natural experiment with matched pairs design.
In addition, Schmolck used different types of cognitive tests on the patients. The type of cognitive test is a repeated measures design because each participant did every test.
Since H.M. also had more widespread brain damage than the other Hippocampus/MTL patients (brought on perhaps by his earlier epilepsy, perhaps by the less accurate brain surgery in the 1950s) he was also considered separately from the others.
What was the DV of Schmolck et al 2002 study?
Scores on 9 separate tests of semantic LTM
What was the sample used in Schmolck et al 2002 study?
6 patients with severe damage to the MTL and 8 Controls with no brain damage. 3 of the patients also had damage to the temporal cortex generally (MTL+).
What was schmolck et al 2002 procedure?
Dr Schmolck created 9 tests for Semantic LTM functions. All were based on a set of 48 drawings, half of animals and half of objects. These pictures were grouped in sixes: 6 land animals, 6 birds, 6 musical instruments, 6 vehicles, etc. Here are some examples:
Similar pictures: the participants are shown 6 pictures sharing a theme and asked to point out the one that the researcher names (this is testing for confusion caused by semantic similarity – similar to the Baddeley study)
Category fluency: the participants were asked to give as many examples as possible from each theme within a minute
Category sorting: the participants were given all 48 pictures and asked to sort them into “living” or “man made”
Definitions: the participants were shown a picture and asked to define it by the theme it fitted into
Dr Schmolck also used additional tests that are used with dementia patients. One of these involved 30 pictures that showed either real objects or non-objects: participants had to say whether the object in the picture was real or not.
The participants were tape recorded and their responses transcribed (typed up). 14 ‘raters’ checked each transcript for reliability and also looked for grammar/syntax errors in the way the participants spoke because problems with language also indicates trouble with semantic memory
What were the results from schmolck et al 2002 study?
Dr Schmolck collected scores for all 9 tests. Here are some examples of her findings:
Similar pictures: the Controls got all the answers right as did those with hippocampus damage only (H.M. score 98% for living creatures and 100% for objects); MTL+ patients performed worse: 85% for living creatures and 90% for objects
MTL+ Group: These patients did significantly worse in all the tests (p<0.005)
Patient H.M.: H.M. did better than the MTL+ patients but slightly worse than the other MTL patients who had damage solely to the hippocampus
Overall: Controls scored 99%, MTL patients (excluding HM) scored 100% and MTL+ patients scored 78%
There was also a positive correlation between the amount of brain damage and the number of mistakes. The MTL+ patients made the most mistakes, followed by HM, then the hippocampus-only patients.
Where the hippocampus-only patients did better than the Controls, Dr Schmolck suggests it is because they were younger (even though Controls were supposed to be matched on this…).
What conclusions were drawn from the schmolck et al 2002 study?
There seems to be a clear link between damage to the temporal cortex generally and the loss of semantic LTM.
Patients with damage specific to the hippocampus suffered loss of episodic memory, but not semantic memory.
This suggests that semantic and episodic LTM are encoded in different parts of the brain, with the hippocampus/MTL dealing with episodic memory and the nearby temporal cortex dealing with semantic memory.
H.M. performed similarly to the Controls but with odd lapses when it came to defining things, where he resembled the MTL+ group more. This suggests H.M. had very specific brain damage that wasn’t quite like the others. However, there are problems with generalising from H.M. because of his unusual background. H.M spent most of his young life with debilitating epilepsy and his entire adult life in hospitals, being studied by psychologists.
What was the generalisability of schmolck et al 2002 contemporary study?
Schmolck et al. used a small sample – only 3 patients (including HM) with MTL/Hippocampus damage and 3 with wider temporal cortex damage. Samples this small are easily distorted by anomalies – and H.M. seems to have been the anomaly here.
However, Dr Schmolck did single H.M. out as an anomaly because of his wider brain damage. The researchers analysed H.M.’s results in more detail.
These brain lesions and memory problems are relatively rare. H.M. suffered from serious epilepsy. The MTL+ patients all suffered from herpes. This might make them unrepresentative of the wider population.
What was the reliability of schmolck et al 2002 contemporary study?
This is a good example of a reliable study because it has standardised procedures that could be replicated by other researchers. MRI scans are becoming common. Dr Schmolck also used 14 raters to check the participants’ scores and their agreement gives this study inter-rater reliability.
Nonetheless, the participants themselves are hard to replicate. HM died in 2005, so no more studies can be carried out on him.
What was the application of schmolck et al 2002 contemporary study?
The main application of this study has been for other Cognitive Psychologists, who have built on Dr Schmolck’s research, and earlier studies involving H.M., to understand the brain’s role in memory. This is leading to the development of neurocognitive psychology – a mixing of the Cognitive and Biological approaches.
The study also helps us understand the risks of brain surgery and the side-effects of brain damage, which would enable doctors and patients to weigh up the risks of surgical procedures (HM might not have agreed to his surgery in 1953 if the consequences had been understood).
In the future, this sort of research may even lead to a cure for patients (like Clive Wearing) with this sort of memory loss if brain lesions can ever be repaired.
Because Dr Schmolck used tests that were originally for dementia patients, this might be useful for your Cognitive Key Question.
What was the validity of schmolck et al 2002 contemporary study?
The use of healthy Controls and the matched pairs design increases the validity of this study. It means we can be reasonably sure that the different scores on the tests were caused by the brain lesions in different parts of the brain, not by age or intelligence. This is backed up by the MRI scans which showed the temporal lobe area activating when patients had to make semantic judgements.
However, the ecological validity of this study is not good. Naming and categorising drawings on cards is more like a game or a puzzle than the sort of memory you need in real life. It is an artificial test. Other studies (eg Teng & Squire, 1999) asked these patients to recall the neighbourhoods they grew up in and found they performed well at that.
What was the ethics of the schmolck et al 2002 contemporary study?
There are usually no significant ethical issues with Cognitive studies into memory. However, this study involved patients who could not give valid consent, because they would not be able to remember having the study explained to them. This means the researchers could only obtain presumptive consent from the patients’ doctors and carers. HM was studied all his adult life and could never consent to any of it, making him a human guinea pig. Increasingly, ethicists regard it as unacceptable to treat the lack of refusal as tacit consent.
However, the benefits to our scientific understanding of brain functioning from studying patients like H.M. have been so enormous, it may outweigh the lack of consent from these few, unusual patients. This would be a case of a cost-benefit calculation, with one principle of ethics (social responsibility for the common good) counting agaist another (failure to respect dignity and autonomy).
Evaluate the contemporary study from cognitive psychology. (8 marks)
(see psychology wizard for exemplar essay)
Candace is listening to the lyrics of her favourite band, Lipstick Lollipop, when her mother asks her to go to the shop to buy milk and eggs. When Candace gets to the shop, she realises she can’t remember what her mother sent her to buy. On the way home, she tries to sing the new Lipstick Lollipop song but she can’t remember the lyrics either!
Using your knowledge of working memory, explain why Candace forgets things. (4 marks)
Working Memory would explain Candace’s forgetfulness. The pop lyrics and her mother’s instructions are both acoustic encoding and are processed by the Phonological Loop or “inner ear”.
The Phonological Loop processes sound but gets overloaded by acoustic information from different sources. Candace’s Phonological Loop can’t cope with both sources at once so information is lost.
Candace doesn’t just lose information from her mother’s instruction, she forgets the lyrics too. Since the Phonological Loop couldn’t do its job, the Central Executive couldn’t send the information to LTM.
The other part of Working Memory is the Visuo Spatial Sketchpad. If Candace’s mum had shown Candace the empty milk bottle and egg box, she would have encoded that visually and remembered it.
Ashleigh and Callum are buying sweets in the corner shop when they see a car drive past and crash into a lamp post. A lot of people run into the street to help. Later on, a journalist asks them to describe the event! To their surprise, they both give very different accounts of what happened.
Using your knowledge of psychology, explain why their memories are different. (4 marks)
MSM would explain Ashleigh and Callum’s different memories because they might have been paying attention to different things. If you don’t pay attention to something, it is forgotten as soon as it leaves the Sensory Memory.
Even if they paid attention to the same thing, they might not both have rehearsed it. If Ashleigh talked about it or thought about it afterwards, she would be more likely to have the memory in LTM.
With so much going on, their STM might have been overloaded. STM has a capacity of up to 9 items so some details may have been missed.
Displacement Theory means Ashleigh and Callum should remember details from the beginning and end of the accident (primacy/recency), but they might forget different details from the middle.