2-Carbohydrates Flashcards
Which and how many are the nutrient classes?
They are six: water,minerals,proteins.carbohydrates,vitamins, FAT
Some functions of nutrients?
- Provide energy sources
- Maintaining a constant internal environment
- Providing structural componenets for growth,development and maintenance
- Reguating metabolic processes
What we call essential and non-essential nutrients
Essential are the nutrients that must be taken by diet because our body cannot synthesize them.
Non-essential are the nutrients that we don’t have to worry about the quantity we eat, because our body produces them
How many nutrients are essential?
Which nutrients provide energy and which not?
Carbohydrates,Fat, Proteins–..provide energy(calories)
Minerals,Water,Vitamins…–do not provide energy(calories)
Does alcohol provide energy?
How can a food type be rated for its quality
Ther rate is based on the amount of essential nutrients in comparison to the amount of calories they provide
Name some carbohydrate functions
- Provide glucose, upon which brain and white, red cells rely as their sole energy source
- Glucose can also be coverted in glycogen in muscle and liver for storage (glycogenesis)
- Provide energy in order to facilitate body temperature and body metabolism
- Work to save up protein. When there is enough fat and carbohydrates, protein is being saved to be used for its primary role which is of tissue synthesis
- Reqired for proper fat metabolism.When there is too little amount of carbohydrates, products of fatty-acids called ‘ketone-bodeis’’ accumulate in the blood and might be harmful
- eeded for structural compoundsin the body such as chondroitin sulffate, for development of cartilage,bone and nervous tissue.
How can carbohydrates be classifies?
Carbohydrates can be classified from simple sugars(monosaccharides, dissacharides) to cmplex polysaccharides (starch, fibre)
Which are the alcohol forms of glucose and fructose respectively?
Sorbiton and mannitol
How many monosaccarides can a sugar, oligosaccharide,polysaccharide be made of
10 and more
Which are the simplest monosaccharides?
glucose, fructose, galactose
Which is the sweetest monosaccharide and where it can be found in?
Fructose and ca be found in honey and many fruits.
What is special for galactose and form where it comes from?
It does not occur alone in nature and can be found iin dairy products and comes form the hydrolysis of lactose.
Which is the energy storage for plants and animals respectively?
starch and glycogen
Which are the major disaccharides and how they are formed?
Lactose maltose, sucrose
glucose+galactose= lactose