2. Animal Experience, Learning, and Development Flashcards
What do ontogeny studies focus on?
The development of a behaviour in an individual over time
- longitudinal: following individuals through their life to look at behaviours during dif phases of development
- cross-sectional: take a lot of individuals at a particular age, then another group of individuals at a dif age
What is an experience?
An experience is a change in the brain that results from the information acquired from outside the brain
- experiences can be brief, while others are very long lasting
- some experiences are a consequence of changes due to hormone levels, or the physical or chemical environment of the brain
- other experiences are the result of sensory input
- input to the brain is usually mediated by some change outside the body however, sometimes its a result from physiological changes that are entirely internal
What is learning?
Learning is a change in the brain, which results in behaviour being modified for longer than a few seconds, as a consequence of information from outside the brain
- when learning occurs, an experience of some kind has led to a CHANGE in behaviour (big difference btw an experience and learning)
Notice that “a few seconds” occurs in the definition of learning. What does this exclude for?
Simple responses, such as reflexes
Brain mechanisms of learning include very complex processes in which there is awareness of what 3 things?
- What is occurring
- What has occurred
- What is likely to occur
Many event in the environment of an animal do not lead to any change in future behaviour as some events are not detected by the animal. Why might these events not reach the decision making centers?
As a consequence of sensory-filtering mechanisms
- Peripheral filtering
- Central filtering
What is habituation?
Habituation is the waning of a response to a repeated stimulus
- habituation is an adaptive process as it saves energy that would be wasted on repeated response to a trivial stimulus
What 4 things does the likelihood of habituation and its rate depend on?
- The nature of the stimulus
- Its rate
- Its regularity
- The state of the animal
*Whether the repetition is very frequent or as infrequent as once a day, habituation can still occur
- Flooding is related to habituation, as the goal is the same (to cease to elicit a startle response from an animal) but the intensity and frequency of the stimulus is amped up to over-stimulate the animal so that it ceases to try to react
- occurs through a process of “learned helplessness”
The increasing of a response to a repeated stimulus
- can be advantageous such as when sensitizing to a stimulus
3 examples of experimental learning in domestic animals
- Classical conditioning
- An animal learns to show an existing response to a new stimulus - Operant conditioning
- The animal learns to perform an “operant” response in order to obtain a reward or avoid an aversive experience - Maze learning
- The animal learns to take a particular path in order to obtain a reward
Operant reinforcement of behaviour
- Positive Reinforcement
- increases the likelihood of a response
- addition of a pleasant stimulus to increase a behaviour - Negative Reinforcement
- also increases the likelihood of a response
- removal of an aversive stimulus to increase a behaviour
Examples of learning in food animals
- navigating their environment
- distinguishing the qualities of a food item
- returning to food sources
- avoiding physical dangers
- minimizing predation risk
- discriminating individual animals
- identifying handlers
What are 2 challenges for a young developing animal?
- How to survive during the first period of life when it’s very vulnerable to predation, physical conditions, and the risk of not obtaining adequate nutrients
- How to change in such a way that it becomes an effective adult
*Very high selection pressure promoting efficient survival mechanisms during this time of development
Precocial vs. Altricial
Animals that are well developed when they are born or when they hatch are precocial, whereas those that are helpless are altricial
- there is a continuum btw the two extremes
- most livestock are precocial
After birth or hatching, the development of sensory systems is affected by what?
- aka additional stimulation that needs to occur in enviro at particular milestones for development
- such developmental changes will affect all aspect of behaviour as will the development of the ability to make certainmovements